
Nov 21, 2022
Was anyone else disappointed that we didn't get to see the abominations? Kind of like a traffic accident: you don't really want to see it, but you kind of really do...
I was. "And you guys can back me up on this: When you've seen one woman nekkid... you wanna see the rest of 'em nekkid." - Ron White ... Alright, that's enough, roll 'em back up.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
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Right, that's two schools of thought then if we're to assume that the Sefirot are indeed the Gems: your position is that the Gems of Doom shape Eternum how the wielder sees fit. My position is that it resets the universe and builds a new one from its ashes, as per the theory* I presented a while back in this thread.

*I say "theory" loosely. More like the ramblings of a madman who had too much coffee and started seeing patterns all over the place, to be honest

The reason why I suggested universal reset is based on the function of the Ein Sof upon materializing as written in the Kaballah - that being to create the universe when there used to be nothing. And so I thought "what happens when you summon a being whose primary function is to create the universe upon manifesting WHILE there is still a universe in place?" And since the Gems of Doom are called that, "Gems of Doom," I thought it's likely that they are named as such: because they bring doom. And nothing says "doom" more than trying to recreate "In the Beginning..." while the old universe is still intact.

It also plays with the idea about the importance of the dead in Eternum's story - both as NPCs (or possibly members of the Syndicate) and from the voices that whisper to Orion and seemingly appear in dreams - in that it's possible that those who whisper and visit Orion in dreams are spirits of the universes that came before, ones that would want justice for their sudden deaths following the universal reset.

Speaking of Eternum...

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So like Re:Creators where the people of Earth think of an idea that brings forth a universe in a different dimension somewhere. However, I would like to present a counterpoint in that everything that has happened past what was said in Andromeda (i.e. the Bleeding Effect/Case, Orion seeing glimpses of elements of Eternum (i.e. Idriel) after ingesting magic mushrooms) appear to be a textbook case of Out-of-Body experience, or Astral Projection:

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So it's possible that the Alien incident is the other way around: instead of people dreaming up concepts and having them be birthed in Eternum, it's possible that the Xenomorphs are natives of Eternum, and that the creators of the 'Alien' franchise actually experienced a 'Bleeding Effect/Case' back in the 70s long before the neural implant and the 'Eternum' VRMMO came to existence. This would, of course, imply that the neural implant is a magitech way of allowing Astral Projection without having to resort to dreaming and hallucinogenic substances - both of which are basically unreliable if the Founder wants people to actually travel in and out of Eternum and stay there for hours upon hours looking for the Gems of Doom.

It also matches with the possible idea that Eternum is actually the Astral Plane/Realm, given that it is said to be a place where spirits and other immaterial beings like Angels and Demons reside. It's possible that Astaroth from OIAL came from this realm or his dimension is found here, and it's possible that the Dreamscape that the protagonist of OIAL visited in 0.2 was actually Eternum.

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Nov 6, 2020
First thing, did you look for the RenPy folder that gets created on your machine? Sorry if that's too basic a question, but some people aren't aware it's there. Even if you deleted your game file and the saves/persistent there, your saves and persistent will also be in that RenPy folder. If you already know this, looked, and didn't find anything, well....

I've played through part 5, but if you like, I can provide a save file and a persistent file, and then you can start a new game, but be able to skip through previous content pretty quickly because of the persistent file. I play on a PC.

One caveat, I've named my character "Wyatt", which will become awkward at the end of Ch5. But, since you'd likely be doing a "from the beginning" run and skipping, that shouldn't be a problem for you to change. I've also been using the LightmanP multimod. I think you could probably switch over to Sancho and use his "save tool" to make things work, but may not have to if you're starting a new game. Not sure how that impacts skipping since it wasn't the mod used in the persistent file.

Let me know if you want me to drop the files here, or if you get a better offer. You could also do a search of the thread because I do think there are at least a few "through Ch4" save files already here, hopefully with the persistent included.
oh damn,you totally right,
my old save is still there,but in different folder because this time i download the original version of the game & not the modded one.
Thanks Son of Durin.


