Comics CG Enthralled: My Squienis Story [Part 1-4] [OhWee]

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Quick Enthralled Pt. 4 update!


So this panel has had me stumped for a number of weeks now dialogue wise. I finally figured out what I wanted the gals to say, although I removed the dialogue bubbles so as to not spoil anything for y'all!

I need to create a couple of followup renders to this one though, and then I can continue to incorporate the renders I already have banked into the rest of the story, tackling additional renders as needed. Also, I still have a number of fairly complex renders to do here and there for the tail end of the story, mostly sex scenes, and in the meantime I've decided to rework the setup for the final scenes a bit for the end of the story.

About those... I've been putting those off sorta as I've been watching RTX 3090 prices. We had a huge price drop on new cards this week ($200 or more), and now I'm debating just when I'm going to grab one. I just don't know if waiting a couple more weeks for further price drops is a good idea or not... on the one hand, they may drop further, but on the other hand, eventually the glut in GPU stock will peter out...

I'd rather have said 3090 in my hands before tackling the larger scenes (VRAM wise) as it'll render about 2x or more faster than the RTX 3060 I'm currently using. I love the RTX 3060, but a few of my scenes are still larger than it's 12GB of VRAM can handle, and I'm not all that interested in doing multiple render passes if I'm planning on upgrading again soon.

One other note. I've decided to 'expand' the finale event. And you'll be seeing even more of Christy in Part 4 as well, which is adding to the render load. I really like rendering her, so I want so see even more of her in Part 4!

I do want to work this particular pic into the story, but haven't quite dovetailed it into the storyline dialogue as of yet. But I have an idea for that which I like finally!

So, I suppose sorta kinda good news that I'm making progress again, but also not as good news as Enthralled Pt 4 will continue to be delayed for a bit longer. It's something I do for free when I'm in the mood/have the time, and I have other projects going on atm as well, but I do want to wrap it up someday!

So yeah, no promises as to when it'll finally get done, but I haven't forgotten about it!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So, I just noticed that there's an issue with the background where the gals are chatting. The balcony and front stage are missing! It's an easy fix, as I'm already using Photoshop layers with the gals overlayed in front of the background (VRAM limits necessitated two passes).

Anyways, while exploring my modifications to the brass pole to group stuff so that I could merge the stage stuff with my other file that has the gals at the bar, I noticed that I added a nod to 2001's Monolith (an obsidian cube scaled to 1 x 4 x 9 proportions). Unfortunately, it's one of the the most subtle Easter eggs ever (look behind the orange text box)...


I meant to stick a gal or something in front of that thing, but I totally forgot about it in the push to get Part 1 out waaaay back when...

Anyways, made me chuckle, figured I'd share!

Edit: Attached are 8 story panels to replace the ones in Enthralled Pts 1-3 with the incomplete backgrounds behind the gals chatting at the bar. Absolutely nothing has changed story wise, but it was a simple fix on my end, and since I finally noticed it, well it was bothering me sooo...

I'm holding off on changing the 'full uploads' for now as:
1) It's a very trivial fix
2) I plan to consolidate all four parts into a single download when I finally wrap up Part 4, and will include these fixes in said package when the time comes. That'll be weeks from now though!

Here's a sample showing the balcony and such in the background:


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Monsieur X

Engaged Member
May 26, 2018
I looked closely but I can't find The Monolith easter egg.
I'm currious, because I'm a 2001 fan.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I looked closely but I can't find The Monolith easter egg.
I'm currious, because I'm a 2001 fan.

As I said, it's REALLY subtle and not obvious, as I wasn't focusing on it. Look at the far right of the frame, behind the orange text box. It's at an angle, so it's not all that clear, but it's there...

My main reason in pointing it out is lamenting that I forgot to do a scene in front of the monolith after I put it there, say sitting at a table in front of it or some such...

Edit: It's a tiny bit more obvious on Page 13... well you can see the top edges of the monolith at least... again, behind the orange text box.

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Monsieur X

Engaged Member
May 26, 2018
Nope, still can find it 46 right ?

