New Rewards for +$20 Patrons!
Hey everyone!
As promised, I'm going to share with you some of my ideas to give more back to the most flattering patrons that continue to humble me.
My primary objective was to avoid the idea of "Extra Content" -- something that often resembles making you pay more for content that was excluded from the update and story intentionally. Instead, I'm suggesting the addition of customization features to further immerse those who love Dual Family enough to support it so generously.
Admittingly, I had to stop myself from piling all the new features on at once since some will require quite a lot more time to implement than others. I'm starting with a relatively small feature, then tackling the larger features when I am able to make more time available by increasing my rendering production and acquiring additional 3D talent.
Starting This Month:
Profile Customization - Select from a variety of clothing options -- however scanty or reserved -- for the major four characters to wear on the profile selection screen. This will also affect the character card's clothing.
Every month, I will present a number of clothing variants for the +$20 patrons to vote their favorite. The chosen clothing selection will be added to a growing repertoire for each character and can be swapped at any time via the Secrets Menu.
Each and every clothing variant will have its own custom pose appropriate to the apparel's theme -- feel free to mix and match among the characters to suit your fancy!
Further Down The Road:
Character Selection (LONG Implementation) - Select from a few variants to represent the major four characters with ethnic, facial and build variety.
I will present an array of characters when the time comes -- the final additional cast being voted and chosen by the +$20 patrons who will be receiving the features.
Hair Selection (Swift Implementation) - Select from a handful of variants to alter the hair styling and hair color of the major four characters.
In the early implementation of this feature, the selection will only be compatible with the original cast of characters. Combinability between multiple features will be implemented over time. The final hair styles and colors will be chosen through vote as well.
Bust Selection (Moderate Implementation) - Select from a few variants to alter the bust size of the four major characters.
Similarly, the early implementation of this feature will only be compatible with the original cast of characters. Combinability between multiple features will be implemented over time. The exactness of each bust size will be chosen through vote as well.
My idea is to make this additional customization available to the most gracious supporters at the earliest point possible, then being available to the public when all three acts of Dual Family have been completed. I hope you'll find the new features to be an exciting addition; the hardcore previews can be few and far between, you deserving so much more for your grand contribution.
The first voting poll will start tomorrow, so don't forget to tune in!
Gumdrop Games