..so right now in this early demo, there's about a 70/30 split in H scenes between female form and male form, and based on what Fuyou has mentioned in the blog posts leading up to this first demo release, I expect that ratio to carry forward. In this demo, each form has a defeat scene for each of the two bosses and each form has 4 NPC scenes in the school. Where the female form has an edge in scenes are in the harassment from trash mobs and in H-attacks from bosses, neither of which occur against the male form, as well as the EP extraction machine.
It is clear, however, that the transformation is both the point of the game and integral to the plot, and that male-only feasibility is only being included for challenge and depth, so if MTF makes ya limp, well, then this game likely just isn't for you.
As for skipping scenes, like in EP Battle Girl, you can't skip them outright, but you can hold down Z to make them run at 2x speed.