To help people understand where the game is at completion wise...
This, and everything you've done so far and for the next few updates are the prologue. That's why it's version .0x instead of .x0. Chapter one starts with meeting "Lust" and that's getting pretty damn close. When the first chapter does starts, it will be version .10, when the first chapter is completed, it'll be version 1.0. So each whole number means the completion of a chapter. The game is based off the "seven deadly sins" so there will be 7 or 8 chapters in total, meaning the game will be at version 7.0 or 8.0 by the time it ends, with version 8.0 being the final conclusion chapter. But I may just roll that into version 7.0. However, that's a good ways away so I'm not worried about that for now. As far as updates go and how you can recognize what's in them, all updates with renders will, .x while regular updates will be .0x. So for Elise's update the game will be at .08. I could release 10 more updates before that and the game would just be at .07.11.
There will be no part 1 part 2 type thing, it's only going to be one game and it will wind up being a pretty massive game, if it goes the way I have planned. I have a lot of things planned for the game but I'm trying not to add too much gameplay at one time because I know people want renders. I just can't pump them out that fast. Well, I could, but they'd be shitty renders, and as a person playing the game, I don't want shitty renders.
Thanks for taking the time to enjoy my game and add input