VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Erodio [v0.13] [MiZtyl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't get it why this game gets such ratings. Well, actually I do. The thing is that currently it has a high focus on NTR and those people who are not into this stuff heavily downgrade it. But imho the game is pretty decent. The language is well... a bit "simple". I wouldn't call it "Engrish" as some commenters did, it's just "simple English".

    As to the characters and the story - yeah, it definitely could be deeper. As well as some of the background. MC is a friend of a princess who comes freely to the town without any guards and even without any disguise... wut??.. Either add guards or disguise, otherwise that's nonsence. Also the game would really benefit if that's not "old friend's mother" but just "mother" changed with "unofficial" patch to comply with patreon rules, though I don't see that patch so far.

    In general - if you are ok with NTR (which is btw absolutely avoidable here) you should try it. The game is 4/5, but I'll give it 5 because I think it is currently heavily and unjustly downrated.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    really nice, but i dont get how this has 1gb size and such low content. love the NTR keep on going. the orange hair girl is by far the sexiest one. add more love or ntr scenes with here and this is golden. she and the red head are the only girls really attractive the other ones are. meh
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my review about the game Erodio, developed by MiZtyl at its 0.5 version.

    The models are beautiful and the art design is good too, but the facial expressions are almost dead even in intense situations, it's like the characters were robots, and most of them look like were recycled from The Engagement game.

    The gameplay is about decisions, and your choice defines a possible ending: Harem, one girl, and MC can lose all of them.

    The story is the weakest point of the game, it's confusing, uninspired and the characters have no charism. The protagonist is weak and useless during the whole story, but luckily, the focus is on the girls, and the antagonist has some charm.

    The sex scenes have good animations, but they are passion lacking and apparently, the female characters aren't very engaged in that moment, sometimes, that girls look forced to have intimacy by the male ones.

    At future updates, this game maybe has improvements, but for now, I don't recommend it, and the players are playing the Harem route only, I advise you all to wait because there's almost no content for you.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    So much wasted effort.

    The Good:
    The women are gorgeously rendered.

    The Bad:
    As others have said, the story makes zero sense. If the Dev had thrown all these characters into a suburban or urban location, made them mothers and daughters, and daughters of hot MILF friends this might make some sense. As it is the narrative is a hot mess. It really distracts from the enjoyment of the game.

    Seriously, the princess runs away from home. The next day an army invades . . . Wtf? Kinda sudden, don't you think?

    As for the game choices they are relational, they don't move the story in different directions. So, go talk to Samantha to hide the princess or not, Samantha will still hide the princess.

    The purpose of the choice is to allow you to take credit for Samantha's decision b/c you recommended talking to her.. Cool, huh? You get the credit for doing jack, but she'll think your nice for suggesting it. Make me want to hurl.

    Then she's hidden in the Tavern by cutting her hair a little and wearing a Tavern outfit. Seriously, the Dev Clark Kent's her. Facepalm.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I dunno why this game has a low rating. but for me personally i like this game. the medieval theme is my fav. And also the girls are pretty but some of them looked similar (not much tho).
    THe story is good so far. i like the conflict.
    Well, its still in early development. I see this game have many potential so i hope much for this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I really should start reading the comments before downloading a game but hey what's done its done. First off the story is all over the place,at the start of the game you're introduced to a bunch of characters with a brief bio of themselves not through the course of the game therefore making you connect more with jump from one scene to another which makes it very confusing for the player,NO ACTUAL H-SCENES apart from peeping stuff and i mean this on the harem route (because that's the ''believable'' one) but on the NTR route i decompressed the images and saw there are plenty there...In conclusion if you like NTR dont care for the stupid story,bad ''engrish'' and dont want a connection with the characters in this game you can try it out for the renders which are let's say decent (but that doesnt deserve an extra star imho)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game filled with unique story and character but not everyone's cup of tea and I don't know what to say about it except if you are into medivel game this is for you hope the developer keeps up the good work
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    [Based on 0.3 version of the game]

    1st off this game loses big time for there being NO sex. No sex in a fap game is a pointless as an ashtray on a motor cycle

    English is not a supported language of this game. Engrish is strong in this game. For a narrative story based game having bad language skills kills the game.

    The plot makes no fucking sense, you spend more fucking time going from one location to the next. The game keeps introducing you to characters and locations only to change the location and introduce new character to you. And because this happens at a fast pace, you get no really have no fucking attachment to any character. You know more about a character you just fucking met than characters you spent years with because the game can't be assed to spend the time and build a foundational relationship with characters. its meet quickly one character so it can rush you to a new scene with a brand new character.

    The game has nice renders but really who the fuck cares? This is Aug 2019, pretty much every game has good stills. This isn't a boon for a game anymore the lack of quality renders is a huge con today but seeing a game with good renders isn't news.

    The MC is such a minor character that he doesn't have ANY impact on the story whatsoever. Nothing would change in the story if he wasn't there because he has no impact on said story. That is now poorly written this game is.

    The game is a VN with a shit story in really bag english with no sex. There really isn't much more to say when a visual novel has a bad story, in broken English and has no sex.

    Don't waste you time downloading.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    When I was writing the first review, I was wasted... my friends returned from basic so we had too many drinks.... and my mind was clouded...
    The renders are the basic assets you see in most games, but slapped on top of pictures... The story, probably good, lacks proper introduction. But it's still better compared to the writer's other game.
    The way characters speek, makes no sense... a queen and a princess have the same vocabulary as an innkeeper... nothing wrong with that if it wasn't for a character apparently unable to speak English, can't tell them apart....
    An example of dialogue...
    "How do you know I am here?"
    Bitch! Are you the dumb princess?I am talking to you...
    But there are also pros of the game
    -lots of naked dames
    -choices are easy
    -the game doesn't take too much space and would run even on a pc that is good only for the museum
    And overall! The writing is making progress
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on v0.3 I have to significantly decrease my initial rating of this game.

    I was hoping the game could become quite good, but unfortunately there is no hopesgaming in this one...Story is confuse, images are of average quality at the best, with no signs of improving, and finally characters are superficial and empty...even the hot redhead milf somehow managed to become unappealing...two stars, decreasing trend...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Girls are cute, main character isn't a cuckold (for now at least). It is too early to say about the plot but, there is nothing repellent. Will see where it goes, but this one has a potential to become a decent game.
    Likes: Abhai
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    * Great character renders.
    * There is plot
    * The writing seems a lot like a bullet-list

    So, for this to be more interesting to spent time with than a collection of pretty pics (which are abundant, as the internet is for .... ), it either needs a plot more interesting than:
    Princess runs away and love interest is tasked with recovering her (Or at least more conplex than that, there is nothing wrong with the basic premise).
    Or it needs writing more captivting and engaging than a PowerPoint presentation.

    I hope it gets both. But as of the prologue it gets a promising YAWN from me.

    Hoping for a complex story that holds together well, with places such as "Shipwreck Key" and similar.