How you pass the trap escape mini game?
Okay, first keys
Second the bottle
Third the papers/clothes (idk what is that blue thing)
An then?
After the bottle and cloth you you heal the scratch in the leg... Then you have to pick up the screwdriver in the wall.
I had to look at the renpy script, unlike the other objects on screen, it doesn't glow if you move the cursor too fast over it, since the area is too small for the game to register the cursor hovered over it even for a bit.
That said, the only reward is a femboy scene which I wasn't interested in, so maybe it would be good if the trigger for no femboys skipped the entire thing instead of just hiding the art while still having the event play out. This seems to be the case for all femboys scenes. They are there, they take place and are described in detail, only the artwork is not seen
Edit: Okay, I'll be honest, it's not that I don't understand that there's a public for femboy stuff, I get it. I just think having three femboy scenes in the span of a single school day is overdoing it when you have 3 female characters and one femboy. You'd normally think the female characters would have more frequent content simply because of the math