VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Estate : Dominate [v0.36.1] [Henissart]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    OZ (TeddyBear)

    Honestly ... one of the best 0.1 i have seen so far.

    -Renders are crafted very nicely. Since this is devs first release i believe that there is surely a lot of potential for even better images in later updates

    -music score is provided - fits the scenes

    -gameplay/story is enterataining, fresh and well thought out. Chars offer a healthy degree of depth and seem believable so far. 0.1 managed to entertain me very much :-D

    Since the first version is free for all i can only encourage everbody to try this out!

    Dont forget to support the DEV if you like it!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch renders, top notch music, and a very compelling storyline so far… the game is even funny in a weird way believe it or not. The thing that stands out the most to me is the details and the quality of the renders, it’s very hard to find a BDSM game with such attention to details on renders, especially with faces and Facial expressions like that.

    Once you finish with 0.1 you feel like your'e given enough information about the characters, I mean as Much as possible, yet your'e left with thousands of imaginary scenarios that could potentially go down in that Estate. The tease is big on that one!

    My only complaint (and not a big one) is that some of the options on the engine are blocked for some reason. i think those options should be in front of you. Some people want to skip dialogue’s, and have the save option in front of their faces.(not me but some).

    Bottom line 5/5, loved playing it and this game is filed with endless potential!
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Takes less than an hour to complete the first chapter, which is all that is currently available (v.0.1). Renders are gorgeous, story is somewhat interesting, dialogue is okay. I'd expect more choices to become available in later updates, but right now the dialogue feels very streamlined. It does that trick of giving you a couple of ways to approach a situation but then immediately explains to you why choice A and B are wrong, and C was really your only choice all along.

    Interesting premise but honestly I wish I had heard about this one a little later in its lifespan. There's just not enough content to give a thorough review, but what I have seen is great. I'll be interested in seeing where this leads, as femdom can be very sexy if portrayed correctly.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    More a visual novel than a game, but a very nice start of the story. If you like Femdom, high protocol, humiliation, you'll like that one. The drawings are great and the scenes arousing. I'm looking forward for what's to come next.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 662393

    Great game so far and the renders look amazing, you can see he puts a lot of work into his renders. Any bdsm and fetish fan with love this, good luck with your game buddy may you get the support you deserve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This thus far I think is just exceptional Work. The Renders, the Story so Far, Models.... Excellent Job Dev. This has an Ocean worth Opportunities for diversification and Plot build up. Enumerous Kink Prospects.

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  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good start. I am anxious to see where this leads. Not the usually femdom game here. The dialogues are pretty good written and the characters seem interesting. Also some twist from the most comon tropes of the genere. I think its a must play for those interested in female domination.
    Not many sexual content (apart from not so voluntary erotic power exchange) yet but Im sure it will unfold in the next pair of updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, just amazing, the quality of the renders is top notch, hard to believe that in 2019 with all the hardware and software we have you can still be impressed by the quality of a picture, but you will be, amazing quality, the best i ever seen.
    The story is very well written, the soundtrack is fabulous and with perfect timing, , personally i was absorbed by the only scene available for now, the moment was pretty intense and charged with lust and guilty, i believe thats the main goal of a erotic story, and this game definitely made it.
    I will look very close to this dev, and no doubt i will became a patreon, he deserves..... congrats Henissart, you made a great great VN.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    So far so good. Great potential! Can't wait to see what else is around the corner. I'm a bit into this femdom crap, but there is not tha many games revolving aronud that, and the ones that do exist often take it too far for my liking. But that's just my own preference. I do like the characters, but I hope we will se more than 1-dimensional characters.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly enjoyed the first version of this game. You don't encounter such a lovely femdom based story every day. I think the writing is really sexy and the women all look phenomenal. Five stars easily.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @v0.1]
    Got lots of potential!

    Art's NIIIICE. I like it. Thanks for not reusing the same tired old models; these are very appealing. Even the backgrounds and composition are well above most games'.

    The writing voice and fluency are great as well; my gripes are narrative choices I'll cover down the page.

    No porn to squick or not-squick: no complaints in that department.

    Minor gripe time: I didn't care for a couple of the dialog choices presented that were both trick questions leading to a hidden third option: ruins immersion and makes me as the reader resent everybody involved and start wondering about different handlings of it. I also feel the "zero-to-uberbitch-in-point-two-seconds" on meeting the young lady friend was too severe and jarring for the ramp-up; this is irrelevant if this is to be a pure VN, but if there's any gradually evolving gameplay planned that scene may sour it a bit. I did find the possibility of a more/less dominant MC that was teased when the two exit the car to be very intriguing.

    TL,DR: ya got a helluva thing goin here, I'm rootin for ya!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Estate Dominate brings a well written narrative together with some truly good looking renders, well above average. The subject matter (femdom) is a rather narrow one which might keep this game from gaining much traction, which is unfortunate as I believe it has great potential.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...

    I have a pretty good idea of the exact Japanese Hentai Animation Series this VN/Game is pretty much based on... Based off what I've seen thus far, it is following very much in the footsteps of the series, I remember being a bit revolted by... Even though this VN/Game is early in it's development, the content pretty much is going down the Hard Core Sadism route...

    The visuals of the characters and scenes are high quality... The usage of fades and background blurs do add some production value...