Apr 5, 2022
If you could care less, then you care. The expression, which I only ever see incorrectly in the US, is "I couldn't care less". As in, I don't care at all therefore it's impossible to care less.
You're right, of course. If it eases your heart at all I used "I couldn't care less" properly in an earlier post. I will consider myself chastised. :)
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May 9, 2021
Right, that's two schools of thought then if we're to assume that the Sefirot are indeed the Gems: your position is that the Gems of Doom shape Eternum how the wielder sees fit. My position is that it resets the universe and builds a new one from its ashes, as per the theory* I presented a while back in this thread.

*I say "theory" loosely. More like the ramblings of a madman who had too much coffee and started seeing patterns all over the place, to be honest

The reason why I suggested universal reset is based on the function of the Ein Sof upon materializing as written in the Kaballah - that being to create the universe when there used to be nothing. And so I thought "what happens when you summon a being whose primary function is to create the universe upon manifesting WHILE there is still a universe in place?" And since the Gems of Doom are called that, "Gems of Doom," I thought it's likely that they are named as such: because they bring doom. And nothing says "doom" more than trying to recreate "In the Beginning..." while the old universe is still intact.

It also plays with the idea about the importance of the dead in Eternum's story - both as NPCs (or possibly members of the Syndicate) and from the voices that whisper to Orion and seemingly appear in dreams - in that it's possible that those who whisper and visit Orion in dreams are spirits of the universes that came before, ones that would want justice for their sudden deaths following the universal reset.

Speaking of Eternum...
Absolutely, that's definitely part of it too - it's a fundamental tenet in esotericism that in order to create something, the original thing must at first be destroyed. So in order to mould Eternum into the shape the wielder sees fit, it must be reset. Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra - by fire, nature is renewed. The symbol of the Syndicate is the Ouroboros - another cyclical symbol which reflects the unending cycle of birth, death and the same manner that the breath of Brahma exhales and inhales with each cycle of the Universe...scientists have found that the further away they point their telescopes, the stars and galaxies they see are no longer expanding, but contracting.

If the MC opens the letter the Syndicate gives him, he is given the famous Ephesia Grammata - Askion kataskion lix tetrax damnameneus aision - or loosely translated, 'Shadows are cast on the Earth by the light of the Sun.' This references the other side of the Tree of Life - the Qliphoth...the shells that surround the Sefirot.

The problem, as it has always been, is choice. This is why I say that thoughts spin off a parallel, alternate universe. The laws of Hermeticism state that whatever positive choices you make, a reality must be created in which you chose the negative path...and vice versa. This is what is being asked by Idriel with the coin toss - the coin is neither heads nor tails until you make a choice, and you can either make the same choice or do something different. (Bioshock Infinite made the same comparison)

I'll address the bit about the dead in the next section, cause it relates to something else you mention.

So like Re:Creators where the people of Earth think of an idea that brings forth a universe in a different dimension somewhere. However, I would like to present a counterpoint in that everything that has happened past what was said in Andromeda (i.e. the Bleeding Effect/Case, Orion seeing glimpses of elements of Eternum (i.e. Idriel) after ingesting magic mushrooms) appear to be a textbook case of Out-of-Body experience, or Astral Projection:

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So it's possible that the Alien incident is the other way around: instead of people dreaming up concepts and having them be birthed in Eternum, it's possible that the Xenomorphs are natives of Eternum, and that the creators of the 'Alien' franchise actually experienced a 'Bleeding Effect/Case' back in the 70s long before the neural implant and the 'Eternum' VRMMO came to existence. This would, of course, imply that the neural implant is a magitech way of allowing Astral Projection without having to resort to dreaming and hallucinogenic substances - both of which are basically unreliable if the Founder wants people to actually travel in and out of Eternum and stay there for hours upon hours looking for the Gems of Doom.

