I think the only site is here or on patreon (at least I haven't seen it anywhere else). so we can only waita bug fix was released for the new version.....hope someone uploads it soon AT stuff is hard to find
I think the only site is here or on patreon (at least I haven't seen it anywhere else). so we can only waita bug fix was released for the new version.....hope someone uploads it soon AT stuff is hard to find
we have to wait for the public release likely non of paterons seem to want to leak it ....its to bad AT stuff is pretty rareupdate?
There is art for the goblin matriarch and ONLY the goblin matriarch. It's pretty decent 2d art, even though it's not a lot.Are there images?
The tag says 2dcg. If there are no images, then 2dcg shouldn't be there. Unless, you don't even know what 2dcg means.
Let me rephrase that. WILL there be images?There is art for the goblin matriarch and ONLY the goblin matriarch. It's pretty decent 2d art, even though it's not a lot.
Thanks a lot but in these versions when you save you can't find it in the load menu for some reason. There's also no restart button.Took the plunge and got the v12 patron update (mobile and pc)
EDIT: These are released in dev mode, according to Twine. I don't want to "patch" these in the off-chance they break, but B might issue a hotfix in coming weeks, and I'll upload any updates as they come when I get time. If anyone wants, I can also upload the free releases.