Lmao why does AI have such a fetish for hands/fingersYou know if you're gonna use AI art you could at least grab one artist to do some touch ups, or maybe learn some basic editing. Like this took me like 10-15 minutes to edit the hand on this one, and yeah it's not great but at least it's the right number of fingers.
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VNDB: "1. The protagonist's significant other, a very close friend, or in some cases, a close relative is stolen from him by someone seducing, coercing, blackmailing, outright raping them, or by using other techniques. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are literally stolen, but the negative feelings experienced by their significant other might make it seem so."No that's not how it works, ntr is infidelity and for infidelity you need to be in a relationship. Stop trying to widen the term as much as these girls vaginas.
This is not the first, there have been nearly hundreds already. Also, the first AI art game I played from DLSite was actually pretty good, seems the AI art games are mostly developed by programmers with no art skills, so they end up being proper games with good gameplay. Although since they dont bother hiring an artist, the Hentai part of it ends up being mediocre.We have a first, official DlSite game made by the Japanese in RPGM engine with AI ART and instead of reviewing the game you're arguing about the definition of ntr... Sheesh
These AI devs are maximizing profits by churning out half assed AI art games at breakneck speeds.You know if you're gonna use AI art you could at least grab one artist to do some touch ups, or maybe learn some basic editing. Like this took me like 10-15 minutes to edit the hand on this one, and yeah it's not great but at least it's the right number of fingers.
I know this is old but in that case then doesn't that mean everyone in the world who's found someone attactive has been Ntr'd when they've found a boyfriend/partner as an example maybe the girl you worked with and thought was pretty got a boyfriend/partner would that class as Ntr? kinda ridiculous i was alway under the impression that the person in question had to be in a physical relationship for it to be classified as such it feels like the scope was intentionally widend just so people could call pretty much anything Ntr since your description is way to broad..thats how ntr works, if the protagonist have feelings(even only attachment) for the girls and they are "stolen" it's ntr
NTR describe more of a feeling of the protagonist of losing someone rather than the action in itself, so it's broad, in your example of the coworker it's not NTR if the only feeling you have for her is that she is hot but nothing more, but if you are thinking of asking her out is NTR if she get in a relationship, there are variables, like the age of the protagonist, who is the one that "stole" her is very important in NTR stories, if it's a "good" guy or a "bad" guy that change her personality and make her a slut for example.I know this is old but in that case then doesn't that mean everyone in the world who's found someone attactive has been Ntr'd when they've found a boyfriend/partner as an example maybe the girl you worked with and thought was pretty got a boyfriend/partner would that class as Ntr? kinda ridiculous i was alway under the impression that the person in question had to be in a physical relationship for it to be classified as such it feels like the scope was intentionally widend just so people could call pretty much anything Ntr since your description is way to broad..
A little surprised to get a genuine informative comment back on something like this lol Thanks. So it's all more about who's doing the stealing and the and what the Mc feels about it then? that makes sense to a certain degree it's just i've played games where for example the mom of the Mc finds a partner now the Mc has shown no indication of feelings beyond familial affection but it was still considered Ntr to me that just a normal thing that happens in people's everyday life i think my problem stems more from people labeling every game where a woman who sleeps with a man not the Mc is therefore catorgarized as NtrNTR describe more of a feeling of the protagonist of losing someone rather than the action in itself, so it's broad, in your example of the coworker it's not NTR if the only feeling you have for her is that she is hot but nothing more, but if you are thinking of asking her out is NTR if she get in a relationship, there are variables, like the age of the protagonist, who is the one that "stole" her is very important in NTR stories, if it's a "good" guy or a "bad" guy that change her personality and make her a slut for example.
yes but it's just my opinion it's not like lawA little surprised to get a genuine informative comment back on something like this lol Thanks. So it's all more about who's doing the stealing and the and what the Mc feels about it then? that makes sense to a certain degree it's just i've played games where for example the mom of the Mc finds a partner now the Mc has shown no indication of feelings beyond familial affection but it was still considered Ntr to me that just a normal thing that happens in people's everyday life i think my problem stems more from people labeling every game where a woman who sleeps with a man not the Mc is therefore catorgarized as Ntr