It is a completly reasonable response though. As much it pains me, I don't want him to burn out, he's a cool guy, I also want a quality product in Eternum, and let's be honest, it is Eternum that is paying his bills atm.
Still saddens me a bit though, as much as I don't expect him to edit Oailt until Eternum is finished and I understand why, since HS2 to HS1 is a huge difference, at the same time it gives a feel he won't ever pick it anymore. I fucking love Eternum, but Oailt still has a spot in my heart and even nostalgia was great seeing Caribdis growth in development since first release. You don't see such a difference in Eternum due already having experience in developing.
Of course Eternum is a completly different deal and the quality increase is immense, but yeah, there's that nostalgia. Also as much I love Eternum girls, Carla is probably one the best milf out there, it achieved a great balance between looking good and still noticing the age difference to others, besides her great personality.
I'm probably being a bit unfair though, I dunno how Caribdis does it, but he has a gift to make the LI still different yet extremely likeable. Of course people around here have their prefs, but I don't recall anyone here (besides the obvious trolls) saying they hate any of the girl who are LI in Eternum. I could be wrong of course, but it's the idea I have.