
New Member
Oct 27, 2020
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Divine Dawn 0.22 is out! Focused on updating the opening, adding art/polishing visuals, and revamping the weapon system, this will hopefully offer a much stronger baseline going forward!
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('desktop' version works for PC, Linux, Mac)

  • The pre-temple opening of the game has been completely redone. Pick between bespoke new premade choices or a custom character builder, meet a new character, and meet a more tolerable Sam. Female Sam only; male Sam has been completely removed.
  • The temple has gotten minor updates, making it possible to skip some text, taking out some lower-quality stuff, and adding a bit more.
  • Sarah and Ashley temple scenes now have their own CGs! Minor updates to the scenes as well.
  • The game now has a LOT more backgrounds; temple is unchanged but the forest and home scenes, camp, and Badon now have proper art.
  • Amnelis sprite courtesy of Coubalt. Knight-Commander Selendis art courtesy of jfc!
  • Amnelis theme and Sofra normal/battle themes all by Ubercrow! The temple boss also has a new theme, courtesy of The Mad Duck
  • 4 entirely new weapons - Greataxe, Dual Daggers, Mana Blade, Longbow, each with unique playstyles. Almost every old weapon has been heavily reworked as well! Earth magic got a major revamp too. About 300 new abilities and ~100-150 reworked ones in total.
  • A new set of no-requirement channels, so non-mages have good access to buffs, and new Reaction system which lets you reflexively block, counterattack, or evade attacks for a certain duration or use count.
  • Significant improvements to much of the progress menu UI, showing much more info about abilities
  • Around 15-20 ish traits, some for existing weapons, some for new/magic
  • New Metatron 12-affection scene, covering the aftermath of her first lewd. More to come~
  • Camp scenes now have normal/faded icons to show if they've been watched or not.

I'm proud of what I got done here, but real talk, I really miss writing. So for the next few updates, I'm going to focus on exactly that - fleshing out characters, progressing Deepwoods and plains->mountains plot, and putting in a wider variety of actual monster girls to boot. Now that we're finally out of the depths of Hieroneiden, I can justify a much wider variety of inhuman characters and lewds.

I'm also going back to faster updates; I don't regret experimenting with longer giga-updates but... I don't think it's worth it. Stressful for me, boring for anyone waiting, and makes it too easy for me to scope-creep an update and end up taking even longer than expected.

Last but not least, the game is coming to Steam! If you're interested, don't forget to it!

Okay, played through the new prologue and I have to admit, it is much better. Not only more interesting but the pacing was also improved. The soundtrack was also on point so props again. I don't know if you are miffed about the critique of the old version of the prologue but it certainly change for the better. Now it makes a pretty good first impression which is important to not get refunded in the first 15 minutes and new players are unlikely to find Sam bothersome.

Don't misunderstand me, I get what you were aiming for. Both she and MC are adult people when alone but when together they turn into teenage rascals. It is quite natural from the point of view of said two characters but observers see it as grating. She still retains most of her personality but allows players to get used to her first. I already liked her before and now I find her even better.
I am also glad that male Sam was scrapped. It was an ambitious project to give Sam two genders but one with diminishing returns. Given male Sam's role and character of the game, he was unable to work as NTR-bait (which is good!), yaoi-bait, and other ways to introduce specific fans of harder fetishes.

There are male characters in non-yaoi non-NTR eroges that are a compelling and enjoyable addition to the crew but they are written from the start to finish as males, and not as possible waifus.
Anyways, good update. Looking forward to the next one.

For the last, I have a small suggestion. Maybe stupid, maybe not. It is about itemization and the possible existence of side content like side quests, optional dungeons, secret bosses, and so on.
We start out fully equipped and money is currently not an issue, and assuming there will be no significant crafting, that gives us not many options. My idea is to have specific artifacts like magic amulets and whatnot work as an equippable traits. Perhaps even allow weapons to have slots for quartz/materia/runes that grant a trait or two.
Introducing that mechanic would give another layer in combat, justification for writing more side stories (including joke ones, like Metatron becoming a fan of wrestling), and allowing for challenging fights while also making the game longer and quelling possible complaints from RPG autists like me. Do note that I don't know jack shit about developing a game so feel free to completely disregard my idea.

