*Sees the cover with the gorgeous blonde and who the dev is* Ooh yeah, boi. A new game by Mr.Jet. Let's gooo.
*Starts playing the game and then sees that monstrosity alien-lizard man-
potentially human but actual caricature of a man after all the other decent-looking guys introduced in the game*: Bruuuhh... it's always the ugliest, dumbest-looking idiotic one who's gotta by the 'MC', fuck knows why.

Think I changed my mind about this and want the ugly duckling from BARS back as the MC.
Don't forget to hit that like button if you enjoyed the game!
Don't forget that most of us hated the skinny ass ugly duckling MC in your previous game, and this one doesn't look that much better compared to him, so could you please upgrade, like, everything about this MC, starting from his dumb, ugly face and neo-nazi haircut ?? No offense, but supposedly "cute/attractive" losers like this MC have their way of annoying me real bad, and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this.
Seriously now, you got so many decent-looking guy characters like Barry, Mike and Rick, and you choose one of the lamest of them as the MC ?? I half expected the wannabe Charlie Chaplin-looking old fart to be the MC, and btw, we could've gotten a lil sweeter payback on him for acting like a butthurt clown toward the MC.
It looks like many girls have female friends: Alex + Olivia; Fiona + Emily (or + Riley?), which kinda gives hopes for three-way relationships...
Yeah, that's a big plus coming from BARS, and hopefully this time, we won't have to deal with hypocritical cunts like a certain redheaded milf again for a cheap, ridiculous and out-of-place moral preaching. I like me some good decently-written drama when it's needed to progress the story, but too much of it is simply too much and gets ridiculous.
I wonder if it would've been better if some are replaced with female characters instead.
Probably not. There's already a looot of attractive, gorgeous female characters for Mr.Jet to work with, and some players want ALL of them to be at least fuckable, understandably why (looking at you, Emily, Carla, Fiona and Riley, you drop-dead gorgeous lil sluts), so adding more female characters means less screen time for the current ones and less character development and romantic build-up with the MC, which only leaves us with a basic porn 'plot' and a big meaningless fuckery.
I personally love all female characters that are so far in the game, but I usually prefer 5/6 well-written LIs and a few side girls for quick sex scenes to a big ass female cast of 10+ LIs
like a certain game called Reunion has, and I think most devs and fans would agree with me on this, since it's pretty obvious why.