As I'm getting closer to finishing Chapter 2, I want to share my plan for Chapter 3. It's going to be quite different from Ch1 and Ch2 (but don't worry, Ch4 will be more like Ch2 again). It will take place entirely inside Alexia's Temple, and be a kind of dungeon crawl. Tara will move from room to room, and encouter enemies, neutral creatures and temple guardians. Enemies she has to fight (and will retreat if beaten, definitely no rape-on-loss here). Temple Guardians will only let her pass after she has successfully fucked them (not sure yet whether there will be a mechanic for it, or whether every fuck will be successful). Neutral creatures she can ignore, or seduce to get them to help her fight the enemies.
Since Tara will have to fight enemies, I'll need a fight system. Here is my current idea for that: Each day inside the Temple, Tara starts with cards valued 1,2,...,10 randomly shuffled. She has an iniative value and an endurance value. Each fight starts with Tara and the enemy rolling initiave. The loser goes first. Tara picks one of the first three cards she still has left, the enemy creates a random number according to some distribution. Whoever has the higher value wins. The loser's endurance is reduced by 1. If the enemies endurance goes to 0, he's defeated. If Tara runs out of cards or endurance points, she returns to the start and rests for the night.
Seduced neutral creatures either add their own cards to the available choices, or can be added on top of what Tara has available. I tend to the latter right now, but might change my mind there.
To clear the temple in as few days as possible, the player will want to basically throw away their lowest cards in situations where they can't win the round anyway, use the mid-level cards to beat weak opponents, and use the big guns where they are needed. I'll see how well this works once I've coded the basic mechanics.
Lewdscene-wise, this gives me an opportunity to make use of a broad variety of Skyrim creatures that would otherwise be hard to justify.