
Jul 19, 2018
I think the action bar mechanic is pretty cool and interesting, but I'm not sure that it ends up working out. Even maxed out, there's too few slots to respond to all of the various behaviors used by enemies and bosses, so you end up just making a build which can brute-force through the mechanics through either sheer damage or massive self-heals.

There's only two enemies in the game who really use the Charge status to any meaningful degree, but you are forced to use one slot up because not either Defending, First Aid-ing, or Countering it is basically an instaloss. Charge status, despite raising Atk and MagAtk, is treated separately from both, so if you want to also defend against bosses who buff themselves before hitting with a heavy single attack, you'd have to do that separately. The game desperately needs the ability to unlock AND or OR conditions for action bar setups. As it is, the actionbars put a very hard cap on how complex your build can be, making more than a few abilities functionally useless because slotting them in would force you to drop an important part of your build.

I also very strongly dislike the game having the Ending battles in a new section where you don't benefit anywhere near as strongly from leveling up, especially in Route C where you go straight into a boss battle at lvl1. Since many class rankups and most of the accessories are based around stat growth per level, you're essentially sent into the final battles of the game as a weakling. This has multiple side effects, the most obnoxious one IMO being that the final bosses all have to be much weaker than the floor 100 boss, making said fights anticlimactic as you're just two low-level schmucks whacking each other for the equivalent of floor 50-ish damage. It also means that a ton of hard-hitting skills become devalued immediately before the final battle because you won't have the mana regen to use them properly. What's that, you had Ace attached to that one skill that hit like a freight train? Good luck only getting to use it once in the entire fight lol.
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Jul 22, 2017
I think the action bar mechanic is pretty cool and interesting, but I'm not sure that it ends up working out. Even maxed out, there's too few slots to respond to all of the various behaviors used by enemies and bosses, so you end up just making a build which can brute-force through the mechanics through either sheer damage or massive self-heals.

There's only two enemies in the game who really use the Charge status to any meaningful degree, but you are forced to use one slot up because not either Defending, First Aid-ing, or Countering it is basically an instaloss. Charge status, despite raising Atk and MagAtk, is treated separately from both, so if you want to also defend against bosses who buff themselves before hitting with a heavy single attack, you'd have to do that separately. The game desperately needs the ability to unlock AND or OR conditions for action bar setups. As it is, the actionbars put a very hard cap on how complex your build can be, making more than a few abilities functionally useless because slotting them in would force you to drop an important part of your build.

I also very strongly dislike the game having the Ending battles in a new section where you don't benefit anywhere near as strongly from leveling up, especially in Route C where you go straight into a boss battle at lvl1. Since many class rankups and most of the accessories are based around stat growth per level, you're essentially sent into the final battles of the game as a weakling. This has multiple side effects, the most obnoxious one IMO being that the final bosses all have to be much weaker than the floor 100 boss, making said fights anticlimactic as you're just two low-level schmucks whacking each other for the equivalent of floor 50-ish damage. It also means that a ton of hard-hitting skills become devalued immediately before the final battle because you won't have the mana regen to use them properly. What's that, you had Ace attached to that one skill that hit like a freight train? Good luck only getting to use it once in the entire fight lol.
You are pretty much correct but I tend to be more lenient with devs who try something new, he could've easily made another basic rpg but tried another system and failed, I do hope the new game is more refined.
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New Member
Jun 24, 2018
as a fan of final fantasy 12 this was a cool game but u really only need saint heal/refresh and then windmill or something to beat the game lol


Aug 12, 2019
That's three slots on Saint Heal(When 50 or below, when burnt, when frozen-those are the only ones Saint Heal cures). That's too many. You're better off with just the heal slot.
It worked for the previous 99 floors :p
Letting a status effect stick around is a losing proposition on the deeper floors, but yeah wasting action slots and turns in combat on removing them was a waste. Swapping hats for one that makes me immune to freeze in the first place is much more efficient even if it does cost a few points of mdef.

I think the action bar mechanic is pretty cool and interesting, but I'm not sure that it ends up working out...
I agree that it could use some more polish, and a higher degree of complexity in how you can program your behavior would be good (AND/OR conditionals, being able to key off enemy HP and whether or not they're a boss, triggering from any kind of buff or any kind of status effect instead of using a separate line for each, etc), but I really love the concept.

90% of your time in a typical rpgmaker game (or most other turnbased jrpgs for that matter) is spent clicking through relatively monotonous combats, with a few specific circumstances you've come up with for yourself to change tactics slightly (healing when you get below half, defending when the enemy is obviously charging up a big hit...) and you only put any actual thought into things for boss fights. Even the games that do include an auto-battle button do it stupidly, either not allowing anything but the base attack or burning through your most expensive spells on mooks.

This takes that process and speeds it up by orders of magnitude, allowing you to come up with strategies and then test them against a hundred monsters a minute instead of spending the next hour pressing A over and over whenever you want to go anywhere. The tradeoff is that you can't change tactics in the middle of a boss fight if you messed something up, but that adds a challenge of trying to predict and counter them in advance instead of always being able to pick the ideal reaction to what they're doing in the moment, and you always have an escape button when things don't go as planned with no penalties to using it unless you're going for a specific achievement or secret ending.

