I've come upon a weird bug in 0.18, which caused Jade's ship to disappear:
I landed Jade's ship on the ice planet, then quickly switched to Drake to sleep twice (to change foggy day to sunny day).
Then I right-clicked on Drake's cellar's exit and switched back to Jade.
However, now I kept getting the "Day" screen, got a flash of the ice planet's landing site, and then it went back to the "Day" screen again. This kept looping, even after loading the autosave.
I finally managed to right-click the exit to the underground passage, after which the "Day" screen stopped appearing.
But now Jade's ship is no longer at the landing site, so I can't leave the planet anymore.
Unfortunately, as I had managed to travel to the underground passage, I don't have the autosave file of the landing site with the looping "Day" screen. I only made a save file 2 screens later (attached, if anyone is interested).
I landed Jade's ship on the ice planet, then quickly switched to Drake to sleep twice (to change foggy day to sunny day).
Then I right-clicked on Drake's cellar's exit and switched back to Jade.
However, now I kept getting the "Day" screen, got a flash of the ice planet's landing site, and then it went back to the "Day" screen again. This kept looping, even after loading the autosave.
I finally managed to right-click the exit to the underground passage, after which the "Day" screen stopped appearing.
But now Jade's ship is no longer at the landing site, so I can't leave the planet anymore.
Unfortunately, as I had managed to travel to the underground passage, I don't have the autosave file of the landing site with the looping "Day" screen. I only made a save file 2 screens later (attached, if anyone is interested).