RPGM Complete [English Translation] [Patch] SEQUEL blight [1.3.0]

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Jan 8, 2018
Hi, yes, hello. This is a fan-made unofficial English translation patch for the game SEQUEL blight by Leaf Geometry (hakika).

As of 1.3.0, the project is super finished and no more updates to the patch are planned. The game is fully translated.
Check out or something if you want to know what I'm up to next. I don't want to maintain forum threads! It's such a pain in the ass!!

Patch Installation and Updating
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Under no circumstances are you to ask or provide a download link to this game, on this thread, privately or by any other means. Doing so will result in warnings / bans.

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Patch download:
Version 1.3.0:

Patch-specific info:
  • This patch is for the latest game version, ver.2.10. Compatibility with other game versions is unlikely. Save games between versions of the translation patch are compatible.
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Deleted member 441627

On the dialog character's names, have you considered changing the sprites' filenames? (Or copy them and only change the copied names to avoid errors.) I'm guessing you'd have to manually change the sprite in the box for every dialogue in the game, which sounds like a pain but you'd avoid the "\name" thing.
Also not sure how your translator works, but changing the event descriptions shouldn't be too hard to do on the editor.
Not really using it, but it's one of my favorite games so I'm glad it's getting translated, good luck with it.
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Jan 8, 2018
I tried to change the filenames the first time I realized what was going on, but it doesn't work. The text display function uses the sprite filename as one of the arguments, so changing the file name makes it throw an error. Of course, it's possible to edit the code in the RPGMaker editor so the argument is "Rabi" instead of "ラビィ", but that takes as much effort as using \NAME[]. Additionally, it would mean doing the translation in the RPGMaker editor, which is not a good idea for multiple reasons like the cumbersome UI, bad search options, poor version control, and incompatibility with possible (but unlikely) future patches to the game.

Considering that there's 429 different maps in the game, I'd be using Translator++ instead of the editor just for the search function if nothing else.

And as much as I hate it, Translator++ is the best software for translating RPGMaker games that I could find. The search works, I can easily go from one file to another, building patches is easy, and the Japanese lines are clearly laid out next to the input fields for English. It's just that it lacks a few features that would be *really* useful, like character count, and has a few awful bugs. And the developer seems to be more interested in adding support for more online translation services, instead of making fundamental improvements to the program. Oh well.

Why RPGMaker Trans doesn't patch the event descriptions is a mystery to me. They're laid out in an array like this:

101 => ["001:ハートを求めて",



102 => ["002:冒険者の需要",


going on for dozens of events. RPGMaker Trans patches the event names correctly, (here 001:ハートを求めて and 002:冒険者の需要) but cannot figure out how to do it for the descriptions. In the Scripts.txt translation file produced by it, the corresponding entries for the descriptions just say "> CONTEXT: None < UNUSED". I don't know why this happens. So these ones I'll have to do in the RPGMaker editor. I just don't want to do it again every single time I post a patch.

I agree that the game's great. It's a JRPG that respects your time. No grinding unless you want to, the fast mode for combat is really fast, lots of warp points, no pointless game overs or content locked behind losing battles. The writing can get pretty funny too.

Deleted member 441627

I see, I see, I guess you'll just have to keep using the "\name" thing. After taking a look at the scripts it seems it would be a pain either way. And I can see why you wouldn't want to deal with those too much. You know what works best, I never tried actually translating stuff for real like this, despite messing a lot with the games on the editor.
It's one of the best games in this style I've played so far. Been trying to get friends to play it for a while but, you know, most can't really read japanese.


Jan 8, 2018
Big patch. Notable features include quintupled translated H-scene amount, finishing of chapter 1, skill translations, and cat puns. Some idiot didn't do other things with their time after all. Updating the OP momentarily.

Version 0.2.0:

Before playing, please note the following about this version in particular:
  • If you are playing through an event but forget what you need to do, the event descriptions are included in the .zip inside the file "EVENT DESCRIPTIONS.txt"
  • Some combat text may be clunky and awkward. This is because translator++ is a piece of shit software from hell and won't let me start lines with a space. So I had to fill some parts with "'s attack!" instead of " attacks!", which i would've preferred.
  • Also, some combat text might be completely fucked. I didn't check what the code says yet, because I'm lazy, so translating lines like "%sは%s %s に上がった!" were left mostly to guesswork.
  • Some skills with multiple effects have descriptions inconsistent with other skills with similar effects. This is because there's a grand total of two lines of space reserved for skill descriptions. Some poor choices had to be made because of these character limits.
  • A lot of the skills had very similar descriptions save for a word or two, so a lot of copy paste was used. I tried my best, but please post if you notice a skill having effects different to what is described.
  • The known issues list has been updated.