Have a good one. Oh, and a question. I know you intend to sell DD on steam but do you consider putting it on I know that since some time ago they are selling h-games as well but have never bought any porn content from them so can't tell how much they want to be censored and rereleased in 18+patch.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I'm just happy to envision cool sword/magic combos. The second I see Beast or Tempest in the skill list I'm replaying symphonia and vesperia man. Too many fun memories of making the most ghetto inefficient combos with style.
Love it. I'm kinda scared to replay Symphonia - not sure if it'll live up to my memories. But I need to play Arise for sure.

Okay, played through the new prologue and I have to admit, it is much better. Not only more interesting but the pacing was also improved. The soundtrack was also on point so props again. I don't know if you are miffed about the critique of the old version of the prologue but it certainly change for the better. Now it makes a pretty good first impression which is important to not get refunded in the first 15 minutes and new players are unlikely to find Sam bothersome.

Don't misunderstand me, I get what you were aiming for. Both she and MC are adult people when alone but when together they turn into teenage rascals. It is quite natural from the point of view of said two characters but observers see it as grating. She still retains most of her personality but allows players to get used to her first. I already liked her before and now I find her even better.
I am also glad that male Sam was scrapped. It was an ambitious project to give Sam two genders but one with diminishing returns. Given male Sam's role and character of the game, he was unable to work as NTR-bait (which is good!), yaoi-bait, and other ways to introduce specific fans of harder fetishes.

There are male characters in non-yaoi non-NTR eroges that are a compelling and enjoyable addition to the crew but they are written from the start to finish as males, and not as possible waifus.
Anyways, good update. Looking forward to the next one.

For the last, I have a small suggestion. Maybe stupid, maybe not. It is about itemization and the possible existence of side content like side quests, optional dungeons, secret bosses, and so on.
We start out fully equipped and money is currently not an issue, and assuming there will be no significant crafting, that gives us not many options. My idea is to have specific artifacts like magic amulets and whatnot work as an equippable traits. Perhaps even allow weapons to have slots for quartz/materia/runes that grant a trait or two.
Introducing that mechanic would give another layer in combat, justification for writing more side stories (including joke ones, like Metatron becoming a fan of wrestling), and allowing for challenging fights while also making the game longer and quelling possible complaints from RPG autists like me. Do note that I don't know jack shit about developing a game so feel free to completely disregard my idea.

Have a good one. Oh, and a question. I know you intend to sell DD on steam but do you consider putting it on I know that since some time ago they are selling h-games as well but have never bought any porn content from them so can't tell how much they want to be censored and rereleased in 18+patch.
Nah, no worries. As long as you're not super rude about it I'm always up for constructive criticism.

The old opening had heart, but it was also more amateurly written, simple as that. New one isn't *perfect* either by any means, but I think it came out more natural.

There's a (currently invisible) 'Rune' slot, which fills a similar slot, but I haven't fleshed it out properly yet. I could potentially add others, though that runs into the same issue. Also, after how long the mechanics stuff last update took, I just wanna write for a while LOL.

I actually didn't know that GOG sold adult games, I need to look into that! Thanks for letting me know.

I'm trying to figure out how to monetize this well enough to stop hemorrhaging money without making it more or less freely available - still working on it, but having a decent variety of storefronts/options might help spread out the costs enough that I don't have to go hard into monetization. I recently discovered DLsite also allows filthy gaijin like me to post there as well, so I've got options.

It's really confusing as to whether or not Steam actually lets you sell a game elsewhere before showing up there though... some of the agreement made it unclear, but devs go to Epic/elsewhere before Steam all the time, idk how it actually works.
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Jan 13, 2020
Nether Magic really need some update, there is not much utilities with current movesets and the spell doesn't resembles dark magic that much- mana drain, more aoe attack, curse( makes opponent unable to use magic for a turn or two) etc overall nether magic is lacking dark spells.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Nether Magic really need some update, there is not much utilities with current movesets and the spell doesn't resembles dark magic that much- mana drain, more aoe attack, curse( makes opponent unable to use magic for a turn or two) etc overall nether magic is lacking dark spells.
It could use updates, but it's NOT supposed to just be dark magic. That's a major plot point. When you meet succ mommy a bit down the road, there will be much more information, more types of Nether magic, and updated spell selections then.


