i got her and I'm clicking different text auction to see if it will in lock the last seen but i haven't unlock it so I was wondering if you can give we the steps to unlock.and i try 7 time to unlock it but it is still lock
The first playthrough I did I went the love route with her, the the other I did the submissive with her, where you have the choice to fist her or fuck her. I did both, went one way then backed up and did the other and your wife will help you. If you do both routes you will unlock it because I have it unlocked.
I have three playthroughs going atm, one where I'm dominate towards the queen and she obeys me and during the pt I didn't let Shani kiss her. The second one I did the submissive to the queen because Zetan gave me a tip about the cool scene after the arena, and this one I did have Shani kiss her. The last one I did the dominate towards the queen and had Shani kiss her but during the hive quest I left the girl behind, the other two I took her with me.
I hope this helps.