It also matches with the possible idea that Eternum is actually the Astral Plane/Realm, given that it is said to be a place where spirits and other immaterial beings like Angels and Demons reside. It's possible that Astaroth from OIAL came from this realm or his dimension is found here, and it's possible that the Dreamscape that the protagonist of OIAL visited in 0.2 was actually Eternum.

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When I speak about alternate/parallel dimensions, there are many ways to get there. Astral projection/lucid dreaming is definitely one of the ways. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole Eternum suit thing was just an easier way to astral project - the connection steps are literally the same (first you try to move your legs, then your arms, before finally you can stand up).

The reason why I believe that everything is a product of the mind comes from two things. First, it's the first principle of Hermeticism - 'the All is Mind, the Universe is Mental'. There is one instance in particular where Idriel makes the Hermetic gesture of 'As above, so below' (pointing up with two fingers to the sky and down with two fingers to the ground) - which is why I think Hermetic teachings are heavily at play here. Many Muslim scholars believe the prophet Idris and Hermes Trismegistus were the same person. And if you compare Idriel to names like Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Raphael, her name literally means 'God's Interpreter'.

Secondly, it's a common theme that ghosts/spirits of the dead are only trapped in a state of purgatory/limbo when they feel that there is something in the real world that is stopping them from crossing over. Did it ever strike you as odd that the prize for solving the case on the Red Herring mystery server was a Gem of Doom? It wasn't a particular difficult or arduous case to solve really, was it? (speaking of which, I would agree with others that have suggested that all NPCs are in fact ex-communicated players who were killed IRL and are now trapped in Eternum - which gives a new context to the phrase that the NPCs keep repeating on that server 'We did something terrible...we deserve it...')

Now, there was always something that bugged me about that particular quest - and it was the fact that there was a newspaper clipping that was stored in the safe from the day AFTER the fire. We know that the mother couldn't have put it in there because she was already dead. And why was the daughter in a room inside the city, when the article states that the mother went back inside the burning house because she believed her daughter was still inside? So here's my thought - that particular 'server' was in fact the dream world/alternate dimension of the father of the family, Mr. Flink. Luna tells us that he was on a business trip outside the city when everything happened...that his insurance covered everything. 'He didn't bat an eye at the destruction that took place here.' Then you've got the little girl, Anne, who says that 'Daddy said he'd bring me my toys.'

My theory is that what we are seeing is the guilty mind of Mr. Flink, who had not only agitated the destruction of a business that was no longer making money to claim the insurance payout, but who had also convinced the mob to destroy his house and make killing his wife like an accident by pretending that they could hear a little girl still inside (while she was safe and sound inside the Brixen building).

That's why the quest ends when the mother and the daughter are reunited. The 'help' that the dead are asking for is to right the wrongs and help them cross over. Most of them have been captured by Ulysses and are being made to serve as NPCs. I'd also say this is the reason why the MC has the powers he does. See, when most people die in Eternum, their lack of synchronisation with the world means in some part of their mind, they know that what they are experiencing is not real, so dying is like waking up from a dream in which you die.

However, the MC has 100% synchronisation naturally, so when he died in Eternum, his mind wasn't kicked out of the system. Instead, it freed him from the restrictions placed upon him by his conscious self (the same way that Neo has to die in the Matrix before he becomes the One). Instead of always having a nagging sensation that this is all just a game like most players have, the MC is so engaged with the world that only death could remind him that it's 'just a game'.

To that end, I would theorise that 'ex-communication' is actually increasing your synchronisation rate to 100%, so when the Praetorians kill you, your body literally has a heart attack from the shock that you didn't just log out of the system when you die. If this is correct, the MC can't be ex-communicated. It's also why he can 'log in' to Eternum without a headset etc.


