im sorry if your japanese and take this seriously, or even if you just have a small weeny, DobermanS has Mostly all Big Black Dicks and a few Big White dicks in his videos, So let me rephrase maybe he should have some other smaller dick of any races,Lmfao
That's one awkward public conversation, bois. Just sayin'.

At the end of the day this is fiction. It's stuff some ppl get off to, and if you a dude you should "focus" on the woman, not on the man's dick. There's an audience for these kinda kinks, and devs give their fans what they want and what sells. It's business, you invest money in your project to make profit so that you can keep working on that project and also pay the bills.
Your comment is kind of racist.
lool, it's not. It would've been a racist comment, I think

, if he said that all japanese men have small dicks, and I don't believe that anyone checked that. Seriously, the dudes in DS's vids don't have big dicks, nah, these motherfuckers have gigantic dicks that would make horses have an inferiority complex.

Big dicks are 7inches+ (women say that), and these bois are like 15+, it's hilarious... somebody got the GTA V wasted screen on Math.

I wonder how the ladies fit that shit inside them, they must enjoy every second of the torture.
as men we gotta have each others backs
Some dudes like to tease others for having small dicks, especially women. There's lots of evil ppl on this planet, can't do anything about that but prove them wrong.
People hate fat-shaming but no one cares about small dick-shaming.
I think mostly women hate being called fat and often exaggerate with diets, men don't care about it that much. No one cares about dick-shaming coz it's ridiculous bro', and you can do something about that... there's pills, creams, exercises, pumps etc. don't believe that "big bois" are born with that. HARD work always pays off.