And tehn a guy called Domiek offers to teach me how to use Octane in between our work load...
What a trooper...
What a trooper...
Thanks for the kind words Ryan. I agree with most of what you say but do want to address a misconception regarding schedules. Release schedule has zero bearing on work ethic.
I've been releasing monthly since July and I know for a fact that I don't have a better work ethic than Hopes for example, who takes more than two months an update. One really needs to take into consideration the length and scope of work for the alloted development time. A game like Deluca or City of Broken Dreamers would be far less satisfying if the devs didnt have longer development cycles to ensure each chapter is fully realized.
Then you have monthly devs like me who fall into the same trap. Deadlines are so tight that I start to stagnate in my growth as a dev because rather than using some precious development time to learn new skills, I end up settling for "eh thats good enough" in order to push content. This is not a healthy habit.
Unfortunately, of course there are devs with poor work ethic, I just want to stress that release schedule is a poor indicator of this. Sorry for derailing the OP a bit.