
New Member
Sep 29, 2017
Man I suck at these types of games...

Can't for the life of me beat that stupid knight... Maybe I should wait for some cheats or something. XD
You can shift + direction + slash for forward slash, it gives you iFrame and you can use it to dodge the knight attack with the use of magic bar. Use it when you don't have space to distance yourself from the knight due to wall. It's safer than double jump because it's instant.

My strategy is as follow:

1. bait the knight to do forward slash
2. if there's space behind me, run (hold shift) to a safe distance. Otherwise forward slash myself
3. run towards the knight, run + jump + slash once or twice if able
4. repeat from step 1

I suggest the counter attack. If you press "W" and almost immediately after press "Z" to attack you get a counter attack. Not sure if you get I-frames or you dive under the knight's hitbox or something, but when I learned you can do that I at most got hit once.
Man don't know you can counter here. Never use W to beat the game but if it has iFrame I guess it must be easier than forward slash strat
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