So maybe you could reduce a couple viewpoints in some rooms which are never used and move stuff from the borders of the window a bit more to the center. Like puzzle pieces, navigation arrows etc.
Or centralize the movement selection and place direction arrows always on the bottom. Left Forward Right (and 180 if no other option)
Regarding the hidden images, are they really limited to single days or always? I just flew over the walktthrough and dont know exactly.
I think i would make them available all the time. Also some other games make them stand out a bit more, e.g. Lunars Chosen uses small yellow stars.
Gameplay wise its annoying for me to be able to click on all the cupboards etc. and not be able to open them.
So maybe just make them clickable if you have the item for it, and then give them a small glowing highlight if you are able to open.
Because you dont remember days or weeks later "ah now i can open this" and you dont start each day going through 20 rooms clicking on 5 possible cupboards, atleast i dont do it because its sysiphus work.