The translation is okay. You'll understand the intent of every statement, it looks like english and reads like english, but it's not particularly well written english, with some bad grammer or odd words consistantly. It's not arcane robot poetry, but janky "maybe the translator isn't good at one of the two languages at play and is guessing, and is also a poor writer".I've seen all sorts of comments so far... but I haven't seen the most important comment yet.
How is the translation, exactly? Good? Ok? Terrible?
I'd like to know if I should put this higher or lower on my list, so to speak.
As noted, the story is VERY light, it's basically three dungeons in a treach coat with a purely liner 'story' of kill the bad guy with the only narrative being functional to push the player forward, and explain its simple, but non-standard combat (focused on flow, rather than attack spam, it's got -some- gameplay, which is more than H-JRPGs can typically claim). If bodysuit and groping are your thing, I'd put it higher, if you're more narrative or slow burn corruption, it can go lower or take a pass entirely. I'd call it a solid C, some gameplay held together by generally good art that's well developed (moment to moment varents for expressions, sticks to its core kinks, knows who the game is for, etc).