That is all. Well, that is not all, actually. But that is all that is important. You see, I feel like I should explain one of the more important choices I made early on when translating SEQUEL blight. In the story narration, ie. whenever there is text that is not someone talking nor a tutorial message related to game mechanics, I decided to not as a rule not use first-person narration. Rather arbitrarily, I mostly try to use the second-person instead. There are a few reasons for this.

As you might (or might not, if you use machine translation) know, Japanese is a more context-sensitive and less rigid of a language as English. Sentences are parsable and understandable without an explicit subject, often even more natural-sounding without than with. The passive construction is a lot more useful and common. Now, the narration doesn't use third-person pronouns when describing the main character. It doesn't use second-person pronouns either. And...it doesn't even really use first-person pronouns. Instead, the narration either describes things the main character is doing in the passive, or with an omitted subject.

The former generally doesn't work in English without sounding awful. The latter sometimes does in small doses: Searched the surroundings with Rabi., Acquired Sweet Water! are both okay by themselves. In larger texts, using a of this sounds bad and disjointed. And as larger texts are mostly the H-scenes, often the object of the sentences is the main character (or a part of him), it means that eventually a personal pronoun is needed.

The Japanese narration sidesteps this issue by using the demonstrative pronoun kochira (lit. 'this place' or 'this way') where normally a regular pronoun would be - an I, you, or he. In normal conversation, when it's not literally meaning a location, it often acts as a polite I, but it can also refer to other people near the speaker. The difference is nuanced, but in a sense separates the narration from the main character: the narrator is not him, and these are not his thoughts.

Now, English doesn't have a fancy pronoun that sort of means I but not necessarily, and sort of means you, but not necessarily. Whatever is not happening is not happening to "me", nor is it happening to "you", but it's happening to "this person here".

And of course, the protagonist's characterization is paper thin because he's a stand-in for the player. The game does actually start by asking your name with the proper second person pronoun when naming the character. So I went with you, because I or he would give agency that isn't there to the protagonist.

Also it's an H game and I'm overthinking things, nobody's going to look over the footjob prose with a microscope. But I felt like I had to share the reasoning anyway. If that made any sense.

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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Nice, always loved the Sequel games, and machine translations are pretty shit so i'm glad this is being made. I gotta ask, once this one is done do you have any plans to translate the other two?


Jan 8, 2018
Probably? I played about a half of this one last year, and had good fun. That's the real reason I'm translating: game's good. If the second game's as good and I've still got spare time in my life then sure, I'll translate it too. Same goes for the third. But if they somehow turn out to be awful games, then no. I doubt that'll be the case, but... you know. Great games have had terrible sequels.

Anyway, in other news. I found out that the devs stored the detailed item descriptions (armor, weapon, and monster descriptions too) in the "Notes" field of RPGMaker editor. Then they implemented custom code to display that. RPGMaker Trans doesn't patch these, so I'll have to translate & edit these in with the editor too. As this is tertiary information for flavor purposes, I won't be bothering with them until way later after the story and post-game content is translated.

Also, I scrolled through the scripts.txt translation file looking at what's in there. It doesn't actually contain that much stuff that needs translation! It's just event descriptions, achievement names & descriptions, main story objectives, UI words, and a couple lines of combat text. Doing the event descriptions early seems a little more feasible now? Only problem is that without the full context of the events I might make more mistakes. Still, then I wouldn't have to keep a separate text file updated. I might just spend an evening translating them so I don't have to worry about it any longer. It would also help with keeping the event names consistent...
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Jan 8, 2018
This week, translations of mostly gameplay elements, not a lot of story. It might not seem like much when you play it, but having rest of the items translated means I don't have to deal with them later. Updating the thread momentarily.

Version 0.2.3:

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you're playing this patch, complete the events before continuing the main story. Once you enter the Great Arena, you won't be able to return to Haven until you finish the next sequence, which is not translated yet.

It has come to my attention that the detailed descriptions of the equipment is not strictly for flavor: the purple pieces of equipment have additional effects which are only listed in the detailed description screen. But the game's perfectly playable without even knowing there are detailed descriptions, so it's still way down on the list of priorities.