Aug 18, 2022
From time to time I like to look at the character sheets mid gameplay, Idk if this was mentioned but a small detail I noticed is how Annie's favourite movue changes from Ready Player One to Interstellar after your date c: Is there any other changes like that you guys notice? Or is it just that one


Apr 5, 2022
I saw that too. She had that "I love it" reaction to the movie, so it could simply just be her new favorite movie, but I also suspect that since Eternum seems to be in very large part based on Ready Player One that the dev wanted an organic way to distance the one from the other somewhat and maybe get rid of the the casual references?


Dec 23, 2019
I saw that too. She had that "I love it" reaction to the movie, so it could simply just be her new favorite movie, but I also suspect that since Eternum seems to be in very large part based on Ready Player One that the dev wanted an organic way to distance the one from the other somewhat na dmaybe get rid of the the casual references?
yeah you're reaching out veeeery much. Its only because of the I love it reaction.
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
(Gods, and here I thought I was done with Esotericism after my obsession with Xenogears and Xenosaga ended. DX)

Did it ever strike you as odd that the prize for solving the case on the Red Herring mystery server was a Gem of Doom? It wasn't a particular difficult or arduous case to solve really, was it?
I was under the impression that if the Gems are the Sefirot, then summoning or creating them would simply require finishing a task that is representative of each emanation/attribute (at least, I'm assuming Caribdis would try to simplify it that way instead of having us go through the Ultima IV treatment of going on a spiritual journey to master and become the personification of all the emanations of the Sefirot...otherwise I'm not sure how even the Founder or Ulysses corp could make that exciting in any way to the typical MMO player who is unaware that or she is participating in what could possibly be the ritual that would doom their universe).

The Ten Sefirot (Lurianic Kabballah)

Chochmah - Wisdom, Insight
Binah - Intelligence, Understanding
Daat - Knowledge, Principle
Chessed - Kindness, Giving
Gevurah - Strength, Discipline
Tiferet - Beauty, Harmony
Netzach - Triumph, Determination
Hod - Glory, Dignity
Yesod - Foundation, Connection
Malchut- Kingship, Leadership

(For the Cordoveran Kabballah you just replace Daat with Keter (Crown, Will), though the reason why I cited from the Lurianic Kabballah is it feels easier to make up scenarios/tasks that represent the emanations/attributes that way (at least, for me, it could be that Caribdis is using Cordoveran, we'll never know until the theories are proven or not))

This would explain why the Founder needs NPCs and have the players go through quests (at least, in my opinion): the quests serve as ritual, and it's up to the player to play their part in finishing said ritual and thus, summon or will the corresponding Sefirot to existence. It's also possibly why he's having us travel to many worlds to look for the gems: because you need to be in a specific place and meet specific conditions in order for the Sefirot to manifest (conditions that NPCs could readily replicate upon command, you just need Ulysses corp to furnish the "ritual site" and the necessary elements for the "ritual").

Of course, it could also explain why he needs a lot - and I mean a lot - of manpower in order to do this and why collecting them is taking so damn long: the rituals are not set in stone. It could be that there's a ton of ways to interpret the required guidelines/theme for the ritual, and so the Founder and Ulysses corp try to test all possible permutations in worlds where the Gems could likely manifest until they hit the mark.

So going back to the Mystery Server you could say (hypothetically) that the Gem in question is Chessed, because the conditions presented by the quest requires the player to show Kindness (i.e. provide the young Anne Flink with a doll to coax her to tell what she needs, and then provide her a picture of her mother since she wants to see her). Of course, it's also possible that there's more to this at play other than just performing the ritual at a specific place at a specific time and under specific conditions (i.e. locations where Gems of Doom are located are places where the Syndicate have actively shown themselves to Orion...maybe there's a the dead are attracted to places where the Gems are located or where they could possibly manifest and since the Syndicate are possibly spirits that's where they show up. It's also possibly why Thanatos has an advantage when it comes to finding the Gems, because it's possible that being dead allows him to track where the Gems are, and thus allows him to simply steal the Gems from players)

