Disturbed by lolicon and bestiality.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Thousands of posts here seem to indicate that some players have become very SENSITIZED
Properly tagging the games might provide them some relief.
Many post asking "is this another one of those games like...." due to the trauma they recently suffered.

As muttdoggy pointed out in his previous post, the extreme fetishes are a small minority, but being that these are all ADULT games it's kinda hard to separate the adult section from the adult section. This makes tags more critical, and users should read the tags, and descriptions.

If the game thread is properly tagged, and someone posts in that thread saying I hate what this game is about. That is a call for social justice.
If the thread is not properly tagged, their complaint is justified, and the problem should be remedied.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
If the thread is not properly tagged, their complaint is justified, and the problem should be remedied.
I will agree here, threads do need to be properly tagged.

But even in the cases they are tagged you get people complaining. The Hunter is a pretty sick game all said but I enjoy parts of it, it's disgusted some people and that's fine but it's when it boils down to insulting people for something they enjoy I get annoyed.

Reminder... OP is asking for your honest take on the exposure to lolicon, bestiality, and other fetishes. His post is practically his last two sentences...
When someone says the following....

Whilst I'm not the best person to judge, I believe that any form of sex has to be between two (or more) consenting adults (human or alien...:))) even in games as posted on F95zone. Abusing defenceless or voiceless beings in my books is just not on, quite repulsive actually.
You may be able to focus on the last 2 parts but when someone is trying to decide for everyone what they can and can't enjoy that riles me up.

People come here for something they enjoy that they can't get in the real world and they aren't hurting anyone. When they get told they are repulsive and should only like vanilla content how do you expect people to react?
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
You may be able to focus on the last 2 parts but when someone is trying to decide for everyone what they can and can't enjoy that riles me up.

People come here for something they enjoy that they can't get in the real world and they aren't hurting anyone. When they get told they are repulsive and should only like vanilla content how do you expect people to react?
Not trying to decide for everyone but giving my personal opinion. Doesn't mean I want to impose on anyone. What one does for enjoyment within one's own environment alone or with another's consent is one's own business. I find the 'act' repulsive, not talking about the player. The question as muttdoggy rightly pointed out is desensitisation.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
As far as rape in movies, tv and games go, yeah we're desensitised due to it being fiction.

If a real person is raped we act differently because that's not pixels.

What happens to pixels is meaningless. Even if those pixels are in the shape of a character you like and have an emotional investment in, if that character is raped it means nothing because it's still pixels. She/he/it didn't feel a thing and it won't cause them any emotional or physical harm.

A picture is just a picture. Nobody is hurt and nobody is traumatised.

It's just pixels and pixels, no matter how you view it, don't have feelings.


May 14, 2017
In the USA (and possibly other countries as well. Im not sure) but if im not mistaken Loli specifically means underage girl in Japan. But the age of consent in japan is 13 so .-.
Well, that's true about the age of consent, and it varies around the world. I find it interesting how you can be just another teenage couple in one state but if you move to a different state one of you ends up as a statutory rapist. The U.S. legal system is interesting that way, but I'm getting sidetracked.

There's gothic lolita fashion in Japan, and it's primarily engaged in by petite women and Japanese girls tend to be pretty thin to start with. Of course, in the U.S. we have fails, not body shaming the girls or saying they shouldn't enjoy themselves... but I think the lolita aesthetic is completely ruined if you're overweight. *shrug* Well, that's how I see it but that's just my opinion. I don't think there's actually any hard standard for it. I just go by the typical depiction of lolita characters.

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Active Member
Jul 12, 2017
its a porn game, let people jerk of to what they want.
if you were to remove every game that was considered to degenerate to someone you would end up with nothing.
its not hurting anyone and its not affecting anyone. i find people who are into vore and gore fucking weird and degenerate but i don't stop them from jerking it to them, i just make fun of them.
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silver surfer
May 30, 2017
it is like in movies: no animals were harmed during the filming of this movie,
and version for this situation (discussion): no real persons were harmed during the game
anyway, this can be endless discussion, or not


Jun 4, 2017
Sensitivity is a matter of degrees that is born from experience. It's the old adage that the veteran has seen some real shit...

So is society getting used to seeing this weird stuff? Yes. Because there is more of it out there.


silver surfer
May 30, 2017
ps: When you are killing people, animals, monsters in games like Borderlands or Max Payne, have you bad feelings?
Nop you give a sh... you only enjoy like they nice explodes, or similar.
Are you psychopat now?
The point is knowing difference, thats all.
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Apr 11, 2017
Can't say much about **- not my thing and I'll leave it as that. As for people asking for bestiality on Patreon, I think they might have had enough of 50 shades of ork offered in the mainstream cgi fronts, so when the opportunity was in sight they just jumped at it. I would be less inclined to consider it in desensitization categories.

