
The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
0.11 is out!

  • Two new group evening scenes, for Metatron/Maya and Sarah/Metatron. Both require 2 affection with each party, but grant affection for both. Headpats and wholesome ahoy!
  • Whospasia finally has Trust/Affection scenes. I doubt that meme will die so easily, but on the off chance you're one of the two people that remembered she existed, yay!
  • Ashley got a footjob night scene, requiring 4 affection to unlock. Mostly so I could justify some cute stuff at the end. If you're a foot enthusiast, feel free to tell me how bad it was and how I could improve.
  • You can now pass time in camp. Click button, go forward 1 time slot. Good if you want to fast forward to night I guess?
  • Some Water-element magic (Frost Bolt, Frost Nova) buffed to varying degrees. They kinda suffered from being designed in 0.1, so they needed a bit more love. Should feel a bit less garbage now, maybe. Yes, other elements will get their turn soon.
This was an extremely productive few weeks. Not all of that progress made it into the update, butttt I am hyped to announce that we have proper character art coming! Sam and Metatron are both in various stages of completion, with previews of some Sam outfit sketches up on the discord, and a couple of Metatron expressions up on Patreon. More of both will be shown off more as they get closer to completion.

I don't have a good ETA for when either will be finished, or when other upcoming characters will get previews. Short answer, Soon(tm). Practical answer... I'm hoping Sam will be done in time for 0.12, but it might be 0.13. Metatron is a significant unknown (but looking great so far!). The next char will HOPEFULLY be sometime in July but hasn't been officially started yet, will talk about her more then.
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Nov 29, 2018
since the pictures here don't show any renders....are there actually any character renders in the game?
like the mc and the girls...or is it just a text based erotica?


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
since the pictures here don't show any renders....are there actually any character renders in the game?
like the mc and the girls...or is it just a text based erotica?
Currently, entirely text-based. A couple of the characters have 2d art currently being commissioned for a more VN style, but that process will definitely lag behind due to cost and artist delivery speed.

MC may or may not eventually get some kind of customizable appearance, but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
If you need / want some art done for this, I'll happily help out; let me know.
That's very kind of you to offer! I actually do have a few commissions in progress atm, and Sam's art will hopefully probably be in the next update. So ideally the situation will continue to improve over time.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Sam art is done and in-game, should be out next update! It's looking great, there's a preview on the discord and more on the paywalltreon, but it'll be free for everyone at the same time on Tuesday-Wednesday-ish when the next update goes live.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
0.12a is out!

  • Sam has proper art now, thanks to Houpo! With three outfits and a variety of expressions, she should have no shortage of personalititty. Previous events (hopefully) updated. Battle art is not yet implemented.
  • Sam's fire training part 1 is done; parts 2 and 3 will come at a later date.
  • Metatron got new Trust and Affection scenes, the beginnings of her martial arts and romance plotlines respectively.
I confess, getting Sam art ingame and working alongside the NPC system, not sticking around on certain swaps, etc. kicked my ass hard, so it's a bit small of an update despite being an enormous amount of work on my end. HOWEVER, /most/ of the hard work was either Sam-specific (cuz M/F Sam) or was a structural upgrade that won't need to be repeated for future characters, so future art should be far easier to handle.

Looking forward, late July-ish should have the next update, HOPEFULLY including at least some Badon content, and maybe equipment, we'll see. That said, I have jury duty in the last week of July so it's hard to say exactly how things will turn out.

Finally, for anyone curious - there is a Metatron art preview up on Patreon! Flat-color sketch rather than finished art, but I'm still immensely happy with how she's looking and she seems very popular among those who have seen her so far. Will get a preview on Discord... Eventually(tm), depends on when there's more progress to show lol.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
0.12a is out!

  • Sam has proper art now! With three outfits and a variety of expressions, she should have no shortage of personalititty. Previous events (hopefully) updated. Battle art is not yet implemented.
  • Sam's fire training part 1 is done; parts 2 and 3 will come at a later date.
  • Metatron got new Trust and Affection scenes, the beginnings of her martial arts and romance plotlines respectively.
I confess, getting Sam art ingame and working alongside the NPC system, not sticking around on certain swaps, etc. kicked my ass hard, so it's a bit small of an update despite being an enormous amount of work on my end. HOWEVER, /most/ of the hard work was either Sam-specific (cuz M/F Sam) or was a structural upgrade that won't need to be repeated for future characters, so future art should be far easier to handle.

Looking forward, late July-ish should have the next update, HOPEFULLY including at least some Badon content, and maybe equipment, we'll see. That said, I have jury duty in the last week of July so it's hard to say exactly how things will turn out.

Finally, for anyone curious - there is a Metatron art preview up on Patreon! Flat-color sketch rather than finished art, but I'm still immensely happy with how she's looking and she seems very popular among those who have seen her so far. Will get a preview on Discord... Eventually(tm), depends on when there's more progress to show lol.
It’s really touching seeing this game getting bigger and bigger!
Really congratulation!
Also is the art for Sam only female or also male?
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
It’s really touching seeing this game getting bigger and bigger!
Really congratulation!
Also is the art for Sam only female or also male?
Here's hoping art is a good catalyst! I'm happy to see it improve as well.