Some of the weapons have reasonable names. Others, not so much, and have names that have absolutely no basis on any language I speak from what I can tell. Pretty sure they're gibberish.
The weapons with wacky names are:
Belmejera, orig. ベルムジエラ [berumujiera]
Lublfolis, orig. ルバルフォリス [rubaruforisu]
Secatrion, orig. エスカトリオン [esukatorion]
Artleta, orig. アートレータ [aatoreeta]
If you recognize that any of these are supposed to resemble one or more words of a language, please let me know so I can fix.

Some monsters too have wacky names, but worrying about them is impractical and unnecessary.

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Jan 8, 2018
This week, big patch. Thread will be updated shortly. Translated the rest of chapter 2, continued into chapter 3, and added the following important improvements:
  1. I translated (hopefully) everything in Scripts.txt, so event descriptions are in game now.
  2. Because the Scripts.txt translation is done, this let me go to the name window code and edit it. An amateur hackjob was made so the game automatically uses translated names! No more \NAME[] nonsense, no more untranslated name
I just need to copypaste the edited Scripts.rvdata2 into every patch I post, because translator++ will happily serve me the unedited and unpatched versions whenever I compile a patch. If names & event descriptions suddenly become untranslated after a future patch, that is why. Tell me about it and I'll fix it ASAP.

Version 0.3.5:

These changes mean that known issues 1-4 are no more! Hooray for rudimental coding skills! A few more miscellaneous issues have popped up though.

Anyway, I've got some criticism for myself. Whenever the game uses \N[21] (the protagonist's name), I keep shoehorning it in. Even if it doesn't come out smoothly in English. It's not good form or practice. I should be using my brain and adding it to places where it fits and leave it out from where it doesn't.

The other criticism comes from my greatest strength - lack of professional integrity. It's also my greatest weakness, because I can't keep a consistent tone for the characters to save my life. Instead of making things up as I go, I should be reading all of the work first and keeping some notes about how the characters speak.

But that's too much work, so instead you get decisions like "ok uula uses 'however' a lot and generally doesn't use contractions", "ok fuck i didn't account for tirma and uhhh i guess her only distinctive feature now is she uses the -san honorific for a lot of people???", and "fuck this exclamation you're getting a 'kyah!'"

Also, I poorly named the last patch considering how little of chapter 2 was left. Oh well. All percentages are estimates and numbers lie.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
The dev said he is working on an overseas release so you might want to take that into account.


Jan 8, 2018
Well fuck me, I browsed through all of the Q&A's last month before posting anything but didn't think to check the miscellaneous announcements post from July. Oh well. That's not gonna stop me from my bad decisions just yet. Can't stop now while I've got a good thing going!! I'll keep on keeping on with the translation unless there's a drastic change. Like the author/localization company telling me to quit, the translation coming out & being not a bad one, or me getting a job.

Either way, this means that I won't be jumping at the opportunity to translate awake and colony. Probably going to give it a good few months after this project's done to hear more news about the localization before I take them on.

Also: immediately after I posted the patch yesterday I noticed that Dire's line when Fake-Rabi is introduced got replaced by the hecking translator++ bug. argh. It's not a very important line so fixing that's gonna go into next week's patch, but argh still.


Jan 8, 2018
This week, a positively huge patch. Chapter 3 wraps ups and the number of translated scenes nearly doubles; game's ramping up the horny. A few general improvements and, as the translated game's nearing the part where a high favorability will be required for triggering events, translations for gifting items. Updating the OP momentarily. Downloading this patch is recommended even if you don't plan to play until the end of chapter 4 because it fixes a crash.

Version 0.4.1b:

Some notes:
  • This patch was supposed to come out yesterday, but then I wanted to translate Fake-Rabi's gifting. But I had to translate Rabi's gifting first to make it easier for me. And then I felt like I shouldn't bully Uula and should translate her too. But leaving Nix and Tirma out is very unfair, so I had to translate them too. And so, all gifts to all characters* are translated.
  • Armor special effects! You don't have to wonder about what Soldier's Belt does any more. Just press A in the items list and check it out! Fantastic. The original code for parsing the items' detailed descriptions didn't parse sentences with spaces at all, so I slightly amended it. I don't foresee this causing any issues, but if the detailed descriptions act funny then give me a shout and I'll take a look. The line breaks are kind of crap but I'll have to redo them later anyway.
  • Weapon special effects will be translated much later, along with the other detailed descriptions, because they're very unimportant. Most of the weapon effects are things like 10% increased ATK, and for a vast majority of the game the only thing you'll care about is the weapon stats, not the side effect. Armor & accessories are different, because some accessories have no stats at all (like Soldier's Belt) and their only effects are listed in the detailed descriptions page.
  • Hakika-sensei announced a new game this week, ASYLUM. A spinoff of SEQUEL of sorts, not a game in the "main" series. Supposedly there will still be more SEQUEL games though. It looks pretty cool so far.
  • fuck me I really should do my basic checks of "did i make any crucial typos that crash the game" BEFORE posting patches
*= there's a sixth character who you can gift items to, but they do not come in until much much later.

