Well, overall related to the issue I can understand the hell that happened here, I do agree that the developer did fail to convey what he wanted to do, it doesn't help that the thread got renamed and I agree too that it should have been a different thread.
Having said that I'm going to comment about what I see in the game:
-Overall we have 3 main love interests which put us mainly on an incest setting, we could say that the current futa girlfriend of the older sister could be added as a love interest, but for now I don't think I can truly take her as love interest.
-The current relationships are older sister x black futa, mother x black guy and this is the setting, the only thing that actually bothers me is how the black guy tries to be cocky or just an asshole.
Overall the setting is okay, it kinda gives a feeling of "the world is alive" which is something I find important for a sandbox, however there are some issues that should be solved:
1º Stat page and quest log are kinda ugly, being something that we as players are gonna see continuously I would recommend some work on it to make them more visually appealing.
2º Stats are kinda messy: Overall we have 4 stats ; submissiveness, corruption, whorishness and influence, but except influence we are given little explanation of how the others stats influence the girls, is it better to have them low or high?.
3º The family is already so open about sex that I find it weird having a corruption stat, all that happens during the game show me a fully corrupted family, they all masturbate like rabbits multiple times per day and aren't shy at all about sex stuff, the only barrier is more in the lines of "I just need to like you more".
4º The game configuration feels a lot like a chore at this point, it's mostly about farming influence with the girls for the next event to unlock, even more characters follow the schedule in an absolute way, you know having a few events that happen ocassionaly would make the game less scheduled such as:
*Unique (black girl) inviting the older sister to see a movie, have dinner outside or do some other events.
*Personal activities such as masturbating not being scheduled but rather incorporated into how stuff happens
An example could be Unique getting a chance to invite the older sister to another date with a chance of 10% (+15% chance daily) starting after 5 days have passed since last date.
5º Unique (black girl) feels too much like an ally, overall I can understand that she may have a bad relationship with her father but saying stuff like "I won't give up my girlfriend for now" feels weird and too direct, to make a good character we need motivations and that they value what they have, at the very least she should have an objective to not lose her girlfriend, and perhaps some ambition wanting to have both sisters for herself.
This would actually make the interactions with her more interesting, because she would have stuff to offer and to get on the alliance, on one hand she would want to create more chances with the younger sister so that she can seduce her, on the other she would be really a great asset related to protecting the mother, a character in which she has 0 danger and no interest.
For example she could ask to be able to live in the house so that she can sabotage her father, she would keep her word but also would use her chance to reinforce her relationship with the older sister (sleeping on the same room) and have more chances to interact with the younger sister.
Overall it could create some sort of balance to make the game interesting, in which your objective is to be the final winner or perhaps you are satisfied with a partial win.
6º Relationships need to have more value, an easy idea would be that when a character gets enough influence over another they will start a relationship, if the character was already in a relationship it will be necessary to also reduce the influence of the current boyfriend/girlfriend, maintained relationships become stronger over time divided in 3 levels:
*Level 1 (basic relationship): The characters are in a relationship however for the most part they are free-willed and can interact normally with the rest of the characters.
*Level 2 (partially dominated): The character will pass more time with their current boyfriend/girlfriend and they will start to have a lot of sex.
*Level 3 (totally dominated): The girl is obsessed over their partner and it's very hard to find moments to interact with them, only way to reduce their partner's influence is through sabotage (having them get out of the house, drugging them so that they can't have sex...)
If enough time passes with the girl in that level she will get pregnant.
In this way there is a reason to create different scenes to see for the relationship depending on the stage, being the MC objective to have a relationship with all 3 girls on level 3, perhaps 4 girls if you can end up seducing Unique.
7º Lastly it would be important to make a lot of random events and variations for scenes, overall a sandbox don't require a storyline to follow but it surely needs flexibility for the scenes and all the stuff that happens.
With this I have said all that I noticed on this game.