A wall of text saying absolutely nothing of value. Are you a politician?
I wish, I'm told there's good money in it...but no, I don't have the stomach for it.
If you're putting it in, be a man and say so, if you don't know yet, admit it.
I don't know.
As of today, everything is possible.
By this I mean that I truly don't know because nothing specific has yet been put on paper in that regard.
Apologies, I should have clarified: I am one of the 2 people involved in making the game, though Zetan has final say on every content and does most of the heavy lifting. I have some influence on the content and do a fair bit of scripting/editing, but not more influence than Zetan is willing to give me.
As for whether a scene might involve something you dislike or not, we are aware of what most of the players want; the possibility offered by multiple choice menus and by having specific scenes and narrations be non essential to the plot, and therefore entirely skippable, makes it so that we can navigate people's likes and dislikes.
A few pages ago, someone was saying they don't like repeat content. We have made repeat content be non essential to the continuation of the game (we don't do grind), so he's entirely free to not revisit those scenes.
No, this was not done to accommodate that person... it just happens that that was always the plan and was, in fact, already how the game was set up.
By the same mechanic, controversial or potentially "disliked" kinks or situations can easily be avoided by dint of multiple choice.
If you've seen the example I made in my post, I posit a problem or situation
a, where there are multiple solutions to it.
Knowing that solution
1 might not be to everybody's liking, we also offer solution
2 and
3, just like in the prologue people were able to choose whether to "abuse" the raider take it easy on her, or ignore her altogether, according to their liking.
The example I wrote is really random, written on the spur of the moment.. when it comes to it, we will make such a situation evident and communicate clearly in the multiple choice menu what can be expected.
As long as we make it as easily identifiable as possible, I don't think we're deceiving anyone, especially when picking one path over the other does not in fact alter the plot of the game in any way. If once we've done that people still click on the option that most likely is going to lead to things they dislike, I feel like I don't really owe them any further explanation or excuse.
Say you dislike anal sex and the scene in the game you're playing offers a multiple choice
1) oral
2) cuddling
3) vaginal
4) anal
and the mechanics of the game are such that you don't have to go through all 4 of them to keep the game going...
Do you toss the entire game because 1 of the options is one you dislike and its mere existence offends you?
If your answer is yes.. then I don't know what to tell you... there's a non 0 chance that a year from now, maybe 2, we might include a kink that just happens not to be to your taste. it is also very likely that that kink will be entirely avoidable, if and when it appears.
If that remote possibility means you want to toss the game today.. I guess.. go ahead?
we can't tell you today if this will be the case because we simply don't know yet.
I CAN tell you for instance that it's very unlikely you'll ever see scat or yaoi, or the main character be submissive during sex, because it so happens that we've had this conversation and neither of us want those elements in the game. As for pretty much most other things, we don't know yet... one year from now we might decide to throw in something that today we haven't even thought of at all.
That said, On the whole, Zetan is fairly set on sticking to the tags that the game has in this thread.. and again, my previous post was mostly a personal rant