This is a great guide! There's a few things I've found in my save-editing endeavors that I think would be useful for others as well.
First, I've found that it's much easier to edit the saves when the JSON has been decompressed. There's a couple of different ways to do this. My preferred method is to use
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with the JSON Viewer plugin. Alternatively, you could use an online formatter
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if you don't want to download anything. Decompressing the JSON makes the save much more readable, and as a result, more easily editable.
Second, there's only a few different points of interest that are relevant to save editing. As you make more progress in the game, the save file gets longer and longer, as the game keeps an entry of every character you encounter in the dungeon. Thankfully, the points of interest remain in consistent locations, at the beginning and the end of the file.
At the beginning of the file is the player character entry,
playerCharacter, and this is where all of the edits concerning
appearance will be made. An important thing to note, there is an additional entry for the player character in the
characters list, and any edits made to this other entry will not have any effect on your character, so make sure you are editing the right entry! Most of your visual edits will require you to change the
statusEffects list in
playerCharacter. For changes in here, you can utilize notathrowaway's guide, making sure to replace any of the status effects of the same category when adding the new status effects. Additionally, you can edit breast size, butt size and body build in the same manner. (Mouths, eyes, and eyebrows are a bit more difficult to edit, so I might make a more in depth guide in the future if there's a demand for it.) Make sure that the list is formatted properly, so that each status effect is properly capitalized, enclosed by quotation marks, and followed by a comma if it is not the last item in the list. If the save file is not formatted correctly, the game will not be able to load it.
At the end of the file, starting with
"gems" is where all of the edits involving
currency and
player stats will be made. Adding gems to your save is very easy, simply change the number after the
"gems" entry. Changing your stats is somewhat less straightforward. There are 2 stat blocks for the player character,
"playerBaseStats" and
"playerUpgrades." The playerUpgrades section is where the game keeps track of the permanant upgrades that the player has purchased with gems, and can be edited to improve the stats as well. I'm not actually sure if editing the playerBaseStats changes the players stats or not, as I haven't really played around with it at all.
That's all I've got right now, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.