How? Lousie said "I'll just say i'm married, that will usually does the trick", but if seb already kissed lousie, & lousie didn't get to stop that, than how she thinks she is able to handle him? He's not the guy who respect women's consent just because she married. He knows she is married when he tried to kissed her suddenly with force.
And even in supporting husband path, honestly lousie's explanation and asking for forgiveness hasn't convinced me. Her "ask for forgiveness" explanation is very short & all she says is "i'm always gonna chose you". But, she already had a chance to "choose" & she chosen career already in the period of emily's last days & also during MC's gone through depression.
I thought those who play lousie path should give some time before taking decision on her split. Thats what i told to some players here. But, now, I'm really feeling like to split with lousie at this particular point, without the cheating or feeling like MC is the bad guy. And i want my MC to happily settle with nurse without feeling any guilt for lousie. She is very understanding.