i mean sex for all, developer of hero sex academy, disappeared tooTo be honest there has been absolutely no word from the developer. He's been MIA no contact since end of last year. His last response was in November of 2023 where he mentioned that there's gonna be some news but has not sent or said a single thing since then. I mean it's not like he cut off his monthly billing so he's still collecting cash even though he's doing nothing an unfortunately common occurrence for Patreon managers. At this moment in time nobody is aware if he's going to continue with the game if he's still working on it or whether it's been completely abandoned. Remember the forum marks a game abandoned only after no update has been released within a year. So this isn't necessarily from him this is more cause this forum has decided that there hasn't been an update for way too long. There was some news a while back that he had not even procured a new artist to help design new assets for the game. So who knows what's happening hopefully some news comes out soon but honestly speaking I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.