There is a new trend amongst Patreons who vote for lolicon, rape and bestiality in games. My sister Mia, Lida's Adventures and Katie's corruption are the ones I've played where bestiality and/or rape have been introduced. I also see a number of Lolicon posts. Whilst I'm not the best person to judge, I believe that any form of sex has to be between two (or more) consenting adults (human or alien...

)) even in games as posted on F95zone. Abusing defenceless or voiceless beings in my books is just not on, quite repulsive actually.
I'm very careful to read the tags now before DL a game.
Do you think we are getting insensitised to this type of abuse as we are now to graphic violence in movies and games?
Just curious to know if anybody else feels the same way.
I am offended when it is 2 characters who are not married to one another having sex that is not missionary position for procreation. Not really... but you could imagine.
Here is the deal. Lets imagine that there is a disturbed individual. They sexually fantasize about raping little girls, and having sex with dogs. Here are their options:
Option 1: Put a bullet in their own head.
Pro: Not going to hurt anyone else
Con: Kills self, family probably sad
Option 2: Seek out a counselor, or some other professional to talk to.
Pro: Trying to reform
Con: Definitely they get put on some list, and they are boned.
Option 3: Seek out actual PTHC / bestiality porn on the dark web
Pro: Find some masturbatory material
Con: Little girls actually harmed, and paying for such subsidizes this activity. Also highly illegal criminal time.
Option 4: Say screw it go live out these dark fantasies RL
Pro: Fantasies lived out
Con: Others lives destroyed, reputation ruined,and your life ruined
Option 5: Try to give up the desire, and think of other things to masturbate to
Pro: You don't hurt anyone try to be normal
Con: You are not normal, and forever unfulfilled
Option 6: Talk to a close friend, or significant other about this
Pro: Get it off your chest
Con: They will never look at you the same way again. Risking losing relationships.
Option 7: Use lolicon anime cartoon girls and cartoon dogs to get off
Pro: You get off by it. You maintain your friends, and relationships, and reputation. You fulfill your fantasy. Nobody is harmed. You risk nothing. You find a way to scratch that itch.
Con: None, there are no victims.
Not every pedophile is a child molester. Almost none are. Think about it. You walk in to a bar and you see a beautiful 25 year old woman. She looks like a model. You get a boner. You would love to drag her into the bathroom, and fuck her brains out right now. Does that mean you do that? No of course not. You, and I do not randomly rape every woman we find attractive. Most men do not. So this means that pedophiles also do not randomly rape every kid they find attractive most of the time. Child molesters are as common among pedophiles as rapists are among normal men.