There are more likes then dislikes. Who’s gonna contact him on discord about this great idea!?
There could be, especially if some want to vote with multiple user ID's.
That vote means very little though.
It would be like taking a poll on SS and giving everyone from the free tier to the top tier equal say.
As of today, on SS:
Paying supporters = 230
Free tier supporters = 1394
No dev is going to give equal say to that free tier.
As a $ supporter, I can tell you there is no hue and cry for Shani or any of Zaton's women to be raped.
Rape is much different than choosing to share Ain with Igor.
The choice is key otherwise it goes from sharing to NTR - not a part of this AVN.
Zaton and his relationship with his women and the Queen is a major focus of this story.
As for sharing... Zaton already ensures that he gets to share other men's women - so there is Plenty of sharing, as it should be for an Alpha Desert Stalker!
I'm looking forward to more of the story, more of Zaton sharing other men's women, and seeing DS with all the rework completed.