Just finished this release, I have to say it's pretty sizeable for a first release, good job on that. Storytelling and pace was all very good, all the graphics looked great. A tiny bit sparse in the lewd content for my tastes but that's to be expected for a first release and not a huge blow against the game or anything.
If I had one fear for the game going forward, it's about the themes around insecurity/trauma etc. I think it's perfectly well handled so far but if this is going to be a story about redemption and the MC finding themselves (and hopefully a choice to grow a spine to become more assertive), then I have seen quite a few games do that but fall into the trap of never offering any real character development, the MC in those games just staying a spineless wimp forever and making most story developments feeling undeserved and even cheap. IMO the worst thing you can do is set up for such redemption character development be a glacial crawl and then at the very last end the MC is just "done". Not only will it make playing that more or less unbearable, it's a totally inhuman way of looking at character development. Humans don't change like a straight line on a chart, we change in leaps, bounds and spurts, we make false starts, we over-correct and overshoot. This all to say, I would much rather see a story where the MC, for any of a million possible reasons, starts getting out of this insecure rut sooner rather than later and starts challenging some of people/situations that scare her. That doesn't mean the pace has to be that fast all of the time, like I explained above regarding human change. She can temporarily fall back in old patterns if things are moving too fast, etc etc, there's no limit to what you can come up with. But what this would show to the audience is at least this story isn't going to have that dreadful crawl of a pace.
But this is just a potential fear I have, maybe the dev already had a handle on all of this already and I'm just breathing hot air. It wouldn't be the first time. Either way all I'm really feeling is excitement to see what the next installment will be like.
Keep up the excellent work!