On the topic of Gumdrop´s new discord message:
My spidersense is tingling! More lies by gumdrop which confirm even stronger what was already guessed: He did zilch last year! There is no possibility he is this late, if he did even a bit after March 2018. Most of his messages, especially those about progress made, are nothing but verbose lies. He told how far he is on writing, rendering,etc., then the new messages show he started writing , rendering, etc. only weeks ago.
Now he supposedly has taken in outsiders, I am sure mainly to shift blame on them since he must be running out of other excuses. I would not be surprised when in a few month time it comes out this Fatcat17 guy had only a short cooperation for the Xmas-special and nothing more, to gain time.
Considering suddenly Vanaduke´s fanart comes out under gumdrops name, without mentioning
@Vanaduke, I would not put it past gumdrop to widen out his scam.
Nice try again to turn the words in the mouth. That´s more of enough of an answer to someone who feels morally superior in defending a proven liar. But I am more amused than annoyed, since it gives me the chance to witness Homo gumdropus mendaxis and his cheerleader in their natural habitat.