Dev has not replied to a single comment on Patreon. I don't know how some guys have the audacity to still justify his actions. I have seen some hypocrites in this thread that were defending the dev when he was continuously giving dates for 3 times, they were saying that "Dev is so transparent, at least he is giving updates daily," and now that the dev has been gone missing for 3 days, they are still defending "it is okay." I mean, are you dumb or what?
The reason why I am commenting on this forum is because I want new users to know how Dev is treating his patrons as well as the whole audience. Some dumbos were saying, "You have no right to say if you aren't a patreon."

Bruh, more people play the game, the more his patrons will increase. So the non-patrons opinion also matters because they are his future patrons. This is such common sense, and they give another excuse by saying to play something else. Mate I don't want to play any new games, and I am sure many people are like me who have 2-4 games that they only play.
The more people who read this and decide not to take his membership, the better he will treat his audience. Simple as that.