Again, this is just my personal theory. Yours is just as likely to be true, given the existence of literature out there that tells of Dreamers being able to shape/influence the dream world. The only thing stopping me from subscribing to this theory is the existence of this mysterious bastard who's implying that you can't shape the world the way server shapers could:

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To that end, I would theorise that 'ex-communication' is actually increasing your synchronisation rate to 100%, so when the Praetorians kill you, your body literally has a heart attack from the shock that you didn't just log out of the system when you die. If this is correct, the MC can't be ex-communicated. It's also why he can 'log in' to Eternum without a headset etc.
That remains to be seen though. Only way to test this theory is to have MC be hit by an excommunication ray from the Praetorians...which is something that could possibly happen in the future...or so my gut tells me anyway (it's one of two hypothetical scenarios I'm theorycrafting that could result in Calypso crossing over to the "real" world, mainly because it's the biggest story bombshell I could think of that would reveal to Orion and co that Eternum is absolutely NOT a VRMMO...and mainly because I personally think Calypso needs some much-needed bonding time with everyone. Girl needs to get out more instead of wasting away in some shitty Inn IMO).
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Apr 5, 2022
yeah you're reaching out veeeery much. Its only because of the I love it reaction.
Yep, could very well be, but there was also a reason why Ready Player One was selected as her favorite movie in the first place. In any case, I try not to go too far down the rabbit hole on this stuff. Had it been any other movie mentioned I probably would have ignored it completely but RPO is such a direct and obvious reference that there's the possibility that it meant something.

Son of Durin

Engaged Member
Jul 5, 2021
oh damn,you totally right,
my old save is still there,but in different folder because this time i download the original version of the game & not the modded one.
Thanks Son of Durin.
You always DL the original - you have to add the mod. Once you add the updated version of the same mod, everything should work just fine.


Mar 20, 2020
Visuals look excellent (and if it's not made by the developer, then their usage is very well done)

I think 2023 is gonna be a very strong year for Ero-VNs


Nov 6, 2020
You always DL the original - you have to add the mod. Once you add the updated version of the same mod, everything should work just fine.
forgot to tell that i'am using Android, different sign name means different data folder game.
my old save data is on different folder.
so what can i say is,your first/basic advice is the one that help me,thank you .
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May 9, 2021
(Gods, and here I thought I was done with Esotericism after my obsession with Xenogears and Xenosaga ended. DX)

I was under the impression that if the Gems are the Sefirot, then summoning or creating them would simply require finishing a task that is representative of each emanation/attribute (at least, I'm assuming Caribdis would try to simplify it that way instead of having us go through the Ultima IV treatment of going on a spiritual journey to master and become the personification of all the emanations of the Sefirot...otherwise I'm not sure how even the Founder or Ulysses corp could make that exciting in any way to the typical MMO player who is unaware that or she is participating in what could possibly be the ritual that would doom their universe).

The Ten Sefirot (Lurianic Kabballah)

Chochmah - Wisdom, Insight
Binah - Intelligence, Understanding
Daat - Knowledge, Principle
Chessed - Kindness, Giving
Gevurah - Strength, Discipline
Tiferet - Beauty, Harmony
Netzach - Triumph, Determination
Hod - Glory, Dignity
Yesod - Foundation, Connection
Malchut- Kingship, Leadership

(For the Cordoveran Kabballah you just replace Daat with Keter (Crown, Will), though the reason why I cited from the Lurianic Kabballah is it feels easier to make up scenarios/tasks that represent the emanations/attributes that way (at least, for me, it could be that Caribdis is using Cordoveran, we'll never know until the theories are proven or not))

This would explain why the Founder needs NPCs and have the players go through quests (at least, in my opinion): the quests serve as ritual, and it's up to the player to play their part in finishing said ritual and thus, summon or will the corresponding Sefirot to existence. It's also possibly why he's having us travel to many worlds to look for the gems: because you need to be in a specific place and meet specific conditions in order for the Sefirot to manifest (conditions that NPCs could readily replicate upon command, you just need Ulysses corp to furnish the "ritual site" and the necessary elements for the "ritual").

