What are the specifics of your requirement? Because there is already a pregger priestess in the market area and a dialogue option to claim the child as your own. That may open up sex scene with her later. Also pregnancy is referenced numerous times with your villa harem. I assume some of them will be pregnant before long if you have been nutting inside. So whether you are looking for a currently or soon-to-be pregger, this game has you covered.
My bare minimum would be an epilogue scene (i.e. multiple renders) for each of the pregnant characters at the end. It wouldn't completely sate me, but there are an innumerable amount of other games—even ones that play up the whole impregnation and pregnancy kinks up pretty hard—which don't even deliver this much.
At the very least I would like to see some sexual content with women in an advanced stage of pregnancy. This is what I expect out of a proper “pregnancy” tag, and why it really pains me that F95 does not distinguish between pregnancy and impregnation.
ideal scenario would involve the whole shebang. Impregnation talk during foreplay and sex. “Worship” scene when the pregnancy is revealed (depending on the character). Then, gradual pregnancy going through each stage as the story progresses, with the full suite of body changes: breasts get fuller, hips get wider, etc. Sexual content throughout the game that emphasizes said body parts: tit-job or cowgirl for breasts, doggy or reverse cowgirl for hips/ass, etc. Some non-sexual interactions that also emphasize these body parts: e.g. caressing stomach or fondling breasts during regular talk scenes (shouldn't be too hard since Zaton already has his hands all over the girls in those scenes LOL). Then, the queen of all harem+pregnancy scenes: the
botezuri, or double pregnant belly–job. Finally, an epilogue of some sort. In this case I'd be much more open to a variety of epilogues if the game had consistently delivered a whole bunch of pregnancy content, but to give one example, you could see all the girls with their children (age doesn't really matter to me, they could be babies or older children—in the latter case, the more cute girls the better!), with new ones on the way.
Now, I doubt I'll see all of this, and I especially doubt I'll see all of it with every girl I'd wish to—that's fine, this game isn't being made
for me—, but I am hoping we'll get to see
some of it.
My only hope is that we can wait to impregnate Shani until late game. I didn't go through all of the trouble to train her up as a Desert Stalker, just to see her barefoot and pregnant at home for 9 months. I need her fighting fit to go out on missions with me. Ocean boy James Cameron can fuck right off because I don't want to see a pregnant fighter. That is just stupid. And the visual is ridiculous.
Well even if she were knocked up, it might take about a month for her to realize it during which she'd still be adventuring, and then she'd have another one or two months where she still isn't showing yet and
could be adventuring, albeit with higher risk. She wouldn't be incapacitated for a whole nine months.