I went back and found your original question. I'm thinking people really couldn't fully understand what you were asking, then you made your random post.
Not every quest updates, or allows you to pursue, with every release. If something is greyed out, there is no advancement in the current release. As for the raider camp, not sure where you are or where you've played to, but I recall getting to a screen where you needed to hit a yellowish triangle (I thought it was a tarp on a roof or something like that) in the middle of a screen, and you had to tap on it to advance.
If you're able to travel to a spot, but nothing is immediately happening, look for something like that.
this game nice problem is like most other we loved at past super slow unneery branches later on cose game had so many division result lose focus
this game unique becouse of some distopion and volonca involve and grapic and modeling diffrent ofc lot of them arent prffect but still good
at least this dvoloper not airhead and and avoid real work.do you remeber ncc how he lied people like 2 year blame pandemy then not once twice rerendering game try reboot result he kill himself indtead of contiue
so when u bashing devoloper be sure they deserve it.if if u unfairly harsh comment then can be broken spişrit result wont be better jobs
if u llike them support them when u had enoufg pateon say something they more listen so if u unhapy on some aspect can be infulucng hem
Yeah, yeah.
And then we see Chapter 1 Bugfix 8, Episode 2 Fix from 24.01...
And what to do if the dev somehow reworked the "chapter"?
Release Episode 1 Enhanced, so people will know it is different? And will ask "Guys, I'm confused, I got Episode 1 Fixed 6, is Episode 1 Enhanced Fix 2 newer?"...
Anyway, such versioning makes sense only when a game divided to different downloadable chapters with save transfer.
DS is not such a game, it downloaded in a single chunk, so "software versioning" suits it just fine. It is easy to figure out what the 0.15b download is newer than 0.12d.
I'm probably just an old fart out of the know of today's preferred nomenclature/enumuration, but why don't more games just ditch the whole "V 0.0015" nonsense and stick to integers?
I'm probably just an old fart out of the know of today's preferred nomenclature/enumuration, but why don't more games just ditch the whole "V 0.0015" nonsense and stick to integers? I mean let's be honest, the majority of games never make it past their infancy, so it's not like they're at risk of having to write "version 56" years down the road.
WIth my own game I've every intention of releasing a "Ch1" or "Update 1", followed by...wait for it..... "Ch2" or "Update 2".
And when you release Ch1, and the players found a game breaking bug, so you release the Ch2 with bugfix and no new content and all the forum blows up, because "lying dev milking", then you realize why is there an another versioning system
Seriously, just use semantic versioning. It works, it's widely accepted, and even if and end user don't know all the details they can still get a general impression of how big a change is.
Each version consists of three numbers: X.Y.Z. The first number is major or backwards compatibility breaking changes, so if you add a new system that prevents saves from working, you'd increment that number. The second number is minor changes, or things that won't break compatibility. The third number is bugfixes that do not add features.
Major version zero is for development before all features are included.
And when you release Ch1, and the players found a game breaking bug, so you release the Ch2 with bugfix and no new content and all the forum blows up, because "lying dev milking", then you realize why is there an another versioning system
Oh I've no doubt a large part of the versioning system is marketing.... though let's be real.... those loud voices complaining about such minutae a) would likely be complaining anyway b) probably aren't funding you.
I'll find out when I release, but I'm optimistic that quality of gameplay can trump nitpicks, whereas the opposite invites them.
Enough off topic from me, let's go back to talking about how this DS update is totally groundbreaking and not at all rehashing boring house-harem tales!
I have changed my daughters status to slave, now I can do what I want without losing the wife and my inhibitions about incest are gone, just saying this to help those who think incest is not for them. You could of course go for the stepdaughter variant, is hotter I suppose! I also can't get some of my earlier saves to work, but that is no problem, gives you the chance to change some choices.
I'm probably just an old fart out of the know of today's preferred nomenclature/enumuration, but why don't more games just ditch the whole "V 0.0015" nonsense and stick to integers? I mean let's be honest, the majority of games never make it past their infancy, so it's not like they're at risk of having to write "version 56" years down the road.
WIth my own game I've every intention of releasing a "Ch1" or "Update 1", followed by...wait for it..... "Ch2" or "Update 2".
Hey guys, need some help, would appreciate any input.
Ive been playing version 0.14 on my phone(android).
0.15 is out, but not yet for android apparently.
I really want to play, but cant find my saves on android.
Could someone help me locate them, orpoint me to 0.15 android version if its out.
I feel you. I with the game was made quicker as well. However I develop software for a living and... it's as slow and painful as it gets. Yesterday I spent 8 hours to add a BUTTON! The async script just did not want to trigger. Worse, the button kept only appearing as outtline and unresponsive.
Had to debug it for hours and hours. For 1 damn button.
Imagine having to create thousands of renders, the script and so on. It's a thankless job and I hope the guy is paid as good as I am to endure that.
For all games. Donwload Renpy for Mac. Then copy the Windows game into the Renpy folder and launch.
You play ANY windows Renpy game on your mac ;-)
If it doesn't work, just update Renpy for Mac and Tadaaam!
I'm okay if it never ends. I've already gotten more enjoyment out of it than I would normally expect from a VN. Most (not all) VNs with quick updates suffer from lower quality as a result.
I would love this game to be a very long run, but with more content density! Maybe in form of Seasons.
I'm really into the family in law arc, for exemple, so can't wait to have a full implementation (replayable trips in the city).
But in order to be a structured progression of the game dev, maybe make Seasons with narrative objectives of content creation.