I'm no 3D artiste but a collector.
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Edit: Ok, I see now. It's super subtle indeed :) Even on page 13, I would not have thought "The Monolith".
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  • Yay, update!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Another quick Enthralled update:

So, I'm still playing chicken with RTX 3090 prices. Spending that much on a graphics card is a big commitment, and I've been putting it off, 'cuz I'm afraid to spend money. That hasn't stopped me from working on various stuff when I'm in the zone though, such as this render that I just did:

To put this into context with KC, this will happen JUST before Katie's Corruption the game begins. Of course, my telling of this story is an alternate timeline where Kat(i)e ultimately will end up kicking Brian and Mr. Wright to the curb and chooses to be with her Father (Dale) instead. This isn't really a spoiler as we already know that she's with her Dad in Parts 1-3 of Enthralled.

Anyways, yeah I'm to THAT part of the story now. Most of the renders for this part of the story are actually done, I'm just adding a few additional story related fillers to improve the story flow as I need them. There's a particularly involved scene towards the end of Kate's story though, which is where the RTX 3090 card would be very helpful...

I don't HAVE to have said RTX 3090 to tackle the 'big finale in Kate's story' scene necessarily, but I hate doing things in multiple passes and it's quite the involved scene...

Right now, as I want to get SOMETHING out at this point, I'm liking the idea of splitting Part 4 into Parts 4 and 5. So Part 4 will cover the tail end of Kate's story, and Part 5 would be the big finale events (there are more than one). That way, the KC fans will at least be able to finally see where I was going with Kate's alternate timeline story.

As the finale stuff, I'm probably going to re-render most/almost all of the existing renders anyways (which I actually did years ago now, when my Daz skill level was a bit lower), and there are a lot of renders for that which still need to be put together. So, it'd be a while before the 'Finale' part of the story would be ready anyways.

So yeah, at this point expect a Part 4 at some point fairly soon, followed by a Part 5 finale later.

I'm slow, but I'm also doing this for free in my spare time when the mood strikes, so yeah...

Back to work!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Still plugging away y'all!

However, now that I'm trying to pull everything together, well even with peeling off the 'Final scenes' into Part 5, there are STILL a lot of moving parts in Part 4. Part of me had hoped to have things pulled together in the next couple of weeks, but as I'm reviewing my banked renders and thinking about how it's all coming together, I'm realizing that it's going to be a bit longer than that...

Plus there's at least one orgy scene that I haven't even tackled yet. I did some groundwork already, but yeah that one's going to take a bit, due to the complex camera situation/tight environment. And I can't kick this scene back to Part 5 due to where it falls in the story progression. Most of the renders after this particular scene that I have planned to include in Part 4 have been done for a while, but of course I still need to script said panels once I get past this orgy scene...

So short form, going insane, but slowly gettin' er done!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Quick update!

I think that I'm around 25% of the way through Part 4 at the moment, and just finished scripting Page 290. So 40 pages so far...

The good news is that I finally am past a particularly delicate scene involving Kate. Note that Kate is of course a homage to Katie in Katie's Corruption, but that I'm re-imagining a few scenes to explain how Kate eventually chooses her Dad over those other two losers...

As mentioned earlier, I'm currently at the part of the story that takes place in the game setting of Katie's Corruption.

So there are a number of scenes that are a nod to that game, but I'm taking a slightly different direction with those, that will fit in better with my version of her story.

Anyways, I've had a bunch of renders banked for months now just waiting for me to get to this point. As I noted before, I keep feeling the need to insert additional renders to improve the story flow/reduce the walls of text on each page slightly. But as a lot of the story has already been told in Katie's Corruption, I'm trying to not re-create that story scene for scene. Going forward, scripting may go a bit faster as the rest of this is a lot more straightforward dialogue wise for this part of the story, but of course I'll still need to do more rendering as needed for the story flow.

Plus, of course, this being a crossover comic, well yeah there will be some fun cameos that aren't in the KC storyline of course!

If you were looking for an excuse to (re)play Katie's Corruption while you wait for my lame ass to get this sucker done (in some number of weeks, I have no friggin' clue), you have two options:

The Official Game by 3Diddly:

and SvenVlad's Overhaul with some replacement 'full' renders for the 'overlay sprite over background' scenes that we see throughout the story. It's still a work in progress, but it's worth a looksee. There are also a few minor story tweaks as I remember...

The second option (KC Overhaul) might be a fun change of pace for those of you that have already played KC through it's conclusion.

Anyways, just feeling good at the moment to finally get past one particular scene. I'm pretty happy with how the dialogue turned out for said scene, but I guess we'll see what y'all will think when I finally get Part 4 across the finish line (someday).

