If anything, this is an example of bad poll design.
Does x turn you on is a yes/no answer, but in reality there a three different reaction categories for any x - yes it turns me on, no it doesn't, no it turns me off - the latter two shouldn't be confused or condensed, because one is an indifference and the other is hostility to x - if 50% likes it and 50% doesn't care that's good, if 50% likes it and 50% despises it that's a whole different ballgame.
Then x is "horse dick", or excessively large penises. It has two aspects, the (unrealistic) size and it being "a dick". Some people might generally not be turn on (or turned off) at dicks in general - and judging from the OP, they're exclusively concerned about the size, but there's no option to indicate that you don't care about dicks one way or another, or actively dislike displays of them.
For bonus points, OP is asking about protagonists with those x - while a lot of people might either like or dislike excessively large penises regardless of whom they're attached to, I'm guessing there's some non-zero group who like them for the protagonist but can't stand them for anyone else.
All of which is to say, personally, I can't stand em. They're the next worst thing to balloon tits, just gross - personally

. More power to you if you want to create games with them or play games with them, but I'll pass