I definitely see a lot of room for improvement, but I really want to see systems like this implemented in more games and I can't think of any others that really followed up on the concept.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
This is about the logic used by most monsters in most RPGs. They don't usually have many conditions. Or moves, for that matter.


Jan 31, 2019
Anyone knows the value of human fluids? -_____- u need 50k to unlock extra classes -_______-
You're supposed to do the now-unlocked boss rush mode over by the dungeon gate. I was able to do it as a paladin with magic build. Mage was too squishy, I was spending all my time healing. But paladin has enough defenses to outlast the enemy and enough magic to use strong healing and offenses. Don't bother with physical attacks, change your basic attack to fireball.
The extra class doesn't seem super good. The stats are completely busted, but it doesn't have any MP so you can't use even the most basic abilities barring what you learn from it and that one from Swordmaster. Eventually the Steal skill won't be enough to keep you alive. Maybe potions would be useful though.

So seeker is by doing Newgame+, then doing bossrush again? I'll have to try that. I'm really enjoying these RPG mechanics.

And for anyone complaining about the gameplay, try the fastforward feature. The idea is to make an unbeatable combination of abilities and let your character plow through the game.


Jan 31, 2019
I think my knight build might be a little too defensive...
View attachment 1995488
Try a pure mage build. Keep Mentality up when your magic attack is off, saint heal when your HP is below 60%, defend when enemy is charged, and windmill from Ninja for damage. Set that to ace. Then load up on MP restoring and matk gear. It runs into some survivability issues, in which you may want to switch to paladin. But it generally burns through things before they can do much. Alternatively, use the same build on paladin. No physical attack, just magical attack. That runs into some MP issues at lower levels, but has far more bulk.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
So seeker is by doing Newgame+, then doing bossrush again?

Read the changelog. You need to get Ending C to go after Seeker. The dungeon unlocked is different. It's a full 100-floor run with enemies with 50% extra HP, 30% extra stats and everyone has 1% regen on top of anything they has before.
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Jul 22, 2017
So seeker is by doing Newgame+, then doing bossrush again?

Read the changelog. You need to get Ending C to go after Seeker. The dungeon unlocked is different. It's a full 100-floor run with enemies with 50% extra HP, 30% extra stats and everyone has 1% regen on top of anything they has before.
That's another failure from the dev, the extra jobs should be unlocked in the first ng+ and after unlocking the c ending (returning the money bag), the rush dungeons should give you cheat weapons or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Well, this was a nice little game... Emphasis on little. With some of the comments in the thread, I thought that there was complicated stuff to manage... but it's pretty easy to figure out. Defend on enemy charge. Prioritize healing when you need it depending on build with preferred method. Have some synergy based on class. Ez.

The main issue I see is that you don't have much to do with the EX classes by the time you get them. Especially the second one. You can sorta bypass that a bit by unlocking them with monster fluids, which is not hard once you have a build that can run from floors 1 to 100 without pause... and there's plenty that can pull it off. Hell, the only thing to do with the second class is... to get bigger high-scores for the extra dungeons? Other than that, I haven't found a use for them.

Additionally, the H-scenes for both of them re-use poses from other classes, but with somewhat different context and whatnot... not particularly impressive.

Still. The game was fun. The system was nice. The H wasn't bad. The story, while simple, was ok.

A bigger gripe that I'd have is that getting the 3rd ending can be convoluted if you don't know about it beforehand. Not hard, but if you don't know what to do, it's very easy to miss, especially since by the point you get there, you might be on your 3rd playthrough and might not feel the need to re-run the dungeon from top to bottom repeatedly, again.

BCA is definitely my recommended order, that's for sure...

Oh, and magic is definitely busted.
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Apr 21, 2020
Are EX dungeons completable without the scrape dol and something like 50 completions? If so, could anyone share some hints? I seem to be strugling with either the warrior or the demon fighter whom I've unlocked for 50k fluids. Warrior doesn't have enough damage and demon fighter comes short on heals...


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
The scape doll is disabled in both the EX dungeons regardless so you HAVE to do without. I think I used the Warrior or Knight. Use Knight's Strong, but don't use Charge-you can't spare the extra turn. Have Beat Bash in place for the Guardian. Refresh for healing. I think I used Blade Dance a lot-I think that's from the Swordsman. Emerald Sword for the MP and attack power. Can't remember if I used the +50 crit ring.

Of course, if you have Demon Fighter, you have Hammer Fall(Auto crit) and Anger Stance(buff your attack further.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Are EX dungeons completable without the scrape dol and something like 50 completions? If so, could anyone share some hints? I seem to be strugling with either the warrior or the demon fighter whom I've unlocked for 50k fluids. Warrior doesn't have enough damage and demon fighter comes short on heals...
They are very much completable without the Scrape Doll. For the 1st EX Dungeon, I originally completed it with a Rank9 Ninja build, but I'm too lazy to dig through my saves for that one. I also completed it with a Demon Fighter build, and I also used that same build to beat the other EX dungeon. On average... the first EX dungeon is actually harder than the second, because you build up a lot less levels, and that affects build-up for everything, especially HP and MP regen.