Oct 8, 2017
Ashleys shopping trip seems way to modern. Megacorps and band merch? Or how modern is the setting?
I noticed that the shop girl Olivia and the priest that we meet with Metatron at the church have both description boxes. Yet MC parents don't or the black and silver knight.
I would like to see the charm magic addressed. Why do the girls still use that on MC? They clearly don't need it. During the acts to spice it up, I can understand it, but it feels a bit manipulative during normal flirting. Maybe it's just me.
I started to look forward to every update and new content for this game, but I have to say I'm mostly looking forward to more Ina content right now, even if Maya and Aspasia and the city Badon deserve it more at the moment.
I like how you insert the nautical bits and pieces in Inas dialogue, like 'a pearl for your thoughts' or the line with the bottom feeder. It's shows that she is from a different culture but it's not on the nose like a accent that makes reading a pain.
I wonder how her scales on her arm feel to touch. While meeting Selendis, Ina introduces MC 'He might not look it, but he's strong!' I think there is a 'like' missing.
I also really, really like that MC is a teenager. He is not a brain dead idiot like in so many other games, but he is also far from perfect. He makes mistakes, small ones, because he simply does not has the experience yet. That feels really good and believe able.
What I also like is are the memes here and there. They are not on the nose, so they don't distract. So how about a big tiddy goth moth gf in the future?
I think the instant ability target has a bug, sometimes the wrong target gets the threat increase. Siofra holds her head a bit to high during dialogue. You can't see her face. I also get exp for losing against her.
I think Shared Flow Alpha has a bug, it does not seem to reduce debuffs for a turn, or at last not poison. Maybe it can't reduce it to 1, if it would run out then.
I noticed something that could be a huge problem. I didn't beat Siofra yet (her burst damage with the two wisps she spawns is just to high for my build to handle) and I'm already on level 31. That is nearly a third to level 100 and it seems we are still quite early in the game. Do you plan a higher max level then 100 or a drastic reduce in level gain later? A drastic reduce in the level rate could be frustrating. A slower level rate overall would need a complete rebalance. What ever it will be, I think as early as it can be would be a good idea.
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Jul 28, 2020
I noticed something that could be a huge problem. I didn't beat Siofra yet (her burst damage with the two wisps she spawns is just to high for my build to handle) and I'm already on level 31.
Yeah I had trouble too, especially on 22b. 22d made it way more manageable, what version are ya on? Also I 100% agree on goth moth gf homie
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Ashleys shopping trip seems way to modern. Megacorps and band merch? Or how modern is the setting?
I noticed that the shop girl Olivia and the priest that we meet with Metatron at the church have both description boxes. Yet MC parents don't or the black and silver knight.
I would like to see the charm magic addressed. Why do the girls still use that on MC? They clearly don't need it. During the acts to spice it up, I can understand it, but it feels a bit manipulative during normal flirting. Maybe it's just me.
I started to look forward to every update and new content for this game, but I have to say I'm mostly looking forward to more Ina content right now, even if Maya and Aspasia and the city Badon deserve it more at the moment.
I like how you insert the nautical bits and pieces in Inas dialogue, like 'a pearl for your thoughts' or the line with the bottom feeder. It's shows that she is from a different culture but it's not on the nose like a accent that makes reading a pain.
I wonder how her scales on her arm feel to touch. While meeting Selendis, Ina introduces MC 'He might not look it, but he's strong!' I think there is a 'like' missing.
I also really, really like that MC is a teenager. He is not a brain dead idiot like in so many other games, but he is also far from perfect. He makes mistakes, small ones, because he simply does not has the experience yet. That feels really good and believe able.
What I also like is are the memes here and there. They are not on the nose, so they don't distract. So how about a big tiddy goth moth gf in the future?
I think the instant ability target has a bug, sometimes the wrong target gets the threat increase. Siofra holds her head a bit to high during dialogue. You can't see her face. I also get exp for losing against her.
I think Shared Flow Alpha has a bug, it does not seem to reduce debuffs for a turn, or at last not poison. Maybe it can't reduce it to 1, if it would run out then.
I noticed something that could be a huge problem. I didn't beat Siofra yet (her burst damage with the two wisps she spawns is just to high for my build to handle) and I'm already on level 31. That is nearly a third to level 100 and it seems we are still quite early in the game. Do you plan a higher max level then 100 or a drastic reduce in level gain later? A drastic reduce in the level rate could be frustrating. A slower level rate overall would need a complete rebalance. What ever it will be, I think as early as it can be would be a good idea.
Badon is a nexus of much of the world's technology and trade - it's far more advanced than most of the setting. Widespread use of magic also allows some things to advance faster than real-world technology; healthcare for example is probably *better* than today's... if you're rich enough to afford good healers. Poor people mostly rely on cheap amateur healers and church healers. The Hot Topic reference might be a bit on the nose, but the East India Trading Company is 400 years old and dwarfs any modern megacorps in power.

