Save data is in AppData\LocalLow\R's\Elf Sex Farm\Slot1. Everything is a txt file and cheating in more money and points is easy; however, the other stuff references some list and I don't know the values it wants. Easy to edit though.
If someone could figure out the values for the UnlockCollections.txt, that would be nice...
I did some playing around with the "inventory" page following this, below is one of the items, grass or something:
{"$id":"5","$type":"FullInventoryData, Assembly-CSharp","Slots":{"$type":"System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[ItemCount, Assembly-CSharp]], mscorlib","$values":[{"$id":"6","$type":"ItemCount, Assembly-CSharp","id":32,"count":500}
Notice the "Count" at the end... put buildings and "weapons" in the chest BEFORE tweaking these values, you can likely set all to 999 and you will INSTANTLY have that much in your players lower list. Hopefully this is useful to other players, basically it's cheating sure, but all you are doing is playing around with a text file, saving it, then loading your game.
Additional Note: When you store the 999+ items in storage chest, they stack as one item with a count of 999