Of course, it could also explain why he needs a lot - and I mean a lot - of manpower in order to do this and why collecting them is taking so damn long: the rituals are not set in stone. It could be that there's a ton of ways to interpret the required guidelines/theme for the ritual, and so the Founder and Ulysses corp try to test all possible permutations in worlds where the Gems could likely manifest until they hit the mark.

So going back to the Mystery Server you could say (hypothetically) that the Gem in question is Chessed, because the conditions presented by the quest requires the player to show Kindness (i.e. provide the young Anne Flink with a doll to coax her to tell what she needs, and then provide her a picture of her mother since she wants to see her). Of course, it's also possible that there's more to this at play other than just performing the ritual at a specific place at a specific time and under specific conditions (i.e. locations where Gems of Doom are located are places where the Syndicate have actively shown themselves to Orion...maybe there's a the dead are attracted to places where the Gems are located or where they could possibly manifest and since the Syndicate are possibly spirits that's where they show up. It's also possibly why Thanatos has an advantage when it comes to finding the Gems, because it's possible that being dead allows him to track where the Gems are, and thus allows him to simply steal the Gems from players)

Again, this is just my personal theory. Yours is just as likely to be true, given the existence of literature out there that tells of Dreamers being able to shape/influence the dream world. The only thing stopping me from subscribing to this theory is the existence of this mysterious bastard who's implying that you can't shape the world the way server shapers could:

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That remains to be seen though. Only way to test this theory is to have MC be hit by an excommunication ray from the Praetorians...which is something that could possibly happen in the future...or so my gut tells me anyway (it's one of two hypothetical scenarios I'm theorycrafting that could result in Calypso crossing over to the "real" world, mainly because it's the biggest story bombshell I could think of that would reveal to Orion and co that Eternum is absolutely NOT a VRMMO...and mainly because I personally think Calypso needs some much-needed bonding time with everyone. Girl needs to get out more instead of wasting away in some shitty Inn IMO).
I agree that the Mystery server gem is related to Kindness/Chessed. I’d also say that the first gem Thanatos ever found is most likely Gevurah/Strength, based on his obsession with being the strongest.

I’m also of the opinion that the three weapons of Atlas - Calypso, Dione and Hyas - are needed to procure the three intellect sefirot (Chochmah/Wisdom, Binah/Understanding and Da’at/Knowledge). Hyas I believe is associated with Da’at (the suit of Swords in Tarot is associated with logic/decision making) - but it’s the weakest because while logic/knowledge can cut through anything, it doesn’t have the ability to adapt to situations the way that the other two can. I would say Calypso is related to Chochmah, and Dione is Binah. Dione becomes whatever weapon it understands the user needs in any given context. For example, there’s no reason in the last episode that Nova couldn’t have just used her skill as a sniper to take out both opponents. But instead, Dione became an RPG. Why? Because it understood that Nova felt the need to impress the other two and a sniper taking out two people from that distance wouldn’t be impressive at all. I’d like to know more about the one shot that Nova missed - I think we’ll find that the person she was targeting will turn up and be a vital part of the story.

Calypso being related Chochmah is self-explanatory. She obviously knows a lot more than she is letting on.
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
/takes a nap for a bit

/wakes up

Brain: .

Me: ...Are we really going to do this? I just woke up.