MC parents have been left vague for self-insert purposes, down the road I may back down on that and just get them art. Olivia and the priest will definitely get art, knights maybe.

Succubus magic is more varied than *just* charm magic (and they can't turn off the pheromones very well), they also use it to make sure the MC is ready to go and can cum more than normal - I don't think there are any instances of non-consensual usage of it in camp?

Ina really grew on me as I wrote her too! She's a really fun character, and there will be a lot more of her after the Deepwoods stuff. She may just stick around! Trying to convey cultural differences without going too weird/alien is an uphill battle, but people really seem to like her.

Yeah, MC is slowly growing into more of a character than a self-insert... I think I'm slowly getting better at threading the line of him being empathic and intelligent, but still cursed by questionable judgement and teenage boy energy lol.

Siofra counts as a sparring match (similar to camp), so you get full XP for losing and don't game over when you do. No bug there! As others have noted, in 22b she was tough (level scaling, higher stats) but in 22d I nerfed her to only scale up to level 30 and do less damage in the third phase, so she should be easier to take out while still being a decent challenge. The main strategy with her is just to nuke the wisps as fast as possible, and go into her 3rd phase (with the scaling fire) as close to full health as possible.

Exact level guides are a work in progress but the game will *probably* finish around 80-100 is my current guess. Around 30-34 by the end of deepwoods is the tentative goal. I beat her around 24 pre nerf, most of the discord peeps beat her around 25-30 prenerf, post-nerf I think 26-28 will be a good band.

Thanks for all the feedback and reports!
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Oct 8, 2017
Badon is a nexus of much of the world's technology and trade - it's far more advanced than most of the setting. Widespread use of magic also allows some things to advance faster than real-world technology; healthcare for example is probably *better* than today's... if you're rich enough to afford good healers. Poor people mostly rely on cheap amateur healers and church healers. The Hot Topic reference might be a bit on the nose, but the East India Trading Company is 400 years old and dwarfs any modern megacorps in power.

MC parents have been left vague for self-insert purposes, down the road I may back down on that and just get them art. Olivia and the priest will definitely get art, knights maybe.

Succubus magic is more varied than *just* charm magic (and they can't turn off the pheromones very well), they also use it to make sure the MC is ready to go and can cum more than normal - I don't think there are any instances of non-consensual usage of it in camp?

Ina really grew on me as I wrote her too! She's a really fun character, and there will be a lot more of her after the Deepwoods stuff. She may just stick around! Trying to convey cultural differences without going too weird/alien is an uphill battle, but people really seem to like her.

Yeah, MC is slowly growing into more of a character than a self-insert... I think I'm slowly getting better at threading the line of him being empathic and intelligent, but still cursed by questionable judgement and teenage boy energy lol.

Siofra counts as a sparring match (similar to camp), so you get full XP for losing and don't game over when you do. No bug there! As others have noted, in 22b she was tough (level scaling, higher stats) but in 22d I nerfed her to only scale up to level 30 and do less damage in the third phase, so she should be easier to take out while still being a decent challenge. The main strategy with her is just to nuke the wisps as fast as possible, and go into her 3rd phase (with the scaling fire) as close to full health as possible.

