Do you prefer to play Harem games with or without male competition?

Do you prefer to play Harem games with or without male competition?

  • WITH male competition; I deal with the enemy males, then get the girl!

    Votes: 445 42.5%
  • WITH male competition; but don't show male faces, then I deal with male enemies, then get the girl!

    Votes: 48 4.6%
  • WITHOUT male competition; just focus on the MC and the girls, that's it!

    Votes: 360 34.4%
  • WITHOUT male competition; I don't want to see dudes in anyway, it's just that simple!

    Votes: 157 15.0%
  • OTHER; i'll respond with a post in this thread.

    Votes: 36 3.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
If you fear other males it is because deep down you know your waifu doesn't really loves you.
View attachment 1940902
And she never will.
In general I would say you are correct.
However, if you have a harem of women who voluntarily remain with you even though there are other women involved. It tends to go against the possibility of you being insecure. Insecurity is one of the fastest things to drive women away. The chances of you having a harem with you being insecure is about 0%. You wouldn't have the confidence to pull it off.

The only way an insecure person might achieve a harem is threat or lock and key(Chains). In short they are forced.

It also doesn't need to be an issue of insecurity.
Outside men can drive women off if the women don't feel they are being provided enough protection. They expect the male to step in and say or do something. Other women though will get upset if the male does and take it as if they aren't trusted to be around other males or to deal with the situation on their own.
Not the type of crap I want to be guessing at or playing with in a harem game. I'm there for the women and the story not other men!
Like I pointed out in my prior post it would have to be one hell of a stud to pose any real threat to a guy who has a voluntary harem. So anything you present on this line is just going to detract and take time from the main plot or adventure.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Like I pointed out in my prior post it would have to be one hell of a stud to pose any real threat to a guy who has a voluntary harem. So anything you present on this line is just going to detract and take time from the main plot or adventure.
But let's be fair, most harem games depict a very insecure and useless mc that only gets all the girls because they are literally programmed to fall for him instantly, that's already as involuntary as it gets. That is probably part of the reason why some people fear any male presence.

Maybe if they faced more obstacles/challenges before conquering each harem member people wouldn't be so insecure of losing them. Like they say "easy come, easy go".


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
But let's be fair, most harem games depict a very insecure and useless mc that only gets all the girls because they are literally programmed to fall for him instantly, that's already as involuntary as it gets. That is probably part of the reason why some people fear any male presence.

Maybe if they faced more obstacles/challenges before conquering each harem member people wouldn't be so insecure of losing them. Like they say "easy come, easy go".
I wouldn't say most. Some certainly do what you say but not most.
I think a lot has to do with the type of game you play. I noticed there are more of them in games with rendered graphics.
If you go to games with older graphics and rpgm style or jrpg games they are fewer.
I good example of what you are talking about would be Big brother games the Max is a total wimp looser.
But the character in harem collector isn't near as much a pussy. Same with peasants quest.
Lab rats 2, Fun bag fantasy series those again aren't total wimps.,14,30


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
In before "mY wAiFuS mUsT bE InNoCeNT vIrGiNsss wHo OnLy Lo0ks at MeEeE!"

Seriously, though. Harems are pure male fantasy. They don't want to fight for a woman to drool over them, then just want them on their knees cock-gobbling as soon as possible. This is why projects like WVM appeal to a certain subset of people, and I'm not going to take shots at specific types of people, but they know who they are. While the argument that its escapism is fair, a good story - especially romantic - aren't good without some level of conflict. I prefer realism, and realism says that attractive girls are going to be hit on (no, being avoided because you're attractive is absolutely not a thing. It happens, but it's not a thing.). It's really that simple, and for that matter, it's a game/story/VN. Just make the right choices and you don't have to worry about it.