Brain: The current working theory we have is that the letter is going to be used at some point by Orion to avoid a disastrous event that's looming on the horizon or to protect him from the after effects-

Me (sighs): Yes, we basically theorycrafted that - assuming that the "Orion will be excommunicated in the future" scenario comes to pass, that would be his ace in the hole to prevent him from becoming brainwashed. That's assuming though that excommunication automatically transfers the consciousness to a facility where they are to be processed into becoming an NPC. Or the Praetorians haul his dead ass to said facility and he wakes up, doesn't recall his memories, possibly sees symbol of the Syndicate in the facility or something similar, recalls the event prior to the Garrington heist, opens the letter, then gets his memory restored and be protected from whatever the facility is slowly doing to him and thus transforming him into an NPC.

Brain: Like an antimemetic tool.

Me (preparing coffee): Yeah, pretty much. I'm guessing you're starting to have doubts if you're bringing this up, though.

Brain: ...

Me (blows smoke from coffee and sips it): OsirianObsidian's words regarding the Ephisia Grammata's connection to the Qliphoth?

Brain: ...What if the letter isn't just a letter of protection but also an invitation?

Me (stops sipping coffee): ...I don't follow.

Brain: Recall the Yggdrassil theory. The one we came up with which could serve as a theoretical map of Eternum but then discarded before we could post it because we accepted that Eternum exists in a metaphysical space and likely can't be mapped by normal means.

Me: The one that's ripped from MCU Thor lore? The one that states that the Yggdrassil isn't so much as a literal tree but rather the representation of the cosmos?

Brain: Assuming that the Gems are the Sefirot then that means they make up a Tree of Life, yes? Well what if Eternum as a whole is represented by that tree? Not a 1:1 mapping but just a representation in a metaphorical sense?

Me: ...Okay? And?

Brain: ..."Shadows are cast on the Earth by the light of the Sun."

Me (gears start turning on head, and then): ...Planeshift.

Brain (finger snaps): Heads and Tails, baby. Flipping the damn thing and moving to the side that exists in parallel.

Me: And you think this other side is-

Brain: Qliphoth, yes. Or Sitra Achra ("The Other Side," as termed by the Kabbalah), if we're being literal about it.

Me: So you think the letter is possibly a key, a way for Orion and co to access Qliphoth/Sitra Achra, the realm that exists in parallel to Eternum? The side that Orion sees when he uses his power but can't interact with? The side where the dead untouched by Ulysses and is the source of the voices can likely be seen?

Brain: A realm that also requires anyone who shifts over to be protected by something, yes. Protection could also mean a pass of sorts, like how people who are given certain items grant them safe passage or allow them to move freely in lands without risk of being shot, that sort of thing.

Me: That still doesn't explain the cryptic words of the Syndicate Member who gave the letter, though...

Brain: Single use scroll, likely usable only at the right place at the right time. Remember that our current stance is that the letter could've come from the Lady in Black (who we have theorized to be Idriel, or at least an aspect of her that shows up...maybe that's what she looks like when she shifts to the Qliphoth/Sitra Achra realm?) And we're also theorizing that Idriel has a gift of prophecy (because blind prophetess trope), so it's on brand for someone like her to have sent that letter and have it only be usable once the conditions are met.

Me: Mhm.

Brain: It also doesn't erase the possibility that it could've been sent to avert an incoming threat and the Syndicate can't give that letter in the future because of factors they have foreseen and/or because the meeting prior to the Garrington heist is the only time they can interact with Orion undisturbed. Maybe the Praetorians jump on Orion and co when they start digging too much on the truth about the NPCs, and maybe they track down Benjie's NPC self in a place where the symbol scrawled in the letter is seen, indicating that Orion IS at the right place at the right time, and he and the girls use that letter to shift to Qliphoth/Sitra Achra and thus evade capture or excommunication.

Me: Thus initiating the fated meeting between the Lady in Black and/or the Syndicate and Orion, and the revelation of certain facts about the Gems and Eternum and everything?

Brain: Yeap.

Me (leans back on chair and sips coffee, lost in thought): ...

Brain: Still unconvinced?

Me:'s definitely a plausible theory. We could it on the theory board for the time being and see if it plays out as you say.

Brain: Aight.
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