If I understand it correctly,
she is different to an Aspect because she was human and elevated by the One, which Aspects weren't, they were created. So Eris can speak directly to the One, as much as the Aspects can, while fake gods can't. Dev may not agree, but at the moment, I see her as a real god, as opposed to the other fake ones.
Amynth planned on meeting Khamira with Eliot, but when they got there she suddenly had something to do. So maybe she did, but I wondered if perhaps she didn't have something to do, but was aware that AN aspect was there and trying to avoid her. Or your way works too, she would probably want to avoid a fake god too.
Eris is a god. Simply put and said. Just like any other, only difference is, unlike those created by Aspects, Eris falls under Azhaq'tel's sole jurisdiction. Relatively anyways, she has been somewhat naughty in background which violated some rules severely, hence, why, in CH5, you see Amynth nearly popping her head off, and enforcing the rules and ensuring she never does such a thing ever again no matter the circumstance.
But you see that in CH5 as well, 1st with her convo with Eliot that offers some final revelation as to how events transpired and how and why is Eliot present, and you also have a scene with her and Amynth alone.
No God is ''Fake'' except Eris's sister.
2nd. They're not Gods, they're Angelic Beings more like it, Emissaries, as Amynth explains in somewhat mind fucking way to Eliot in that tent. Calling em gods is as she states blasphemy towards an actual god, aka The One. Its just how humanity treats them, calls them and sees them. As she well explains.
As for that small part where Amynth leaves Eliot alone for a moment to deal with Khamira, that's just set up for one of DLC's, Sands of Time.
Khamira is neither, she is descendant of 1st civilization of Elleria that were more... advanced in terms of tech, but also diabolical to put it mildly. If anything, consider her a sorceress of an ancient race, a descendant is what she is. That's what Tashir are.
Tashir people, are loosely based on Mayan's civilization from our own world.
Narration clearly states Eliot suspects sorcery in Khamira's presence. Khamira herself is an intriguing character imo, but she isn't divine. Consider her like a Cleopatra of Egypt more like it.