Edit: Oi. If you're going to facepalm me, then at least have the gall to attempt to tell me where I'm wrong lol.
"Realism", the favorite word used by cuckolds and NTR fans, every VN is absurd fantasy, realism? :ROFLMAO: not even close


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
I really wish I could control something like a hivemind of guys, each with their dedicated waifu, and them occasionally swapping.
But the introduction needs to be done right, have each story prepared with understanding.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
"Realism", the favorite word used by cuckolds and NTR fans, every VN is absurd fantasy, realism? :ROFLMAO: not even close
Since my previous post was deleted for being 'off-topic': Fix your punctuation. All those commas make it hard to understand what you're trying to say.

That said, I'm not a fan of NTR/cuckoldry. You can have realistic writing and not have it be related to a fetish. You do know that right? I'll use an example even you can understand. If you're talking to a girl and another attractive girl passes you, but you blatantly stare at that other girl's ass while the girl you're talking to sees all of it, what do you think happens? She's gone, why would any self-respecting girl want to stick around for that? Why shouldn't that same logic, or REALISM, apply to a VN? Especially seeing as situations like that crop up all the time in VNs.

In that example, much like the real world; if you treat a girl like shit, she's going to leave. If you treat an attractive girl like shit, another guy is going to swoop in. In a game or VN, or even writing, that would be realism. Some people prefer more substance and actual human logic in a story than a complete male fantasy, some people want logical ramifications and common sense thereof in the choices they make. That has nothing to do with NTR or cuckolds.

Not going to respond to obvious bait anymore, though. Enjoy your life, though that might be pretty hard for someone like you.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
Since my previous post was deleted for being 'off-topic': Fix your punctuation. All those commas make it hard to understand what you're trying to say.

That said, I'm not a fan of NTR/cuckoldry. You can have realistic writing and not have it be related to a fetish. You do know that right? I'll use an example even you can understand. If you're talking to a girl and another attractive girl passes you, but you blatantly stare at that other girl's ass while the girl you're talking to sees all of it, what do you think happens? She's gone, why would any self-respecting girl want to stick around for that? Why shouldn't that same logic, or REALISM, apply to a VN? Especially seeing as situations like that crop up all the time in VNs.

In that example, much like the real world; if you treat a girl like shit, she's going to leave. If you treat an attractive girl like shit, another guy is going to swoop in. In a game or VN, or even writing, that would be realism. Some people prefer more substance and actual human logic in a story than a complete male fantasy, some people want logical ramifications and common sense thereof in the choices they make. That has nothing to do with NTR or cuckolds.

Not going to respond to obvious bait anymore, though. Enjoy your life, though that might be pretty hard for someone like you.
"Fix your punctuation" . No thanks ;) Miss. Realism
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
ive played only one with a male competitor, by epiclust, the irony was that the male was just as jacked as the mc and had a linear path with minor choices but essentially the competitor would also fuck the chicks depending on your choices, i didnt care too much since i didnt self-insert in mc and saw it as standard cartoon porn but i understand other people might not play that way


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Seriously, though. Harems are pure male fantasy. They don't want to fight for a woman to drool over them, then just want them on their knees cock-gobbling as soon as possible. This is why projects like WVM appeal to a certain subset of people, and I'm not going to take shots at specific types of people, but they know who they are.
It was a female in RL that brought up to me that she was interested in being part of a harem.
She had thought it out fairly well. She started with security for the women involved, financially and physically.
If the women all have jobs or work together in the house hold it creates a more stable situation. They can switch off on house hold chores and have a reduced load. If they each have at least a part time job it adds greater financial stability. Also with more women at home the male is less likely to stray. Thus less potential for outside illness to be brought in.
You also have built in friends and support when child rearing.
Women aren't always in the mood and having someone else around they trust to take care of the male ...
They have each other to talk to watch movies with cry on each other shoulders. They support each other...
Yep it also isn't always a bed of roses. Families also argue. But that happens in any normal family as well.