Slightly off-topic, but since it's mentioned: I've always found it weird that so many people are into anthro/furries (which is quasi-bestiality in my books) but are really appalled by bestiality. What gives?
I see absolutely nothing interesting in furry fetish so i might not be objective on this one. In my opinion there might be quite some reasons: from being "in the closet", society pressure, through classic Freudian rejection to, whatever explanation makes them feel they are not into creature/monster/beast content.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Violence in movies is cartoonish compared to the real thing. We are not really desensitized at all. When the real thing happens people still freak out. I don't know how to describe it, but there is something surreal and unsettling when seeing someone die to a gunshot wound IRL.

Lolicon I see is the same way, its done in a way that does not represent the actual abuse that takes place IRL or in the ********** industry. Many cases of lolicon in media involve the girl being the consentor or even initiator of the sexual acts. While we can argue legal capacity to consent till the cows come home, this is definately much different that the stories we hear about child abuse and molestation.

As a general rule on porn forums or chans, one is not supposed to judge others for their fetishes (though it always happens) and I like to adhere to that. Personally I like lolicon in some cases, but I cannot stand for things like grooming scenes or when it actually looks like we are going to molest the girl. It's unsettling. I'm not a fan of nonconsent. (big reason why I could never be an abuser, I can't do anything against a persons will, even in a video game.)


May 21, 2017
Lolicon I see is the same way, its done in a way that does not represent the actual abuse that takes place IRL or in the ********** industry. Many cases of lolicon in media involve the girl being the consentor or even initiator of the sexual acts.
That's exactly it. I feel as though a lot of people do not even think about what the "age of consent" actually means, or why it changes depending on where you're located. Thing is our society values consent aboves all things, and if every person involved consents, there's no problem. The problem with a child is that they don't even understand the concept of sexuality, so they automatically cannot consent.
But it seems that so many people think the bad thing about it is fantasizing about the not-yet sexualized body. It is weird for sure (pretty sure even the people into lolis would admit it), but that's not exactly the problem, otherwise a lot more things would also be illegal/unethical/you name it.

My experience with gaming is that a lof of these "rape scenarios" is that they rarely are rape scenarios, the most common with being the girl suddenly enjoying getting raped a lot halfway through it. Hardly a realistic outcome. Same goes for lolis, they are usually sluttier than the PC, which is saying something.
So yeah, about the whole desensitization thingy, I hardly think it is possible since what we see in games has nothing to do with our world. As if someone would suddenly believe children are craving sex after playing some loli-focused hentai game... I don't see it happening, atleast to a normal individual.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
So yeah, about the whole desensitization thingy, I hardly think it is possible since what we see in games has nothing to do with our world. As if someone would suddenly believe children are craving sex after playing some loli-focused hentai game... I don't see it happening, atleast to a normal individual.
And I agree. the whole "she was askin for it" argument is usually by someone who is already so far gone to begin with. blaming anything else but the person for their violent or abusive behavior to me is simply absurd. Blaming a medium for the actions of a person is hardly different than blaming them on the victim itself. In the end personal accountability and responsibility should always rest on the one who chose to act.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
the girl suddenly enjoying getting raped a lot halfway through it.
Humans are a strange species. The simplest way to say it is you are made up of two things. You, and your body.
Your body's likes and wants might be very different from your own sometimes. It's a symbiotic relationship, don't for one minute think you are master, and your body is slave, it's a lot stronger than you. You have dominion over the animal, but it can rebel. Life is a lot easier if you get to know one another, and cooperate.

As this relates to fetishes, some are bodily fetishes, and some are mental. Sometimes this is referred to as thinking with your little head. Optimally the two of you need to come to some agreement. When you body says "I want one of those now" like a kid in a candy store, you have to be the adult. It doesn't really need one of those, it will accept a substitute. Sometimes you and your body might agree on fetishes, and other times you might be using it as a way to punish one or the other.

Some signals are easily distinguished. Like when YOU are hungry, you trick your body into tasting food, and it's mouth starts watering. When your body is hungry, it's stomach growls, and it acts sluggish. Other signals can be harder to tell without instruments, who's leading who, but you can figure it all out if you want to. Lots of chemicals, neurotransmitters, endorphins, wiring, patches, plug-ins, and updates... give the dev some credit, life is an amazing game. There are instructions, there are rules, there are cheats, and help, but there is no walkthrough.
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Jun 23, 2017
See I don't believe we are becoming desensitized to anything, rather more we are reverting to a more open state, after all people sometimes forget to ask why do they feel this is wrong, or those that do (in the case of Zoophilia) insist that doing sexual stuff is wrong, but believe that putting a animal under a invasive, health compromising surgery that removes sexual organs is perfectly fine somehow, seriously look up the cons of neutering, it's not logical.

As for rape it's a kink that could be safely and rightly carried out if it was seen as a kink rather than a horrible thing, and no I don't mean open season I mean people who are into it for both sides of it being able to carry it out without fear of condemnation for doing so.

Lolicon (I'm a bi girl so shota too) is actually more natural than most people like to admit, human lives haven't always been as long as they are today, life was short and fast, as such we are encouraged evolutionarily to 'breed' at a young age by today's standards, but weren't always so.