Back to work!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Another mini update. This is more of a personal post of sorts, that relates to Enthralled:

So I just scripted page 302 (which is after the page above. Note that I removed the narration box so as to not spoil it for anyone even though it wouldn't have really reavealed anything that KC fans weren't expecting already).

The reason I'm bringing up page 302 (that I won't show right now as it's a major spoiler), is that I just checked, and I rendered said page back on September 10th, 2020. It's something that I've been keeping mostly under wraps for THAT LONG. I'm just glad to finally have dovetailed it into the page flow.

Yeah, I know I'm slow, and that I get distracted easily with whim renders, other projects and such, but I get there eventually...

I keep coming up with new renders to add, to help with the story flow. This scene that I'm tackling now (starting at Pag 302), I'm probably going to extend the scene/add a couple more renders just because. This of course means that it'll take longer to get to scripting THE REST of the renders that I have banked, but them's the breaks.

It looks like I have at least 32 renders still banked that I want to include in Part 4, and no doubt I'm going to be doing a few more renders on top of that as needed. There's one particular scene that I've been playing kick the can on that falls somewhere in the middle of the next batch of pages, which will have several renders associated with it. As it involves a bunch of characters in an enclosed environment, it'll take a bit to hammer through it.

Part of me wants to hit a suitable point and release what I have so far at that point (before said scene) and then do a Part 4B, but the other part of me just wants to muscle through the next batch of renders. It's just so frustrating not being able to share what I have, as I do like positive feedback, but it is what it is.

Anyways, yeah still plugging away, excited that I finally have a few particular renders/pages finally scripted, and wanted to share my 'Finally' sentiment r.e. getting those renders, several that are almost two years old now, added to the story/scripted.

I really do appreciate everyone's patience! This has taken longer than it should have, but I'll get 'er done eventually!

Back to work!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Quick Enthralled Pt 4 update!

So the picture above is just a promo pic of some character that is part of the upcoming two chapters (4 or 5). I've shared her before, but since the stuff I'm working on right now would be major spoilers, yeah best to go with some random promo image that I've shared before...

Anyways, I just finished rendering Page 320, and need to do a followup render for page 321. The next few pages after that have been rendered for a while now, and I need to pick a suitable cliffhanger point for the ending point of Part 4. I have a particular point in mind, but I'm not sure yet.

Anyways, the big takeaway right now is that I will have 71 pages shortly for Part 4, and over half of those involve nekkid chicks and/or sex...

And the next few pages after Page 321 shouldn't take that long to script. Their part of the story has been in my head for years now. I may decide to do a couple more renders as needed, but the next part of the story is pretty fast paced/filler.

So, still making progress, been rendering some new stuff and re-rendering some older stuff that I felt the need to tweak, but it's coming right along.

The wiggy micro switch that I use for left clicks on my trackball mouse is getting worse, which is very annoying... I'll replace it at some point soon, but in the meantime I should be able to squeeze a little more life out of it. unfortunately, I can't swap switches from the left to right sides because of how the circuit boards are configured differently, but it was a thought at least.

So barring any further delays, Part 4 might drop sometime in the next several weeks, we shall see!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, one final mini-update before this thing drops...

Sooo, quick FAQ:

1) How soon before this thing drops?

---- I'm putting together the 'end credits' pages now, story is entirely scripted. Maybe check back in a few hours...

2) What's with the crossed out stuff? So is this a different story now? Is it Kate's Story now?

---- Kate narrates all of the story panels in Part 4, so it just seemed like false advertising if Meg wasn't doing any narrating.

3) So is this Enthralled: my Squienis Story Part 4 or Kate's (long-ass) Story Part 2?

---- Yes!

You could have just edited the original type...

---- Perhaps, but where's the fun and whimsy in that?

4) Will Kate's long-ass story ever be done?

---- Only time will tell! Actually, things will come back around to Meg's situation at the front end of Part 5, you'll just have to trust me. But yeah, there will be a few loose ends in Kate's story at the end of Part 4 that still need to be addressed, that'd be spoilers though!

5) I liked Katie's Corruption! What are you doing now to my beloved Katie?!?

---- As has been made clear in earlier chapters of Enthralled, Kate eventually ends up with her Dad. Kate and Katie are similar, but do not react entirely the same. So as I've said, think alternate timeline! Also, without spoiling anything, what you'll see in a good chunk of Part 4 is a reflection of where I wanted to go with Katie in that game, so it's essentially my own version of that story (what I would have liked to have seen instead), with some crossover twists of course! Nothing wrong with KC, and I definitely recommend that people check it out, both the orginal version and SvenVlad's Overhaul with updated renders and such.