While the argument that its escapism is fair, a good story - especially romantic - aren't good without some level of conflict. I prefer realism, and realism says that attractive girls are going to be hit on (no, being avoided because you're attractive is absolutely not a thing. It happens, but it's not a thing.). It's really that simple, and for that matter, it's a game/story/VN. Just make the right choices and you don't have to worry about it.
I agree attractive women attract other men.
Consider the simple fact a male who is attractive enough that his personality won over multiple women into sharing him.
Also the benefits that relationship has for those women. They aren't just giving up on a single guy but all the other women and benefits of the relationship. Most those women are going to say no to any other male.
That's true for relationships the women are voluntarily in and are treated well.

Then you have involuntary or mistreated harems. Those an outside male might look fairly attractive or a means of escape. There are a lot of factors that determine how much the women may or may not want to leave, abuse, children...

That said even in involuntary harems women can find their treatment being better than their past life and choose it. I'm not even talking about Stockholm syndrome. Messed up but sometimes people's lives are so bad where they where that being kidnapped or involuntarily taken away from it leads to a better existence one their thankful for. Even that can be to different levels. Imagine as a teen you have a father that beats you has put you in the hospital multiple times. Your dad's a cop the other cops help cover it up. Someone sees what is going on and realizes what's going on. They take you one day. Then set you at a cabin tell you you can come and go as you please if you stay they will help you go to school feed you whatever till you are an adult what you do then is still your choice. (It's happened in RL the girl in the case chose to marry the abductor at some point). Not saying what the guy did was right. People just have different circumstances that leads to different choices in what they think is good.

There are far more interesting forms of conflict than having to deal with so guy most the women are going to tell fuck off anyway.
If your harem game is just about being a harem alone yea you are pretty much going to bore the piss out of reader/players.
A story about:
A you and your pirate ship that is crewed by your harem can have lots of adventures.(maybe your ship flies), could be in space...
Same if you take over or run a kingdom and you use your harem to help with that.
Your harem is your adventure party. Lots of stuff you can do there should be no end in conflict.
Your harem makes up the mercenary party you formed. So maybe you aren't taking on dragons and dungeons like the adventure but instead you sell your blades for war.

Some stories other guys might be fairly appropriate:
Imagine you and your harem run shop or restaurant or bed and breakfast or you are a traveling merchant.
All of these they would have a large amount of interactions with customers. Often male customers hit on staff. However, there could be the occasional customer who is persistent and an annoyance to the women. You know the type the one's who can't take no as an answer. That however really wouldn't be so much as competition but more you dealing with scum. Of course the girls may also deal with him and stuff could escalate in various ways.
But that shouldn't even then make it to the main story line. There are far more interesting things to deal with even just running a store. Securing supplies, traveling and learning and finding stuff, mob attempts protection racket, robbery, out maneuvering other business ... maybe research into the local government to see what you can use to get things your way.. Back room deals. Getting money back from someone that rips you off.

The point is if the best conflict you can come up with is another male trying to get a girl from a harem you don't really belong writing you'll bore people to death.
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2017
I'm fine with competition. Just make it fair and balanced. Not the type where the male protagonist is such loser that he need to try 5x harder for a result less fulfilling than his competition. Jeopardy (netorare) should only happen for those who wanted it to happen.
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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
The elitism from some of these comments is laughable, it essentially reads as "you like fictional pure girls, well you're a virgin and I'm a chad because I like fictional girls who've been dicked". I mean it shouldn't come at the expense of a good story or common sense but when writing fantasy why hold back on what's best.

As for the main question. No, if you need to ask you're very likely going to do it badly and it will just be some waste of time character.

I could count on one hand the amount of games I've played with male characters other than the protagonist that where actually good characters, that doesn't mean the male characters where bad, just that you didn't really care if they just vanished. If can write characters to bring the world alive do it, but few can.
For real, half the comments on this thread are either "realism" or "you're insecure." As if having male competion in a game automatically makes it more realistic, or that liking harems makes someone insecrue IRL.

