Given her other, obvious traits, I think being a bit dim is exactly what someone like Moira wants.
Perhaps, but I'm inclined to doubt that. I think it's unlikely that an ambitious person with high social status and political aspirations wants someone dim for a partner. I'll buy that she wants both eye candy (for herself) and arm candy (for appearances), but I think that someone who is below average intelligence would be a liability to her.
I mean, she might just tell Jessica to never speak in public, and try to limit her time in the public eye, but I think it's a better play for her to choose eye and arm candy with at least average intelligence. It's even better for Moira if Jessica is intuitive, since that could provide Moira with an additional edge, in some cases.
Real life intrudes, and she reminds me a very great deal of some people I've actually known and worked with over the years. In my personal experience, people like her far prefer to let the "slut" part of the insult be implied rather than outright said when speaking directly to the target of their ire. Oh, they'll call her gutter trash behind her back, but take a great deal of pride in making her know that's what they think while sounding perfectly polite in what they actually say directly to her.
I don't think that assessing one person's likely behavior based on past observations about another person's behavior is reliable. You might sometimes get lucky and be right, but each person is different, with a different background and different characteristics. No person's character or likely behavior can be accurately predicted solely on the basis of their social status, career path, family background, or anything else, and even people who have similar personality profiles (INTJ, ENFP, ISTP, what-have-you) who are operating under similar circumstances will often behave differently. Yes, it is a common heuristic to use Person A's past behavior to predict Person B's likely future behavior, but I think that it's a very shaky heuristic, and I try to never use it, myself. It's much more reliable to simply observe Person B long enough and closely enough to detect their character, and then predict their future behavior by their own character and past behavior, instead of by someone else's.
Basically, I would find it believable for a wealthy socialite who wants to be mayor to behave in any number of different ways in private, provided that there was little chance of it damaging her public image, social standing, or political chances, and provided that it didn't go against her established character. And since I don't think that Moira's character has yet been established in the game, beyond the surface level, I still think all courses are open to her.
I don't think she even involved someone from forensics. I'm saying she picked them up, looked at them, said to herself, "Self, is that pussy juice on these panties?!" and made an inference.
Here's my problem with that idea. When you say "pussy juice", as opposed to "stains in her panties", then you're clearly talking about fresh vaginal lubrication. And, unless Ashe is currently ovulating at the time of that scene, fresh vaginal lubrication would be visually indistinguishable from fresh precum. Both precum and vaginal lubrication are typically clear and slightly viscous. During ovulation, vaginal lubrication may have a white color and is often thicker, perhaps even taking on a creamy consistency. But we have no reason to assume that Ashe is ovulating during this scene, so I would default to expecting her pussy juice and her precum to be visually indistinguishable. And, whether or not Natasha knows that Ashe has a pussy, she certainly knows that Ashe has a cock. So I think it's just as likely for Natasha to look at Ashe's panties and say to herself, "Self, that's a
lot of precum!"
Now, it might be argued that Natasha could tell because of the scent, but I don't consider that to be a safe bet, either. It could turn out to be the case, but it could just as easily turn out to not be the case. A lot of people miss scent cues, especially if they're subtle. And we don't have any reason to jump to the conclusion that Natasha leans toward the scent-tracking canine side of things. Also, if we assume that there is a discernable pussy scent in Ashe's panties, then we also have to assume that there is a discernable scent of cock and balls in her panties. And even though those two scents have their differences, they would both smell like Ashe's personal biochemistry and whatever soap she uses. So there's a good chance that the scents would mingle in such a way as to make them hard to distinguish.
And if we were not talking about fresh pussy juice, but rather stains in her panties, then I would be equally unconvinced. Yes, if Ashe has worn those panties often enough, vaginal secretions could cause bleaching of the fabric, which would be evidence that Ashe has a pussy. But that depend on Ashe's personal vaginal PH balance, so we can't assume that bleaching would occur. Healthy vaginal fluids range between 3.5 and 4.5 PH. If her PH is 3.8 or lower, then that's acidic enough to cause bleaching with repeated exposure. But if her PH is in the higher end of that healthy range, which is common, then bleaching won't ever occur. We didn't see any discoloration in the crotch of the panties, so we have no reason to assume that Natasha would find bleaching which would show that Ashe has a pussy.
So, until we are told that Natasha has a particularly keen sense of smell, I'm going to stick with my assumption that the panties will only give away Ashe's secret if Natasha has a chemical analysis done. And I'm prepared to admit the possibility of a chemical analysis, or to be told by the developer that Natasha is a scent tracker, which is why I rank Natasha as my third highest pick for the culprit. Apart from that, I think that Natasha is just going to add Ashe's panties to her collection.