As far as violence goes, look at history, there's bloodshed and death that just don't disappear because of advancing civilization, some would argue they just got reserved for another part of the population, I'll avoid getting into that though, as the current status of the USA could get political, and I'd rather not bring that here.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
See I don't believe we are becoming desensitized to anything, rather more we are reverting to a more open state, after all people sometimes forget to ask why do they feel this is wrong, or those that do (in the case of Zoophilia) insist that doing sexual stuff is wrong, but believe that putting a animal under a invasive, health compromising surgery that removes sexual organs is perfectly fine somehow, seriously look up the cons of neutering, it's not logical.

As for rape it's a kink that could be safely and rightly carried out if it was seen as a kink rather than a horrible thing, and no I don't mean open season I mean people who are into it for both sides of it being able to carry it out without fear of condemnation for doing so.

Lolicon (I'm a bi girl so shota too) is actually more natural than most people like to admit, human lives haven't always been as long as they are today, life was short and fast, as such we are encouraged evolutionarily to 'breed' at a young age by today's standards, but weren't always so.

As far as violence goes, look at history, there's bloodshed and death that just don't disappear because of advancing civilization, some would argue they just got reserved for another part of the population, I'll avoid getting into that though, as the current status of the USA could get political, and I'd rather not bring that here.

That's an interesting POV. I'll try to explain my reasoning but English is not my first language so some things might be understood in a manner I have not intended. Be aware that I AM NOT JUDGEMENTAL, just indulging in a discussion on a subject that I find intriguing.
First of all, on F95 we are talking virtual acts. So let me talk about IRL beforehand.Totally agree that neutering and all sorts of cosmetic surgery done on pets is way out of line. But AFAIK there is no free consent from the animals to be used sexually or they are trained to behave in a certain manner that they believe their humans are going to be happier with them or they are rewarded for performing certain acts. The question is would an animal in heat prefer to fuck its own kind or another species? I don't have the definitive answer to that question, as much as I searched the net.
Rape as a kink between consenting adults I do not see a problem with.
We have to live by the norms of the society we live in. Tribal life in the Amazon does not resemble City life in Paris. And we have to consider the advances that humans have made re: medicine, health and human psychology. Modern society through its moral codes backed by its scientific advances finds that girls develop fully mentally and physically at around 16 years of age and therefore cannot freely consent to a sex act that can negatively affect their physical and mental state before that age. 16 is an arbitrary limit in the developed world, in India girls of 11 or 12 are considered potential brides and have their first child at 13 but they are physically damaged for life (British Medical Journal) and they live in a patriarchal repressive environment. As to their mental aptitude or development stage for adult life I think will be influenced by nature and nurture.
Now in Virtual Life VL, as I do, many of us come to satisfy the kinks that are either unavailable, illegal or impossible IRL. Mine are Incest and MILFS (I had a deranged childhood and teenage) plus an absence of any type of sex life at the moment so dating sims with a touch of taboo reminding me of my formative years are what I play. The reason I asked if there was 'desentisation' is because where before I would frown upon any Incest or Milf/Shota IRL, I really do not give a shit anymore when I read real or fake stories in the newspapers. And I asked myself if this would apply to what I had never considered before, my pet hates being bestiality and loli. Reading through all your replies kind of reassured me in a sense. Humans, myself included :), are strange animals. We may love the fantasy but faced with the reality we are unpredictable, bound by society and its codes and laws, and in more instances than not, our inherent good overrides the bad.


Jul 3, 2017
I feel like it's a healthy trend for Patreon to try to move away from stuff covered by big porn industry into more extreme fetishes .
As for lolicon . Go check Ehentai for instance and search Lolicon Tag : So many comics you would think that Japan and the rest of the western world is suffering from pedophilia and rape surge , yet numbers shows otherwise , even with the massive availability of this stuff online .

I Personally find some porn disgusting ( scat , cuckold ) to boring and unwatchable ( teen loli girl , gay ) . I simply have to respect the fact that other people have tastes that i don't agree with , and i have to defend that , because it's rather basic freedom to have the right to do what you want in your fantasy , and I have ''extreme'' fantasy of my own

You have to understand if we take being offended as a criteria for what porn is ok and what's not ,
(first 2 min ) that's Kannel one of my favorite artists , anti transformation rant

that they are some people that Find porn itself distasteful and want actively to ban it . Upholding the standard it's fantasy do what you want is the best course of action in my opinion

As for second part does that make us less sensitive for this kind , there isn't really any stats backing that up . We are far more hostile society to this underage sex and rape that ever before ( unlike ''rape culture'' feminist would like to claim ) There isn't , as in violence before it , any real way to link Fantasy to real world effects .
Remember that people in 500 years ago would consider rapists , slavers (including underage )and prison executioners as Heroes and role models , 150 years ago children worked in Disturbing conditions and in coil mines and Politicians would actively defend that as ''free contract'' now we are in the world of this ,

And let's assume you are desenstived to lolicon , and can watch it with no remorse . Between fear of Jail time , Moral objection , and distinction between fantasy and reality , highly unlikely to happen . I would argue is better to have it around for potential pedophiles , and people struggling with those tendencies .