Here's some screenshots of my Action List, Gear Choice, as well as results from the second EX dungeon so you know I'm not just talking out of my ass.

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There IS an actual method to my madness btw. The Action choices should be pretty obvious. Anger Stance all the time for damage. If you're under 50% HP that gives you 100 bonus to your Attack stat, it's huge and turns seeming defeats into victories. Defend against charge, obviously. Survive Potion, from the Adventurer class, for those times when the enemy gets super lucky with crits. In the run here, only 2 were used at the lvl 90 boss. Steal, as Ace. This is both for sustain and damage. Venom to stop enemy regeneration.

On the gear side... Defector not only gives you plenty of attack, it also boosts DEF growth which gives the Demon Fighter a staggering 5 per Def stat on each level. It's REALLY good. The extra crit is nice, but won't make much of a difference. Brass Knuckles. The attack and Agi are the important bits. The Accuracy doesn't really matter. Protect suit enhances the base HP a lot, and adds even more Agi, making it even more likely to have the 1st move on all turns. Pain Killer is absolute mandatory. The regen boost doesn't hurt, but the most important bit is the debuff immunity. Demon Fighter Absolutely CANNOT take debuffs, at all. She'll die horribly if she does.

That's it. Works like a charm. Probably not the cheapest possible set-up for the highest possible score... but I suspect you'll need a magic build for something like that, using the ero stance of the ninja for the +200 M.Attack when almost naked. (It's pretty damn busted...)
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Aug 4, 2017
I wish there was more meaningful interaction between the very interesting combat mechanic and the sex scenes. Aside from "ero" stance and the pub fights, they're very divorced. Also the sex content is very re-used and not that interesting. Bit of wasted potential from the Gatekeeper devs.


Dec 17, 2016
I played this back when it first released after Ane Kasegi (Another great game by the same dev) and boy I am so glad we finally got content for the blue haired boy. It would have been a shame if he didn't got any since this artist was well known for the way he drew asses. Still,I am surprised on the raunchy it gets after you have enough lewdness,like the kid just starts hanging around your home in his underwear lmao.

Also,I am surprised people would install a patch to remove the gay content when said content was optional in the first place,like you really don't see such scenes unless you actively try to trigger them in the first place
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Dec 17, 2016
I wish there was more meaningful interaction between the very interesting combat mechanic and the sex scenes. Aside from "ero" stance and the pub fights, they're very divorced. Also the sex content is very re-used and not that interesting. Bit of wasted potential from the Gatekeeper devs.
You mean Ane Kasegi devs,this game was developed before Gatekeeper but after Ane Kasegi and wouldn't be surprised they happen in the same universe
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
Demon Fighter: Get ending B, then clear the EX dungeon Demon Realm or pay 50,000 Fluids.
Seeker: Get Ending C, then clear the EX Dungeon Gurenji Bottom or pay 50,000 Fluids.
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Apr 30, 2019
How does one do this? "After that, the "Introduce Uno to the Owner" and "Call Uno to Prostitute" menus will become available. "

I prostituted myself a couple of times but it doesn't seem to work...


Aug 12, 2019
Try a pure mage build. Keep Mentality up when your magic attack is off, saint heal when your HP is below 60%, defend when enemy is charged, and windmill from Ninja for damage. Set that to ace. Then load up on MP restoring and matk gear. It runs into some survivability issues, in which you may want to switch to paladin. But it generally burns through things before they can do much. Alternatively, use the same build on paladin. No physical attack, just magical attack. That runs into some MP issues at lower levels, but has far more bulk.
To clarify, I don't have any problems finding viable builds, just the one I had been using on this particular run (which was able to tank its way through 99 floors with trivial ease) ended up being too slow to kill the Guardian while also too durable to lose, leading to me having to use the escape button after 2000 rounds of combat. I thought that was funny. I dove back in with an accessory that made me immune to their status effects and a slight rearrangement of action conditionals and that fixed it.

Also, this was on a virgin run so I didn't have the fluids to free up more than a couple of skills. It think the vampiric stance might have been the only thing I actually unlocked; other than that I only had access to knight-specific abilities, and only from ranks 7 and below. But for example if I was a mage, the Drain attack would be the only source of healing, and that's not really enough to keep up with a high level enemy that has high mdef reducing the effect when I have basically no defense. Ninja or Adventurer run into similar problems due to lack of native healing spells... I'm pretty sure a Warrior could get max hp and hp regen rate high enough to keep up with their damage output, if I make liberal use of break beat to strip all their buffs... Not sure if a Swordsman could keep up, probably depends on level.

Fun fact: for my first two entire runs I misread the description of the 'charged' condition as inflicting 120% damage, as in 20% more than normal (instead of 120% more than normal and 220% in total), so I figured it was a waste of time and never actually set a single trigger depending on it. Every time an enemy charged up I just took it on the nose (and then usually healed up after).
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