So I decided to browse f95zone to get ready to post my new game "Dexter's momatory" in a few days only to find out someone already leaked an early access version that wasn't meant for public ( main reason is because it is buggy and glitchy af and only meant for those who wanted to see the new cool stuff I was able to implement in my new game ) so it came as quite a surprise to see some negative comments about how buggy it is and stupid the game is on a release that wasn't supposed to be made public to begin with ( but then again those same guys must be super smart to think a beta game isn't supposed to be buggy...) I hope you guys will try the proper beta / full release that is meant to be public without any bugs and glitches. I'm happy to answer any questions now that I have acquired ownership of the thread thanks to the OP and the helpful admins.
Now to answer some of the questions and comment :
The art style used in the game is my own. The one used for my first game Raven go since a lot of people liked that art style and requested it. Dexter's mother has gloves in all of the scenes and pics of her in the game. You're judging from an early release demo that wasn't really meant for public release but oh well...If the art turned you off I unfortunately can't help hehe

Yes the game is buggy. Again. If you read above you know why and why you shouldn't judge the game by the release that was leaked and call it trash and so on like some others did.
The game is supposed to be a mini VN ? Something very short. It will take about 5-10 minutes max to finish the game. You will have to replay to discover the different endings. A save and load system is included in the final game.
I plan to release different games every 3 - 4 months. After this one I plan to work on a Orc Slave game that will probably take 2 - 3 months to complete. And after that I hope to do a sequel to Raven go with the same gameplay as Dexter's Momatory. We'll see how well this one does first

I honestly want to thank all the people who said it had potential and liked the crappy leaked early release.
It means so much to see nice comments and supportive comments. It cheers me up and pushes me to continue making games! So a big thank you to all those with kind comments and useful criticism.
I will be updating the thread soon with the full release once all the bugs and glitches are fixed. It should take another 3-4 days. I've redone the game from scratch and redone a lot of the art just to make sure it looked good. So I hope all that hard work won't be in vain. So be patient and see you guys soon
Have a great day guys !