6) So you are re-treading old ground again with Kate?

---- Yes and no. KC fans will recognize my new takes on a few of the scenes from KC, but I've done my best to not re-create a bunch of scenes from that game, just a few 'reference' scenes. Think of this as a homage to KC.
Also, I expect that KC fans will either love it or hate it, so I may end up needing to avoid a few mobs with pitchforks...

7) What about Meg, Trace, and Dee? Are they in this update? I want to see more of them!

---- If you've read the first three chapters, you already know that we've mostly touched on their stories already. But of course Meg, Trace AND Dee will get lots of screen time in Part 5. In the meantime, if for some reason the Kate story isn't quite your thing, well just look at the pretty renders and gloss over the narration would be my recommendation. That being said, you will see Meg, Trace, Dee and also someone else briefly throughout Part 4.

8) Why not just make your own story. Why the obsession with the crossover thing?

---- Like y'all, I have a number of characters from various games that I really liked, and in most of these instances, those stories are now complete. I like to imagine a world where these characters interact with each other, and since I'm doing this for free (not making any money off of this) and because the incest angle is a lot of fun to play with, and because it's doubtful that we'll see these characters in crossover situations to begin with... well some people like this sort of stuff! Unofficially of course!
Of course, there's absolutely nothing stopping the original story developers from collaborating on their own crossovers. If they did so, that would be 'canon'. Enthralled is very much NOT canon, it's just my silly story that for some reason I'm still working on almost four years later, 'cuz I'm slow at doing such things...

Also, since most of you probably have read Parts 1-3 already, you already know most of this. It's a loving homage of sorts to my fave characters, nothing more!

9) You promised a cameo...

---- That'd be spoilers! There's one pretty big group of cameos, and maybe one or two other nods. Soon...

10) How many pages in this update?

---- 95 story pages, plus some 'end credits' pages that I'm tackling now. I need to do one more render for those, then script them. So soon...


OK, enough blah blah. Barring last minute issues, check back in a few hours!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
And.... it's up!

Part 4 of Enthralled has been added to the OP! For those that don't want to have to go to the OP though:

Hopefully a nice uploader will add mirrors later for those that aren't MEGA fans.

No doubt there may be typos here and there, but hopefully I caught almost all of them.

The new crossover cameos are credited on Pages 346 and 347. Part 4 is 98 pages in total (including 3 end credits pages). Thanks again to the relevant game creators for making such cool characters, hopefully my homages will be appreciated! If the character homages interest you too, go play their games (if you haven't already)!

FYI, Dr. Smith (not that Dr. Smith) and Mr. Dante, as well as Harley and Gogo are my creations (well the characters, the models are Daz models that I acquired from and tweaked with morphs of course!).

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Thank you!!
You are most welcome!


For the few of you that have downloaded this already, I made some extremely minor edits to a few pages and updated the upload on MEGA. Some text alignments were bothering me, there were a handful of instances of duplicated narration text, and a few typos. So if you've downloaded this already, no need to download this again as the changes are extremely minor.

I'll probably do a 'combined' upload for Part 5 when I finally get around to finishing this (hopefuly it won't take another year this time), which will include any typo edits and such to various pages in the entire story. I'd imagine that some people might want to download the entire story at that point, so might as well wait until then to re-download this. Again, I just did a few typo fixes, silly stuff like guests' instead of guest's, that sort of thing.

Anyways, hopefully ya'll enjoy Part 4 of my silly story!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So, it's the 4th Anniversary of the release date of Enthralled Part 1!


I actually started working on Enthralled... when... looks like July 25th of 2018, that's the date on the first teaser panel that I put together for this comic. But the release date is the more important date IMHO.

Anyways, as I mentioned in the last couple of posts, I still have a bunch of panels already done for Part 5, and need to do a bunch more.

Right now prices on a new RTX 3090 have dropped a bit more, which is tempting, but I haven't gathered the courage to grab one yet. Sure, the 40 series Nvidia cards are dropping sometime in the next several months, but then Daz Studio needs to add support for those, which can take a number of weeks, plus I'm still on 4.16 as 4.20 breaks things, and the 40 series cards probably won't work on 4.16 in the first place. In short, the price is right and the RTX 3090 IS the card I want, I'm just procrastinating to see if the price will drop a bit more, and also I'm managing with my RTX 3060 pretty well atm.

