How to put this criticism so that it's productive? From the last few updates, I can definitly see a problem emerge, that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many characters that need development and the existing ones getting sidetracked. I don't think the team did this on purpuse, but maybe tone down on the side characters and develop the "main" existing ones more. It's great that you want to put diversity in, but at the same time, the story feels like it's not really moving into any direction currently. Scene rework, ok, I guess you want to keep the early work up to date, but honestly, some are completely unneeded and most wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the first place. For me, the last really good update was the shani's conclusion of you know what and that was very well done, plus it concludes a thread (big win there). Ivy's was ok, it develps the character, plants an interesting seed, but it's not really rewarding if you want to see progression of the story in a slightly faster pace, as maybe the continuation will happen in a year, IRL time.
Focus on less characters, progress the story, too many threads are being worked at once, none really feel satisfying = no bueno.