    The script is very spot on, with hardly any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who's family dies, and the family business is left to him with a lot of debt, owed to a very large family owned financial institution... Here is where the plot gets a bit out of touch with reality... Even though, technically, the debt is not something the protagonist is legally bound to pay back himself, he is somehow easily convinced to work at the bank owners estate as a servant in order to pay it back... Along with his next door neighbors daughter, who's family also died along with his parents, and who's father was also a partner of the protagonists family business...

    The suspension of disbelief is pretty much thrown out the door after he arrives at the estate where both him and his good female friend will be working... In essence, both the protagonist and his friend are dressed into highly promiscuous uniforms, and are then forced (far too easily) into complying with perverted and over the top requests by the Lady of the house and her daughter, soon to be 2 daughters...

    It is so obvious that this is going to be one of those really Hard Core and over the top tales of women with no real emotions, who's whole purpose is to cater to their own sadistic, extreme, and controlling use of other people in order to feel superior and dominant... They don't care about the thoughts, feelings, or well being of either the protagonist or his friend, or anyone for that matter... It is so hard to believe any of what happens in this VN/Game as being plausible, or how easily the protagonist and his friend just play along...

    I tried every single choice presented, just to test out if they made any difference... And in no case, did a choice really matter... All the choices did, was play out certain thoughts in the protagonists head, but in no way did the scene play out any different... So, for the time being, this is a Kinetic story... The choices more or less play out a tiny alteration in the mind set of the protagonist... In the long term, perhaps they might do something, but for now, they do very little, and almost feel pointless...

    Be aware, this VN/Game has no back or skip buttons, or pretty much any buttons you typically see in a Ren'py Visual Novel/Game... They are either missing from the UI or just turned off... You can save game as normal, but that is about it...

    Previously I mentioned how similar this VN/Game is to a Japanese Hentai series I had seen before, and there is even a Japanese Kinetic Visual Novel, based on that same animated series... Thus far, I look at this VN/Game as just a remake of that animated series and VN... Just not in a Japanese setting, but practically the same basic overall setup... The dominating and sadistic mother along with her psycho daughters, the maid (sexual slave)who's been with the family for a long while, the male protagonist wanting to get out from under a financial obligation as the primary reason for playing along, and the female love/lust interest who is treated even worse then the protagonist... She is just someone for the sick family to mind break and twist into a perverted toy for their amusement while also using her, as something to manipulate the protagonist with... It may be doing a few things different as to the actual scenes themselves, but the basic plot points and character dynamics, are all pretty much the same... I mean come on, it even will have the same setup with personal communicators for the servants/slaves, so they can be called by the mistresses when ever they are needed, just like in the animation series... Too many similarities that it feels very much like a copy cat project...

    Overall, I am not into hard core and sadistic mind play stories, regardless of how erotic they try to make it look... This VN/Game is pretty much a setup for varying ways for an elitist family to show their dominance (sexually or otherwise) over everyone else that they consider inferior... I can already predict just how depraved this VN/Game is, and it all will most likely escalate... It will probably satisfy a tiny niche of people who are into this form of hard core erotica... I don't normally hate erotic plots with some dominating theme mixed in, but in this case, since I know full well what this sort of setup will most likely entail (and already includes), I just do not like where it is going thus far... As it has all the same markers and practically the same setup as a few other VN/Games I've already seen and really disliked... I'm not into mental and physical sadism, especially to the degree with which this VN/Game already presents itself, as well as the future it hints at... This VN/Game is not a typical Female Domination story, regardless of the title, as it seems to be focusing more on the Sadism side, which for me feels more evil then just some BDSM erotic sex play... And just because it has well made visuals, with lots of text, does not make it a good VN/Game... Will I revisit this one? For now it is definitely No, unless sometime in the future they go a completely different route, from what it's already presented, I will be avoiding this one... It's just reeks of too much sadism that will probably go to lots of extremes, possibly even too far...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    ok we are short on femdom games this one look promising ,i like the renders and the general story , would be better if the dev remove the maledom part or make it optional so it become a Full femdom game, trying to mix femdom and maledom wont help anyone , instead of doing maledom from the start the dev coold make it as a revenge in the last version of the game, apart from that everything look great , good luck.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I guess you like this game or you dont

    -really wellmade renders, lots of beautiful details aswell
    -vocabulary is also good; dialogue seems flawless

    -content; so far its rather boring, usually games excite me but this game doesnt fit so far. As of now its more a boner killer (could be because of the humilation and choices that dont seem to matter)
    -story; isnt really balanced. The intro seems kind off rushed (parents are dead, mc has a debt and boom you arer a slave)

    So far im just a bit confused, i really want to like the game but there need to be clear paths to choose.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    • Incest game of the month, lots of nice little touches
    • Amazing renders and attention to detail
    • Not much content for now, but the one erotic scene it had was plenty kinky for femdom fans
    • Dev can't seem to decide if this is a femdom game. Trying to mix femdom and maledom will end up pleasing no one
    • Plot is uneven
    • Music is overdone and doesn't fit most scenes
    • Events seem to happen mere weeks after the mc's parents died, cut my boner in half
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    When your parents and their best friend and business partner die in an accident, you and his daughter are suddenly in a precarious financial situation. To outfit their laboratory, your parents relied heavily on loans by the Stern Group. Yet, the medical equipment they were developing is still a prototype with little financial value.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Princess Groundhog

    Just a 0.1 version and already such a strong outing! The writing is professional-level excellent, the models and renders are outstanding. This has limitless potential. Hoping down the road for lots of kinky stuff!