Currently, art is only for female Sam, depending on how Badon brothel scenes go MSam will either get art later or get retconned haha. These commissions are eating the entire Patreon income, so I don't want to go crazy with them just yet.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
Here's hoping art is a good catalyst! I'm happy to see it improve as well.

Currently, art is only for female Sam, depending on how Badon brothel scenes go MSam will either get art later or get retconned haha. These commissions are eating the entire Patreon income, so I don't want to go crazy with them just yet.
Understandable, still good luck on your work!
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2018
Feels like the character image should be shifted down a bit, might just be that I'm too used to VN's though.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Feels like the character image should be shifted down a bit, might just be that I'm too used to VN's though.
If I shift it down any further, her feet will disappear through the bottom of the screen.

I could make her smaller, but... idk. She's already a little too small/fuzzy I fear. Starting the project in renpy's recommended settings (1280x720) was a mistake lmfao.


Jul 14, 2018
I think I found a glitch but when you get back to the house, and you choose to go to sleep without a partner, or if you chose Ashley, when you wake up in the morning Ashley and Sarah treat it like you chose Sarah
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I think I found a glitch but when you get back to the house, and you choose to go to sleep without a partner, or if you chose Ashley, when you wake up in the morning Ashley and Sarah treat it like you chose Sarah
Shooould be fixed now. Made one too many assumptions in that segment. Thanks for the report!
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New Member
May 7, 2019
Here's hoping art is a good catalyst! I'm happy to see it improve as well.

Currently, art is only for female Sam, depending on how Badon brothel scenes go MSam will either get art later or get retconned haha. These commissions are eating the entire Patreon income, so I don't want to go crazy with them just yet.
Give me the descriptions and styles you want art in and I'll create something for all of them for free (prob not full shading unless I find some more free time but should still be good enough). I need something to motivate me anyway and I've got some free time; plus always looking to help someone out. Don't want you spending all your money so early on


Active Member
Dec 19, 2017
Tried this game yesterday, and I like it. Like archangel lady most, i think she's mostly well made character and her personality is interesting. I don't care much about art, i would still enjoy it even without character images. I picked male Sam from the start (because of plot coherence reasons, it was very hard for me to imagine speaking to female friend like that), so I missed even that much of character art this game has, but that didn't make me sad. That were things that did make me sad though: first thing that I notice, that Cryswar has horrible sense for names (sry if it offends you, but that's my imo). Calling main character "Astaroth", why would you give some dragon/boss/demon lord name to lvl 1 protagonist? Luckily I could change it in game. But then it becomes worse, archangel lady is called "Metatron", srsrly? Is this angel or transformer? Even if you want to stress that she is kind of consruct by your lore, that would be one thing. But why other angels have perfectly usual angel names? So this is heaven, ladies and gentlemen, and here you can see best of archangels we have to offer: Michael, Lucifer and ... Metatron. Her name, unfortunately, wasn't mendable from game, so i had to resort to find/replace through game files.
Names aside what made me sad in writing is excessive use of "fuck". Cryswar, please, stop putting "fuck" in every third sentence, its like I'm reading story that edgy teenager wrote for his edgy teenager pals. Same applies to meme humor, it really seems out of place in medieval setting that you try to build up yourself:
"your man Samuel L. Jackass definitely has hair"
Megatron "BEGONE-"
Ashley "...Thot. Heh."
"as the door opens to reveal the man who fucked your mom." etc.

Oof, when I found those, the cringe was real. I don't know why is that so many authors want to put memes in their writing, but it rarely works. There are also some cringy reply options here and there too, luckily you could pick something else, in case you don't want to meme roleplay:

Metatron "I am a weapon. My only purpose is to fight. Why will you not leave me to it?!"
"It's not the right thing to do."
"Because you're a person, not a thing."
"'Cuz you're cute."

Apart from all that, continuity of gameplay feels kinda strange, because before some point, all your playthrough is completely linear, then you decide to help Metatron on her journey, and gameplay becomes completely sandboxish. I mean jump was very abrupt there, I figured that you made whole lost temple part as kind of intro/tutorial, but still, I hope you add some meaningful plot progression events in the future, apart from usual spending time with chicks, and going on adventures.

If you managed to read all of that, it may seem to you that I didn't like the game much, but it's quite the contrary, i think it has good potential, and wanted to bring to your attention things that I found lacking.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2017
But then it becomes worse, archangel lady is called "Metatron", srsrly? Is this angel or transformer? Even if you want to stress that she is kind of consruct by your lore, that would be one thing. But why other angels have perfectly usual angel names? So this is heaven, ladies and gentlemen, and here you can see best of archangels we have to offer: Michael, Lucifer and ... Metatron. Her name, unfortunately, wasn't mendable from game, so i had to resort to find/replace through game files.
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