ps. i feel like a serial killer whenever i use the word "flesh" in h-scenes. but "meat" is worse. maybe it's time to use the ancient technique of ~making stuff up~
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
This week, a positively huge patch. Chapter 3 wraps ups and the number of translated scenes nearly doubles; game's ramping up the horny. A few general improvements and, as the translated game's nearing the part where a high favorability will be required for triggering events, translations for gifting items. Updating the OP momentarily. Downloading this patch is recommended even if you don't plan to play until the end of chapter 4 because it fixes a crash.

Version 0.4.1:

Some notes:
  • This patch was supposed to come out yesterday, but then I wanted to translate Fake-Rabi's gifting. But I had to translate Rabi's gifting first to make it easier for me. And then I felt like I shouldn't bully Uula and should translate her too. But leaving Nix and Tirma out is very unfair, so I had to translate them too. And so, all gifts to all characters* are translated.
  • Armor special effects! You don't have to wonder about what Soldier's Belt does any more. Just press A in the items list and check it out! Fantastic. The original code for parsing the items' detailed descriptions didn't parse sentences with spaces at all, so I slightly amended it. I don't foresee this causing any issues, but if the detailed descriptions act funny then give me a shout and I'll take a look. The line breaks are kind of crap but I'll have to redo them later anyway.
  • Weapon special effects will be translated much later, along with the other detailed descriptions, because they're very unimportant. Most of the weapon effects are things like 10% increased ATK, and for a vast majority of the game the only thing you'll care about is the weapon stats, not the side effect. Armor & accessories are different, because some accessories have no stats at all (like Soldier's Belt) and their only effects are listed in the detailed descriptions page.
  • Hakika-sensei announced a new game this week, ASYLUM. A spinoff of SEQUEL of sorts, not a game in the "main" series. Supposedly there will still be more SEQUEL games though. It looks pretty cool so far.
  • fuck me I really should do my basic checks of "did i make any crucial typos that crash the game" BEFORE posting patches
*= there's a sixth character who you can gift items to, but they do not come in until much much later.

ps. i feel like a serial killer whenever i use the word "flesh" in h-scenes. but "meat" is worse. maybe it's time to use the ancient technique of ~making stuff up~
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Live the thicc girl. Is it female protag? Will it have H-scenes?
Also looking at the CGs i see some scenes with multiple dicks. Are those MC clones or other guys?
Anyways great job.


Jan 8, 2018
You didn't specify, but I suppose your first two questions are about ASULYM? Yes, in the blog post the author said that the protagonist will be named マリス・プランダー (Malice Plunder, I guess? weird name), and they do look very female in the screenshots. And thicc. The announcement called it an "RPG for adults" which the SEQUEL games were also called in their announcements, so I assume it will have H-scenes.

The answer to your third question is not much of a spoiler, but some people might prefer to find out for themselves:
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Does this answer your questions?
  • Thinking Face
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
You didn't specify, but I suppose your first two questions are about ASULYM? Yes, in the blog post the author said that the protagonist will be named マリス・プランダー (Malice Plunder, I guess? weird name), and they do look very female in the screenshots. And thicc. The announcement called it an "RPG for adults" which the SEQUEL games were also called in their announcements, so I assume it will have H-scenes.

The answer to your third question is not much of a spoiler, but some people might prefer to find out for themselves:
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Does this answer your questions?
Nice thank you!
Just asking since leaf used to do CGs featuring lots of dicks.
Anyways I wonder if she will ever feature in a Sequel entry and how the H-scenes will work without a male protag unless there are male monsters in that game.
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New Member
Jun 13, 2017
Thanks for your hard work! On a different note, I was wondering if you'd be working on the rest of the SEQUEL series.
  • Thinking Face
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4.00 star(s) 4 Votes