Anyways, back to what's going to happen with Enthralled Part 5. Right now I'm focused on my other main project, that being FmF. I want to get FmF Part 2 out sometime before the end of the year, so that's where my attention is.

This thread has been rather quiet since the release of Part 4. Sure, the OP received a few more likes (which I of course appreciate), as did my last few posts, and there was a second review added, but there hasn't really been any discussion since Part 4 dropped. Thanks again Richard Perkins for the thank you, it was very much appreciated. But I don't know which parts people particularly liked. It wouldn't change the story, but I do enjoy the back and forth r.e. discussing the various crossover cameos and such.

Some guy (SVS handle hanterhed) shared Parts 1-4 on SVS Comics, and made this thumbnail for it, which I've since seen on a couple of other sharing sites:

So as to when Part 5 might get done, hopefully it won't take another year. I have a lot of renders for the rest of Enthralled done already, and I'd like to share those at some point, with the associated story of course!

Anyways, I just wanted to commemorate the 4 year anniversary of Enthralled: My Squienis Story. Hopefully a bunch of people are continuing to enjoy my silly crossover story! It's a labor of love on my part, and I've enjoyed how the story has developed from where it started back in 2018.

Back to work on FmF!
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Sep 25, 2018
So, it's the 4th Anniversary of the release date of Enthralled Part 1!

View attachment 2025183

I actually started working on Enthralled... when... looks like July 25th of 2018, that's the date on the first teaser panel that I put together for this comic. But the release date is the more important date IMHO.

Anyways, as I mentioned in the last couple of posts, I still have a bunch of panels already done for Part 5, and need to do a bunch more.

Right now prices on a new RTX 3090 have dropped a bit more, which is tempting, but I haven't gathered the courage to grab one yet. Sure, the 40 series Nvidia cards are dropping sometime in the next several months, but then Daz Studio needs to add support for those, which can take a number of weeks, plus I'm still on 4.16 as 4.20 breaks things, and the 40 series cards probably won't work on 4.16 in the first place. In short, the price is right and the RTX 3090 IS the card I want, I'm just procrastinating to see if the price will drop a bit more, and also I'm managing with my RTX 3060 pretty well atm.

Anyways, back to what's going to happen with Enthralled Part 5. Right now I'm focused on my other main project, that being FmF. I want to get FmF Part 2 out sometime before the end of the year, so that's where my attention is.

This thread has been rather quiet since the release of Part 4. Sure, the OP received a few more likes (which I of course appreciate), as did my last few posts, and there was a second review added, but there hasn't really been any discussion since Part 4 dropped. Thanks again Richard Perkins for the thank you, it was very much appreciated. But I don't know which parts people particularly liked. It wouldn't change the story, but I do enjoy the back and forth r.e. discussing the various crossover cameos and such.

Some guy (SVS handle hanterhed) shared Parts 1-4 on SVS Comics, and made this thumbnail for it, which I've since seen on a couple of other sharing sites:

So as to when Part 5 might get done, hopefully it won't take another year. I have a lot of renders for the rest of Enthralled done already, and I'd like to share those at some point, with the associated story of course!

Anyways, I just wanted to commemorate the 4 year anniversary of Enthralled: My Squienis Story. Hopefully a bunch of people are continuing to enjoy my silly crossover story! It's a labor of love on my part, and I've enjoyed how the story has developed from where it started back in 2018.

Back to work on FmF!
OhWee, thanks for V4 of Enthralled, just downloaded and will play soon. Glad you are now back on FmF again, we all need to see the conclusion of that one as players can get tired of waiting and go away, just hope that's not the case here. No sarky comment here, just stating the obvious that you already know, and you and RustyV still doing this for free is to your credit. Thanks for the work you do here, FmF and Dee fan art :love: even if some of it is out of this World :p ;)

And RustyV Dee fan art are some of my favorites, especially the funny ones with a caption, keep it up my Man.

As for the graphics card, its like the stock market or Bitcoin, a roller coaster ride and at some point you have to make your choice to jump on or off.

JonasSnr Thought of the day: Right or wrong is not the way to look at this, it was the right choice at the time.

But its your choice and money my friend, just hope it goes well for you whatever you decide, whenever you pull the trigger. :cool:


Aug 12, 2017
as a fan of Katie its always nice to see her getting dick that is not her boyfriends, thanks for the effort!
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: OhWee
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