ADRIFT Abandoned Emily Homecoming Act 2 [v1.0.4] [Palmer & Bbben]


Active Member
Feb 10, 2017
It took Palmer almost 3 years to do Emily: Sister Attraction from concept to final; and it was relatively linear and short. Now, he's also working on his alien porn: PWU...

I'm expecting all three acts of the sequel to be finished sometime in 2025.
na you give him to much credit id say 2075 ^_-
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Jun 4, 2017
Palmer confirmed that this game has been abandoned until further notice on his other thread here.
Jason was right, 2025 was too optomistic.


Aug 13, 2017
God I hate this engine. It says "Right, come on X, time to get up! Get your things together, everything should be closeby. Then I need to call a cab."

Yet the game doesn't understand "get upt", "stand up", "get things together", "pack", "get clothes", "call cab", WTF?


Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
God I hate this engine. It says "Right, come on X, time to get up! Get your things together, everything should be closeby. Then I need to call a cab."

Yet the game doesn't understand "get upt", "stand up", "get things together", "pack", "get clothes", "call cab", WTF?
I could not play it to hard.

Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
Don't mean to sound poky, but I hope that you're aware that using the trademarked Facebook icon in your game, while you earn taxed money (salary), you could get in legal trouble with Facebook.
Jan 1, 2018
I don't suppose there's any reason NOT to make this available. I know there used to be a walkthrough for this, but I can't find it anywhere. Please post it if you have it.
For those of you who don't know, this is the DEMO for Act 1. Palmer has never released anything other than this.
Last edited:
Jan 1, 2018
The OP only has v1.0.3. The official link to v1.0.4 is here

(N.B. Windows Defender tries reeeeeally hard to quarantine the exe as soon as it's unpacked. Previous posts in this thread have addressed this.)
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Jan 1, 2018
This walkthrough should work for v1.0.4. Not sure about v1.0.3.
In Bedroom:
Take phone, open desk drawer, take wallet, open lower drawer (there's a nightstand with 2 drawers not mentioned in the room description), take passport, take ticket. north
In Closet:
Take bag, use phone, 1 (call), 3 (cab company), south, west, south, south, open door, south (should take you to the front door and put you outside)
On plane:
Take safety card (take card also works), talk to old lady, 3 (switch seats with her friend), east, talk to man, move west and east until you're in the same section as the flight attendant, talk to flight attendant (be sure to include "to" for this one or else it won't work and she might move on), go back to where the man is sitting next to the beautiful woman, talk to man, sit
Sitting Next to Woman:
First option doesn't matter as she'll ignore you, talk to mel, 2 (this movie sucks so talk to me), give card to mel, rub leg/thigh, rub arm/shoulder, rub face, kiss mel, press button, kiss mel, kiss mel, rub tits/boobs, rub pussy
In Bathroom:
Enjoy. Her first orgasm, which comes quickly, unlocks the third mile high point. Giving her the safety card and warning her about the movie give you the other 2. With all 3 she's open for any kind of sex including anal. This scene ends after PC has 2 orgasms, Melanie can have as many as you want to give her but only the first gives any points. If you read the ReadMe file or have played a BBBen game before you know how to interact during a sex scene.


Sep 24, 2017
Where is the ACT 1?? This one already start from day 2, and since the game hints, somenthing had happen in day 1 with Veronica.

BTW this game is about cheating on Emily with a different girl in each act? This is really strange since the first one was all lovely and stuff... Not that i'm complaining about the new girls x'D.
Jan 1, 2018
Where is the ACT 1?? This one already start from day 2, and since the game hints, somenthing had happen in day 1 with Veronica.

BTW this game is about cheating on Emily with a different girl in each act? This is really strange since the first one was all lovely and stuff... Not that i'm complaining about the new girls x'D.
Act 1 was only ever taken to concept phase. The link is up just a few posts, called "Homecoming_concept_1_erotic_bath.rar".

As I recall, Emily knows about Veronica and isn't jealous, but the MC actually hasn't ever done anything with Veronica until the end of day 1 (Act 1). It's also implied that, since Emily and the MC won't be able to have a permanent or public relationship, they are both "open", so it wouldn't be considered cheating. Also, Veronica is explicit about wanting to have a threesome with Emily, and the MC believes Emily will be open to that too, so Act 3 may not have introduced any new girls. We'll never know.
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Sep 24, 2017
Act 1 was only ever taken to concept phase. The link is up just a few posts, called "Homecoming_concept_1_erotic_bath.rar".

As I recall, Emily knows about Veronica and isn't jealous, but the MC actually hasn't ever done anything with Veronica until the end of day 1 (Act 1). It's also implied that, since Emily and the MC won't be able to have a permanent or public relationship, they are both "open", so it wouldn't be considered cheating. Also, Veronica is explicit about wanting to have a threesome with Emily, and the MC believes Emily will be open to that too, so Act 3 may not have introduced any new girls. We'll never know.
I write before reading the previous posts, my bad

As for the impossibility of permanent relationship, I do not like the way it was written, I do not even try to do anything, just accept their parents' decision to extradite the MC from their own country (may I exaggerated in this one, but still true;)), for the public thing, they are not the first incestuous couple (even their friends are fucking in the first game), just move to another place (or country).

Yes, they are minors, but if they can't wait, why do they insist then? Because the easy way out is ending this "relationship", but they just keep it in the middle.
They did not even visit each other, what prevent the MC to return for a weekend? the legal age for flying alone is 16 and you can get US / France tickets for $ 800, part-time job can help you get the money easy (and if you really are brave you can get a ticket for $ 300 in some companies).

Isn't hard to figure out why they choice to have an "Open Relationship", just fucking Emily again will not be enough for a new game, this will just repeat the first one (and some players may have feel bad for cheating on Emily) so, that was just some story mechanism to keep the sexual things going, and well, this is a porn game!

This open thing may work for Veronica (you know, porn past, they knowing each other for a couple years), but now we have a random girl who is willing to cheat his boyfriend just because you say some pretty words for her? Let’s not forget about the girl who like threesomes, the lesbian Emily’s friend and your friend fucking his sister's ass.

So yeah, all the characters are pretty "open". (except the parentsx'Dx'Dx'D)
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