I just started this last night and can tell it aint for me. I love the art, but good lord why would the devs think this kind of "gameplay" was anything remotely fun? Is the point to actually be frustrating?
At first I was playing without a guide (because a guide should be there as a last resort, which ofc, I HAD to use), completing the tasks as stated in the questlog or whatever. Then I got a GAME OVER while programming the TV for no reason?? Apparently I hadn't studied enough math, history, and whatever else I needed to program a TV? Maybe it was because I didn't make the sandwich right? I guess I should've expected it, the other milftoon game was just as frustrating.
I know I'm malding here, but ffs you're making GAMES! Challenging is one thing, but having to follow a precise roadmap of absolutely monotonous, mundaine actions just to get a hint of tit or something is boring and annoying. Go play a sanbox game or another point-and-click, they don't have to be utter drudgery. Also, I realize the english must be google translation or something because it his horrendous, human beings dont talk like that.