Looking forward to where this goes, seeing who else Doom gets his vengeance upon.
Maybe Clea to neutralize Doctor Strange.
Definitely Susan (first MILF of Marvel needs some attention) to beat Reed. Alicia Masters could get both Ben and Johnny to fight over her, or Crystal who was Johnny's Inhuman girlfriend at one point.
Depending on when this is set, to neutralize Iron Man you could have a few choices of Pepper (aka Rescue) or Hellcat (Patsy Walker) or Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) or Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew).
Elektra is the easy pick to beat Daredevil (if Doom is going to bother working down the list of NYC heroes) but Typhoid Mary would be another fun pick and a less obvious one.
Thor would could have Mighty Thor (Jane Foster), Sif, Valkyrie, Lady Loki, Enchantress, Hel... So many choices as they get odder.
Really lots of potential for ways to develop the game, Doom is a global ruler so he could fight anyone and looking forward to where you go from here.