Feb 1, 2018
Well, the PC does tend to keep a penis that shrinks as their femininity rises or something and have small breasts that I guess grow.
Oh, hell. I spent so much time playing earlier versions of the game wherein the transformation was utterly instantaneous that I forgot all about these little details. My bad.


Sep 19, 2017
looking VERY promissing. even worth trying the demo.
I'm actually curious, What is promising about this?

To me I see
  • Generic photos don't help immersion.
  • Lack of a story outside the intro, only a single event were you get the blowjob land lord scene.
  • Plot in the intro doesn't make sense.
  • Time consuming life sim, which makes the game look bigger than it really is.
  • Lack of females to date, assumes you want to be boned by dudes.
  • Male to Female.
There isn't a single tag that interests me. I know some will like the M-> F which is cool, but the other elements feel hollow. Am I missing something?


Apr 14, 2017
whats promissing?
for version 0.1, none errors, the base-things is rlly good, even for version 0.3-0.4, there are no buggs that stop the game, and the varibles are balanced at the moment. (not too easy, not too hard).
download BuriningSun game (amsterdam) at verion 0.3 - u can compare em. and belive me, now at 0.8 its rlly gream tho its far away from being full.


Dec 18, 2017
I'm struggling to keep happiness up, any tips?

Edit: Nvm, just really grindy with having to rest in the park.


Sep 25, 2017
You could also go to salon to raise happiness, but it cost $$.

The game has potential, but a bit more grindy than worth imo at the current state.
Feb 1, 2018
Going jogging and smoking also raise happiness. And I think giving a street performance in the park does too, but I don't recall exactly, offhand. You might think that since (s)he enjoys music so much, just practicing would increase happiness too, but noooooooo ... :eek:penedeyewink:
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Active Member
May 30, 2017
too much micro for no reason! get rid of cleaning or happiness we don't need both, or so is my opinion, but it has promise


New Member
Jan 2, 2018
too much micro for no reason! get rid of cleaning or happiness we don't need both, or so is my opinion, but it has promise
Or after you finish cleaning, just keep it clean, i had it clean to 100% spent a couple of days without cleaning it went back to like 75%... the whole point of cleaning(from what i understood) was to make the apartment less of a Sh*thole ans avoid getting penalties to your happiness every morning, specially after you convinced both roommates to help with the cleaning


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
1.5 is out~
Changelog v0.1.5


Failing to escape when getting robbed is now bit less harsh on your overall happiness.
Adjusted exploration scripting to be usable in different sections of the city.
Music store now offers a correct 4% commission on sales rather than the overly generous 40%
New boobie pics of varying sizes in the "You" page.
The music video for when you have really high happiness now plays in it's own window instead of linking to the external site.
Redid the purchase system to something much more manageable as far as development goes.
Updated UI for viewing porn in your room. There's 1 additional book available for purchase. This should work nicely when I add more books to look at in the future.
Added a couple minor random events to subway rides. (More to come later)
Taxi drivers are no longer on strike and you can now get rides from them. They're more expensive but take less travel time.
There is a small bit of new clothing available to purchase in Rebellas, available in the mall.
Breast Enlargement is now linked to femininity and will happen during sleep. I plan to add more flavor and detail to this in the future. For now it's just a status text queue that it happened.

Exploration scripting is available in The Bronx but there are no locations yet.
Exploration scripting is available for Manhattan but locations are just text placeholders.

As usual with games this early in development your old saves won't work correctly.
Looks like another small background update. Still no real content to speak of outside of stats grinding.
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Sep 19, 2017
The more I read the less I am interested in this.

  • "Breast Enlargement is now linked to femininity", This really irritates me since it implies women should have big boobs. 44% of Americans have B cups, with 15% having A cups. That's over 50% of all women in the USA have small breasts. Go outside the US and breast size shrinks even more...
  • Still lacking events, more specifically sex scenes.


Aug 22, 2017
The more I read the less I am interested in this.
  • "Breast Enlargement is now linked to femininity", This really irritates me since it implies women should have big boobs. 44% of Americans have B cups, with 15% having A cups. That's over 50% of all women in the USA have small breasts. Go outside the US and breast size shrinks even more...
I'm all with you on this one.
The rest, well you gotta start somewhere. If you don't build a proper foundation you can't really get "good" content on top of that.

The concept looks nice, but there's very little actual content inside yet.
It's definitely too early for a final rating on this.
Give it until the summer and let's see what happened to it. If the author keeps working and doesn't abandon it until then thsi might get interesting.
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Feb 1, 2018
The more I read the less I am interested in this.

  • "Breast Enlargement is now linked to femininity", This really irritates me since it implies women should have big boobs. 44% of Americans have B cups, with 15% having A cups. That's over 50% of all women in the USA have small breasts. Go outside the US and breast size shrinks even more...
Actually, what it implies (ALL it implies) is that the "agent" who turns you into a girl (obviously Satan, d'uh) wants you to turn into a bubble-boobed bimbo, no matter her talk about your "talent" for mind control. Think about it: what's the first thing she does after leaving you alone in New York? Screws with the sleazebag landlord to make him think you haven't paid your rent, thus giving you the "opportunity" to blow him for a couple days' grace period! :rolleyes:


May 15, 2017
I was under the impression that "text based" tag meant there's no pictures in it?
no textbased is really just games where text is the main drive most of them are just text but if its textbased it just means the text is the main focus and images are only there to visualise what the text says :)


New Member
Oct 4, 2017
Looks good in concept, just needs more context!

I agree that linking boob size to femininity isn't a great idea. It lowers player customization.
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1.50 star(s) 2 Votes