All of this ridiculous contract nonsense with Louise could've been avoided had she gone over it with MC her husband or at least contacted a lawyer like most sensible people would do. I get it's part of the story, sure, but it doesn't make it any less irritating. If she was a teenager or fresh out of college, then I'd expect this, but she's pushing what? 40? Like C'mon. Now this Sebastian cloud is going to loom over the MC longer than it needs to.
Can't forget about the fact that he's now making unwanted contact and Louise is keeping it from MC, which also is a horrible decision. Women have this annoying thing where they think it's okay to keep things like this from us to protect us, problem with that logic is what happens when the unwanted flirting turns into unwanted touching and grabbing other things? Then what? Now you the husband or boyfriend is ready to kick someone's ass all while wondering how the hell did this get this far out of hand. Or why did this jerkoff think it was okay or was comfortable enough to do this in the first place.
I did like the part where Louise took some accountability for not being there for MC, as she should've. All Mc has done was support that woman and look what he gets, you almost feel compelled to break up with her or cheat on her, at least I did.
I like Jacob a lot by the way.