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Nov 12, 2018
At least put MTL in the post to warn people and not waste bandwidth if they don't want to play with incoherent gibberish.


The Dark Side loves Da Booty + Naughty OoOooo
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
" And so Lalanoa resolves to escape. "

ummm yeah.....about that...
hey i updated the FIx, can you please try it again and let me know if it works please

i tested it myself and it stays in english :cool:


The Dark Side loves Da Booty + Naughty OoOooo
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
Text is translated again tho the intro menu, combat and choices are Japanese. atleast thats how im experiencing it
just let me know of any small or big problems and i will make a fix for it and add it to my comment, thanks


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
Bruh, why is the battle menu still in Japanese? Its already bad enough that the dialogue still has Japanese text on top of it being MTL but I literally don't know what's going on.


Jan 24, 2020
Even with the two attached files for minor fixes applied, how did this MTL fail so miserably? How do MTL scripts work? How the fuck does my manual OCR translator do a better job? It can't grab the text directly from the files, and text recognition is fucky as all hell, I'm constantly editing it because the program I use often can't tell the difference between 工, エ and ェ as one example among many other kanji and kana. Not to mention certain fonts throw another wrench into the mix...

And then scripts like this miss the I in I've? HOW?! Does japanese even have something that directly translates to I've? I just checked with google trans, it doesn't seem like it. How the hell did you get I've? Just auto combine the words "I have" if they're together?

Seems some contractions can translate over, but HO BOY does it cause a mess when going from English > Japanese. For example I wanted to see what would happen with "If I could I'd've done it ages ago." and it spat out "もし私が何年も前にそれをすることができたなら。" which when put back into English becomes " If I could do it many years ago." which whilst similar is far from correct. To be fair though, I did a double contraction, and I'd be surprised if any language could correctly port something like "I'd've" to keep the same meaning. English is hard.


Jan 24, 2020
Not fuck, more like rape, or maybe it's consentual? Hard to tell. It's one sided, the elf girl only receives. Unless later on she can get sex skills, but I doubt it?
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Mar 26, 2018
Oh, an mtl...I was excited at first thinking this was going to be actually translated before I saw the edit just now:confused:


Jan 24, 2020
Okay, so I've had to open a save editor online because one section of the game has an unavoidaable softlock, which you can only get around with noclip via something like cheat engine, or teleporting yourself by changing your coords in a save editor. Tried to unstuch myself but failed, don't think the one I used had the ability to do what I needed, was led to believe I had to open System.json and there is a LOT of untranslated things left over we can't even see.

Also, the MTL script used is absolutely fucking shit. How the hell does it fail to translate defense? It spews out bougyo instead. Same deal with maryoku as magical power and mahobogyo as... Actually I've no fucking clue what that is meant to be, manipulating that word in every way possible doesn't even come close to revealing what it might mean, trying to read it as romanji, in katakana, hiragana, tried some kanji, nothing worked. The script left something out, which caused it to spit gibberish.
2.00 star(s) 1 Vote