I mean really, how many games does "male competiton," actually add to the story and not just become a generic NTR game in the same way the harem games they are complaining about become genric? New Coral City is the only one I can think of. Seeds of Chaos maybe? However, that also quickly becomes unrealistic, and I can think of plenty of games that don't have a shread of competition that have just as good if not better stories. Not to mention there are hundreds of ways to create conflict and tension. Look at Light of my Life for example. Absloutely fantastic story that doesnt have another male in sight. Just in the same way that some harem games have only the women looking at the mc are unrealistic, games that you have to fight tooth and nail over all the women are the same.

As if someone you need to fight over is generally worth it anyways. Reminds me of Karl from the Ricky Gervais show, "Just do what you want, and if they like it then they're the right one for you." I do think that if you want pure realism then a combination of both is the best approach, however If I wanted realism I would go outside lmao. Jokes aside a game that is purely realistic would at best be similar to NCC (which unfortuately isnt as popular as it should be, but its not hard to see why), and at worst just absolutely boring for everyone. Im not even sure if some of the people in this thread even like harem games. I guess it doesnt say "Harem fans only," but its the almost the same thing as me going into a diaper poll about where its asks if fans of the fetish are into urination or not.

This is mostly directed at the OP (hows the game coming btw), as well as people who also think that just throwing in "male competiton" = better game; or that harem games without it are worse. Not people who think that in certian games it could add to it, as that can be true.

And the insecure thing is hilarious. I wonder how many of these people like rape, lolis, or NTR. Well by the by the transit of properties they are rapists, pedophiles, or cucks. And if the argumeent that your fetishes refelct you IRL, then harem and vanilla fans would easily get off on the winning side of that.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
I'm fine with competition. Just make it fair and balanced. Not the type where the male protagonist is such loser that he need to try 5x harder for a result less fulfilling than his competition. Jeopardy (netorare) should only happen for those who wanted it to happen.
It's not a Competition if you can't win, and jeopardy doesn't mean NTR it means risk.

The thing I hate about many marked with NTR is they trap you into being a cuck with only little bitch choices offered to you. A proper competition as I see it means you are on level ground with your rivals (or close to it), play well and you get the girls, play like a little bitch be treated like a little bitch.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Look at Light of my Life for example.
To be fair that game is not a harem, and don't forget that there are challenges in it before you manage to convice each character to sleep with the mc as well as mentions of other males, so if anything this game is closer to what op mentioned.

OP wasn't really talking about competition post relationship but before it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
"Realism", the favorite word used by cuckolds and NTR fans, every VN is absurd fantasy, realism? :ROFLMAO: not even close
For real, half the comments on this thread are either "realism" or "you're insecure." As if having male competion in a game automatically makes it more realistic,
Given that about 50% of the world population is male, having only one male in a game (the MC) and up to 50 or something women, is not "entirely" realistic. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, having another male in the game does not automatically mean NTR.

Also IRL, NTR is something that hopefully a very small number of men ever experience. With NTR, I mean that your actual woman / girlfriend, who admitted herself that she is/was in a relationship with you (as opposed to some worshipped-from-afar-goddess) is being taken from you by another man. IRL it doesn't happen very often because of I think two main reasons:
- The woman also has her honour / morality and would not betray her man (you)
- The other men respect your rights to your woman

If it does happen, then it's likely that the relationship was already long dead *before* your woman ends up in another man's bed.

I mean really, how many games does "male competiton," actually add to the story and not just become a generic NTR game in the same way the harem games they are complaining about become genric?
Desert Stalker is one example. The MC is an absolute Gigachad but he can still share his women if he wills it. It's not male competition as such but a way to use casual sex as a way to increase the MC's standing with his associates. However the MC also more than enough manly to keep the women to himself if that is what he prefers.

Culture Shock is another, more traditionally written, game, which contains both a sub / NTR path for the MC where his women are fucked by other men and he get's off on that. OR, depending solely on player choices, the MC can become the alpha and not only protect his own women but also steal the woman of the main antagonist.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
This piece is (possibly falsely) attributed to the mother of Plato:

She was not in favour of neither NTR nor harem. :KEK:
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