Exact level guides are a work in progress but the game will *probably* finish around 80-100 is my current guess. Around 30-34 by the end of deepwoods is the tentative goal. I beat her around 24 pre nerf, most of the discord peeps beat her around 25-30 prenerf, post-nerf I think 26-28 will be a good band.

Thanks for all the feedback and reports!
Non-consensual is a bit harsh. It just feels weird, between friends/lovers when one person is not sure if he/she is just horny because of their partner or if it's 'just' enhanced with magic. If I remember right, then one such a case is during the shopping trip with Ashley. Also keep in mind that the MC and the average player does not know how charm magic works, so they could think it's intentionally. Cumming more then normal is a goal I can support with magic, but the girls really don't need magic to get the MC ready to go in my opinion. :p

Yeah, the East India trading company was incredible. The Dutch East India Company dwarfs even the more known British East India Company (Really why do they had basically the same name?). Wikipedia says the Dutch traded more then the rest of Europe in south asia combined. Yet naming it Megacorp in a fantasy setting feels a bit wrong, even if it's absolutely on point.

People beat her pre-nerf so early? Now I feel like a noob. That we already reached one third of the level cap makes me a bit sad, I don't want to have the end already in mind. The adventure barely started. So much more to learn about the world and our party. So much more people to meet. So much more to lewd.

Great, that was a big part of my break time. :HideThePain::KEK:
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Non-consensual is a bit harsh. It just feels weird, between friends/lovers when one person is not sure if he/she is just horny because of their partner or if it's 'just' enhanced with magic. If I remember right, then one such a case is during the shopping trip with Ashley. Also keep in mind that the MC and the average player does not know how charm magic works, so they could think it's intentionally. Cumming more then normal is a goal I can support with magic, but the girls really don't need magic to get the MC ready to go in my opinion. :p

Yeah, the East India trading company was incredible. The Dutch East India Company dwarfs even the more known British East India Company (Really why do they had basically the same name?). Wikipedia says the Dutch traded more then the rest of Europe in south asia combined. Yet naming it Megacorp in a fantasy setting feels a bit wrong, even if it's absolutely on point.

People beat her pre-nerf so early? Now I feel like a noob. That we already reached one third of the level cap makes me a bit sad, I don't want to have the end already in mind. The adventure barely started. So much more to learn about the world and our party. So much more people to meet. So much more to lewd.

Great, that was a big part of my break time. :HideThePain::KEK:
It's a tough line to walk, and a bit of an upcoming plot point - between the pheromones they naturally emit, the emotional connection they unconsciously create during sex, and the potential for magic it can be a little hard to tell how natural the attraction or real the love can be. For what it's worth, I don't think Ashley used any seduction magic in the shopping date, just flirted/teased you until MC decided to teach her a lesson.

I'll consider the wording on megacorps, it just feels so accurate it's hard to come up with anything better.

Siofra is/was pretty difficult, people with super optimized builds definitely had an easier time. Don't feel bad, I was just giving some examples.

TECHNICALLY there's no level cap, that was just the tentative goal for ending the game. If I end up doing postgame content, leveling after 100 may be different/faster a la Disgaea, not sure yet. I'd say we're probably about 1/4 done with the main storyline, early areas kinda jump up in levels a lot is all.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Why all PC links are 22b when OP says 22d????
I was curious abt that as well, however,
if you download via one of the links it Should give you
the 22d version. Worked that way for me.
So just grab from whichever link works for you.
Just a funny way of how it was updated/patched this time.

Jun 21, 2018
as soon as I try to launch the game, I get a warning from windows security saying that microsoft defender smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting and that running it might put my pc at risk. Is there anything to worry about? And if not, why does it give me this warning?


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
as soon as I try to launch the game, I get a warning from windows security saying that microsoft defender smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting and that running it might put my pc at risk. Is there anything to worry about? And if not, why does it give me this warning?
Interesting. It might be because I made the build on an older version of renpy? I don't really understand how that stuff works, but I didn't do anything weird with the build.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Hmm. Tell you what, I'll update Renpy, do a version E tomorrow, and upload it here - let me know if it has the same issue?

There's definitely not anything actually dangerous in this one tho, probably just an expired certificate or something.
Last edited:
4.50 star(s) 41 Votes